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  1. C

    Things that shit me

    the mere notion that these days a happy meal costs $4.25 and wen u order one the dude at the counter asks if you want "fries or a bag of fruit" - are you ****ing shitting me. A happy meal is a bloody cheeseburger, small fries and coke. Dont even get me started on this chicken nugget bullshit...
  2. C

    Things that shit me

    simple really - name something that really gets your goat Cyclists riding on the road The Irwins People Who use the phrase "chillax" Coke Zero Womens Cricket People who abbrev-E-8 everything Emotocons in text messages Please feel free to add and vent your frustration
  3. C

    Election. who are you voting for?

    good to see you got the reference!!
  4. C

    Election. who are you voting for?

    fine... throw your vote away
  5. C

    Election. who are you voting for?

    who are you going to vote for next month?
  6. C

    X-MAS presents for kids how many is enough?

    1 from santa lots from mum and dad total value approx 300 dollars creappy gifts from aunties uncles and grandparents
  7. C

    Wisdom teeth

    i got mine out this morning and i feel fine, how long do most people take to get over it?
  8. C

    Uni offers

    got offered physiotherapy at Curtin University in WA. that was my first preference. i rejected it. i dont want to have to touch hairy women
  9. C

    Best user names on BigFooty (past and present)

  10. C

    Signed cap Australian Test cricket squad 1995... worth anything???

    we have a memorabilia board? sorry HBF
  11. C

    i got screwed over by the licencing center

    Yeah complain. Bicth and moan and waste their time just as they have wasted yours.
  12. C

    Signed cap Australian Test cricket squad 1995... worth anything???

    i have this cap and was going to put it on ebay to see if its worth anything. has the following signatures M.A.Taylor (capt), I.A.Healy, G.S.Blewett, D.C.Boon, D.W.Fleming, J.L.Langer, T.B.A.May, C.J.McDermott, G.D.McGrath, R.T.Ponting, P.R.Reiffel, M.J.Slater, S.K.Warne, M.E.Waugh...
  13. C

    2006 VCE Results

    is that the same scoring system as the TEE in WA. I mean is a score of 85 indicative of the fact that you have been placed ahead of 85 percent of the state? i just got my TEE results and i scored 94.00 which i was quite happy with. this means im in the top 6% of WA year twelves
  14. C

    Best way to escape from a bad one night stand?

    Paul Simon pretty much summed it up for me Just slip out the back Jack Make a new plan Stan No need to be coy Roy Just listen to me Hop on the bus gus don't need to discuss much just drop off the key Lee and get yourself free
  15. C

    Life's Good Right Now

    Just thaught i'd let you know that i finished my TEE exams today and am going on leavers/schoolies in a week. Lifes pretty good for me at the moment. How are things with you?
  16. C

    Texts Related To Growing Up In Australia

    Broken lives presents an accurate depiction of Perth in the 1950's and 1960's. Bit long though
  17. C

    Are you a lurker, a contributor, or a 'no lifer'?

    1.13 posts per day... wat am i? I have a life... everyone with more then me per day does not
  18. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    dude you should be shot
  19. C


    This one time i cut off a guys hand!!!
  20. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    On a keyboard.. I think not s-c-e are all on the left side
  21. C

    Manual or automatic?

    Driving manuals keeps my mind on the job... When driving an auto i tend to drift away and space cadet too much. I think its best for all concerned if i drive a manual
  22. C

    Smoke alarm question

    My dads a fireman so we've got heaps. Our last count revealed 9 in out average sized house. He sees the effects of not having a smoke alarm. Most people in WA have them now i think though and it shows. There hasnt been a fatality in WA in a house fire this year.
  23. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Nokia was founded in 1865. 108 years before the first mobile phone in 1973
  24. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Re: Tell us a stupid peice of trivia Thread except when said "a" as in "Neighbour" and "Weigh"
  25. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Simple solution would be to put the lid down before flushing.... But that would be a bit faggy for my liking... Bring on the poo (That sounded even gayer.....) Oh well too late to take it back now Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside
  26. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    You just changed my life... you have no idea how scared i am right now.
  27. C

    the origin of your username/screen name

    I joined a cricket team and they already had a Matt... Everyone just started calling me Casey ... Hey wait a minute... Casey's a girls name
  28. C

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivea

    Tell us a stupid peice of trivia Thread A blue whales heart is the size of a voltswagon
  29. C

    Simultaneous Twins Experiences

    zero... Identical triplets dont exhist. A zygote can only divide two ways to create two identical beings. to have three there must be atleast two ovum released from the ovary. Or so im lead to beleive.
  30. C

    David Tench

    It reminds me of GABBO I'm guessing David Tench is someguy, whose name is David Tench who is this dude?