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  1. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 12 Discussion - Big Noses Appreciation Rnd

    If my scores are anything to go by, 1895 incoming;)
  2. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 4 Discussion - Gather Round

    Continuing on with the trainwreck theme that has been this season. 7/599. Not taking the 129 on offer from VC Max has me apologising to all Tom Green owners in advance. Since when is 129 not good enough?? Disaster incoming.
  3. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    1902. Not great but in the scheme of things not terrible. $495K to spend when the candy shop opens up. Want Green but might have to fix my backline a bit
  4. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Only have Mass today. Will nudge 2000 if he can peel off about 230. I'm hopeful.
  5. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Hoping for an anti SBS today. Bont, Libba, Reid (please show why we paid $200K plus). Fllowed by Heeney, Grundy, Jordan, Roberts and Campbell (running with him over Windsors 56.) Although I can see a 28 incoming
  6. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Another stellar score incoming. predicted score of 1800
  7. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Yeah I started with Sheezel. The way they look for him makes him almost the biggest no-brainer going. I went Young to Massimo and have $495K next week and will probably look at a Sicily/Stewart/Ryan type. Or maybe Tom Green. Not going to lose sleep over Young
  8. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Traded out Young and Dawson this week. The potential was always going to be there to get burnt. Just glad it was only one of them and the replacements have made up for it. Very happy to see the arse end of Dawson. If he ever comes good he can come back in for under $400. 7/795 at the moment...
  9. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Traded out Young and Dawson this week. The potential was always going to be there to get burnt. Just glad it was only one of them and the replacements have made up for it. Very happy to see the arse end of Dawson. If he ever comes good he can come back in for under $400. 7/795 at the moment...
  10. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 3 Discussion

    Jason Bennett does a lot of VFL and AFLW. Its got me buggered how he isn't with one of the main broadcasters doing AFL games. He shits all over what we currently have to listen to.
  11. Pedro

    Trades 2024 Round 3 Trades

    Feels good to Give Dawson, Young & Berry the flick. Bringing in Serong, Merret & Mass. Dunno if I'll stick with it but might just do it a few more times for the feels. Would leave me with $158K to fix 2 of Gibcus, Coffield & Reid next week. Best 18 again helps in the short term. Might hang...
  12. Pedro

    Game Day 2024 Round 2 Discussion

    Newbie around these parts, so I won't post a good score. Fact is, I don't have one. 1850. Thinking of petitioning the SC people for a prize for last place as my ranking will no doubt be hitting 6 figures:poo:
  13. Pedro

    Discussion 2024 General Discussion / Help

  14. Pedro

    Discussion 2024 General Discussion / Help

    Evening all. Just a quick one which may have already been answered, but is there any necessity to even name a team for round 0?
  15. Pedro

    Leagues 2023 SuperCoach Leagues - FULL & CLOSED

    Hope I'm not steeping on toes, but i joined the Div 22 league. Based on last year, thats about my rightful place:(. Finished about 35000
  16. Pedro

    Trades Round 5 Trades

    I don't think it is if 1 is going to potentially make $200K pretty quickly
  17. Pedro

    Trades Round 5 Trades

    Unsure what do do this week. I have Butters to deal with as well as intending to bing in Waterman. Can't decide which spud to flick for Waterman. Looking at Brockman, Scott and Campbell (Who I'd rather keep). Nothing I've seen from the other two scream out points incoming or much in the way...
  18. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    Maybe with Adams out, JDG might be forced into the middle a bit more. He's never going to be consistent though. For the money he thinks he's worth, the 1 good game in 4 pisses me right off
  19. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    2308 after a bit of a bump to Impey and Chapman
  20. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    2290 pre scaling. Pretty happy with Jordan being the only real fail.
  21. Pedro

    Position 2021 Rookies

    I agree about playing 'our' kids. Who knows if they're ready. Henry was obviously considered the most ready, and he looked totally lost. It absolutely rubbish that the VFL season hasn't started, yet we are 4 games in to the season. None of these kids have played a real game yet.
  22. Pedro

    Position 2021 Rookies

    I actually think he's going ok. He only a dozen games in to his career and shows a fair bit of in-close ability. He needs to learn how to get more of the ball but if he's forced to be a starting mid right now, then god help us
  23. Pedro

    Position 2021 Rookies

    You can almost feel The West Coast trembling in fear already
  24. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    11/1281 at the moment inc Macrae's VC which I took. After sitting at the G last night watching Grundy's putrid performance, I'm glad I didn't get too greedy, which I was contemplating. Today sees me with Tex, Powell, Oliver, J Clark, Berry, Jordan, Gawn, Impey, Laird, Ziebull and Chapman.
  25. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    You can set your clock to it
  26. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    Big night tonight. Dusty, Short, Houston & Butters. The two Port boys could make me or break me looking at my match-ups.
  27. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    I have NFI. I understand that the young blokes cop a bit of stick. But guys like T.Brown are only 12 or so games in. WHE has all the talent but a heart the size of a pea. Should have been out of the side mid last year. I can even tolerate C.Mayne and Madgen. At least they have a dip
  28. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    He hasn't gone near anyone in a long time. Why start now?
  29. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    WHE has Mummy covered. By at least 100 yards.
  30. Pedro

    Game Day Round 4 Matchday Discussion

    Watching that pre season game, he was the one rookie I was most bullish about. Hasn't disappointed. He's a future gun for sure.