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  1. DavyRed

    Ch 7 Commentary - is it intervention time?

    Bruce was one of my favourite commentators in the 90s. Unfortunately his problems started when 7 got the TV rights back in 2006 and he’s got progressively worse since then. As someone else said, he’s become a sad parody of himself. I think at least some of the blame, perhaps most, sits with the...
  2. DavyRed

    Dwayne ' shit commentator ' Russell - PART 2 in 3d

    Oh for goodness sake!
  3. DavyRed

    Dwayne ' shit commentator ' Russell - PART 2 in 3d

    I’ve noticed over the last few weeks that he has a new favourite word. No longer do players punch or fist the ball, oh no, now they “knuckle” it :sick:
  4. DavyRed

    Can anything be done about Bruce?

    Many years ago he was just about my favourite commentator, now, I just can't stand him. He's become a sad caricature of himself and I do find myself hitting the mute when he's commentating. It's a toss up between him and Dwayne as to who I hate the most.
  5. DavyRed

    FTA-TV bruce mcavaney

    He was just about my favorite commentator a decade or so ago, certainly top three, but I'm afraid that I cannot stand the guy now. It's got to the point where everything he says annoys me. Damn shame really.