2006 VCE Results

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yeh but there also gaining education and getting paid for it

See i find going to uni and doing a trade very comparable really..

Say you are doing a three year apprentership and someone else is doinga 3 year uni course.

The first couple of years and maybe even the third you will earn ******** all doing MOST apprenterships.

I just finished first year at uni and i was working 20 hours a week and earning more than my mates doing apprenterships working 40+ hours a week. As i get older my pay goes up pretty much as theres does so its quite comparable there. Either way you are getting an education and getting paid while doing it (assuming you have a job while at uni).

The real differences are that when you finish your apprentership you will be on a higher salary than most first year uni grads. But the past 3 years you have been working full time, whereas the uni students have (arguably) had alot more fun and been out alot more.

I think in financial terms most apprenterships will be far more beneficial for the ages between 18-30 but after that i think the uni grads will probably be better off, both physically and financially. Ultimately they are both good choices, its those that arent doing either that are in more trouble.

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Many people poo poo ENTERs but I find them very reliable as a way of measuring someone. E.g. university grades are pointless. If you ask someone for his average grade he might say 95, but he may have done really easy subjects at some backyard university. Some guy might have gotten an average grade of 60 doing tough subjects at a prestigious university. The benefit of the ENTER is that the statisticians carefully standardize everything so that it's all fair. It's a pretty good measure of a student's aptitude. I know many firms that still ask for ENTERs mainly for vacation work and internships.
Thats rubbish, people can do easy subjects in VCE just like they can in uni. Makes no difference.

I think what nokiacasio is referring to is the scaling of subject scores in VCE. All subjects are weighted in terms of students relative performance. Someone who does 'easier' subjects in VCE (such as Further Maths) will receive lower marks than an equivalent student doing 'harder' subjects (such as Specialist Maths, or a LOTE) and hence recieve a lower ENTER. Whereas at uni there is no scaling. Someone may get an HD average in their degree (despite doing 'easy' subjects) will look better than someone who could only manage a C average (despite doing 'hard subjects).
I know a girl who got a HD in Maths C, and failed a maths subject at Uni.

You know, that as long as you get the degree, it don't matter what eletist University you went to.

A nurse or doctor is going to get a job anywhere in Australia, in any area they want.same with other health professionals and teachers.
is that the same scoring system as the TEE in WA. I mean is a score of 85 indicative of the fact that you have been placed ahead of 85 percent of the state? i just got my TEE results and i scored 94.00 which i was quite happy with. this means im in the top 6% of WA year twelves
Many people poo poo ENTERs but I find them very reliable as a way of measuring someone. E.g. university grades are pointless. If you ask someone for his average grade he might say 95, but he may have done really easy subjects at some backyard university. Some guy might have gotten an average grade of 60 doing tough subjects at a prestigious university. The benefit of the ENTER is that the statisticians carefully standardize everything so that it's all fair. It's a pretty good measure of a student's aptitude. I know many firms that still ask for ENTERs mainly for vacation work and internships.

The ENTER score is purely a measure of how hard you're willing to work, not how intelligent you are.

Its a major problem I find with the world, hard work is more likely to be rewarded than natural talent.
Many people poo poo ENTERs but I find them very reliable as a way of measuring someone. E.g. university grades are pointless. If you ask someone for his average grade he might say 95, but he may have done really easy subjects at some backyard university. Some guy might have gotten an average grade of 60 doing tough subjects at a prestigious university. The benefit of the ENTER is that the statisticians carefully standardize everything so that it's all fair. It's a pretty good measure of a student's aptitude. I know many firms that still ask for ENTERs mainly for vacation work and internships.

Wrong, VCE exam results reward and is an indication of hard work and study
Its a major problem I find with the world, hard work is more likely to be rewarded than natural talent.

I sincerely hope you dont mean that. Thats the way it should be. You may be intellegent, but if you are not smart enough to realise the importance of VCE, take time to manage your study, pick the right subject and work hard, then its your fault if you get a bad enter.

The VCE system is pretty good in my eye and for what i said above is a fair indiction of what type of person you are or employee you will be. It combines natural intellegence and work ethic.
The ENTER score is purely a measure of how hard you're willing to work, not how intelligent you are.

Its a major problem I find with the world, hard work is more likely to be rewarded than natural talent.

That's a problem?

If I were an employer, I'd rather hire a hard-working normal IQ guy over a lazy high IQ guy. At least the normal IQ guy is getting something done even though it's not that good while the high IQ guy does nothing but sleep. Intelligence is nothing without action.
The ENTER score is purely a measure of how hard you're willing to work, not how intelligent you are.

Its a major problem I find with the world, hard work is more likely to be rewarded than natural talent.

:confused: how is that anything but a good thing.

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For many of these reasons I find ENTERs highly reliable as a measure of a person and if I were hiring people for a firm I would definitely consider it among other things such as work experience.
wtf guys. I just finished year 12... I cant believe your still talking about school. I love doing nothing, its awesome. If only someone paid me.
i dont believe vce was hard, it just required a lot of effort. I find uni (doing physio) much easier as all u require is 50%, where as at school i wanted 95% or so. Got an enter of 97 and tried much harder at school than i am at uni, yet i still pass uni quite comfortably.

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2006 VCE Results

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