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  1. MrMeaner

    Player Watch Pick #12 (2018) - Zak Butters

    The MRO is a literal Muppet. I just haven't worked out which one.
  2. MrMeaner

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    We don't play the teams we run up the score on Ken's win-loss ratio in finals.
  3. MrMeaner

    Resource Potential Port Adelaide father son players

    I forgot but think he has a November birthday. So, fair enough.
  4. MrMeaner

    Resource Potential Port Adelaide father son players

    Mid-40s? Has he aged 3 years slower than me? I would love to think of myself as mid-40s but am firmly in the late 40s now. (I was in Wilbur's class at school for most of my schooling and played with him at Districts).
  5. MrMeaner

    Roast I've lost my faith in Chris Davies

    Who, in the situation bucky described above, do you think has the greater responsibility: the bloke paid good money to represent the club and make sure it performs, or the supporter who pays money to watch and support the club? Of course, this is rhetorical because we know you just like being a...
  6. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    This really has been a boring game
  7. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Dixon playing for his chance for more money, playing 16 games per year.
  8. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Sure. Don't
  9. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    That high press is great, eh?
  10. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    With the pea-hearts on the board, yep.
  11. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    "The crowd rises as one." The crowd cheers ironically.
  12. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Richmond know if you get it wide out of congestion, we are ****ed because all our players have sucked into the vortex. It's good coaching.
  13. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    See, you need at least two touches after a Boak possession for it to go through the big sticks.
  14. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Having to watch for him flying through would be distracting.
  15. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    There was not enough of a buffer between Boak's and Rozee's kicks for that to go through
  16. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    That's the Trav we know
  17. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Worth waiting two years for that in the side.
  18. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    I understand the going rate is $800K per year and you get to sit on the bench.
  19. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Put Dixon back in the side and all the forwards try for the wrestle
  20. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    We really need to be commended for persisting with Dixon. Everyone else would have delisted someone who only had one arm.
  21. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Something changed at that throw in: Rozee blocked for JHF. That's something.
  22. MrMeaner

    Game Day Port vs Richmond

    Can we dream?
  23. MrMeaner

    MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

    It's unlikely. Tribunals and lower courts get overturned on appeal all the time. They then take the direction from the appeals board/court and keep going. Also, Gleeson is busy with other parts of his practice that's why Enbom has had responsibility for the tribunal recently. He and Enbom are...
  24. MrMeaner

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    I’m serious that we need to take list management issues away from Hinkley and CD. They cannot hamstring the next coach.
  25. MrMeaner

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    Does Houston play Fortnite?
  26. MrMeaner

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    I'd prefer if any trades/list management decisions were being made by anyone but the zombies currently in charge.
  27. MrMeaner

    MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

    I'm not one of Cameron's fans and think he often snipes opponents. But this is not one of those occasions. He did nothing wrong in that tackle. There was nothing he could have reasonably done differently.
  28. MrMeaner

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    We aren't losing to Richmond. Besides anything else, they have a number 1 draft pick to play for.
  29. MrMeaner

    MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

    He could have stopped after 'system' and the answer would have been a resounding yes. The only doubt is whether it is one thing wrong or many.