2009 BigFooty Div 5

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BigFooty Div 5
        [COLOR="Red"]geelong_boy[/COLOR]     Paleros FC                        473
33	[COLOR="Red"]matthewlloydwebber[/COLOR] the poontang clan   	42,980	  639
34	[COLOR="Red"]Teh_Nub[/COLOR]  	Dmac                   	42,969	  650
	[COLOR="Red"]The J Dog[/COLOR]	Twin Towers         	42,966	  655
	[COLOR="Red"]Budgie63[/COLOR]	BUDGIE'S CHAMPS  	42,949	  677
	[COLOR="Red"]Saint KFC[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"](Captain)[/COLOR] SAINT KFC           42,948	  678
	[COLOR="red"]HowBoutThemDoggies[/COLOR] Bulldog Breed 09               711
36	[COLOR="Red"]Harro[/COLOR]      	DOMinators           	42,903	  724
37	[COLOR="Red"]biggy_boy[/COLOR]	G-Team                	42,888	  742
38	[COLOR="Red"]Drummond[/COLOR]	??                 	42,881	  747
	[COLOR="red"]NANX[/COLOR]      	2girls1handball         42,874	  755
39	[COLOR="red"]Kerr brownlow 08[/COLOR] the janitor            42,859	  771
40	[COLOR="red"]Refried Noodle[/COLOR]	Squishy Squiddies	42,855	  776
        [COLOR="red"]Punga[/COLOR]           Chicken                 42,827  
        [COLOR="Red"]ANGEL DARK[/COLOR]      ??                              ~ 750
        [COLOR="Red"]buddyhawks23[/COLOR]    ??                        ~ 700 - 800
Congratulations Div 5 - there are still very high quality coaches in this league.

Please use this thread to help marry the BigFooty name to the Dream Team name (for future identification issues), to record on-going scores in table form, and for general league related banter.

Please use the social group for private communication and tactical discussion.

Nice to see a few fellow Sainters up there in the rarified air - including Captain Saint KFC - congratulations and thank you

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Hey Saint KFC - has everyone joined the league you created yet?

If so - or when they all do can you update the Dream Team names and associate them with the BigFooty names so that we have a template to use when we just copy and paste the league table.
Saint KFC (aka Saint KFC)
Chicken (aka Punga)
Squishy Squiddies (aka Refried Noodle)
2girls1handball (aka NANX)
Twin Towers (aka the J Dog)
the poontang clan (aka matthewlloydwebber)
Dmac! (aka Teh_nub)
DOMinators (aka Harro)
G-Team (aka biggy_boy)
Budgie's Champs (aka Budgie63)
Bulldog Breed09 (aka HowBoutThemDoggies)
Paleros FC (aka geelong_boy)
BEN2006 (aka ANGEL DARK)
sanjeet ramnaresh (aka kerr brownlow 08)
Dan's Destroyers (Drummond)

Buddyhawks23 misses out and is replaced by

The Ablett Family (aka Lakey91)
I have sent PM's to Drummond, Kerr brownlow and ANGEL DARK. Buddyhawks has a red card though, and hasn't been active for a while. I left him a visitor message anyway

Drummond and Kerr Brownlow shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know anything about ANGEL DARK ???? and hopefully buddyhawks comes good once his red card runs out.

Lets give it a little more time

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In the form of:
#. BigfootyUsername..............Team Name.............Latest Round Score

1. Saint KFC.........................Saint KFC................2160
season total: 2160
season average: 2160

2. biggy_boy........................G-Team..................2,041
season total: 2041
season average: 2041

3. Teh_Nub..........................Dmac!....................2,029
season total: 2029
season average: 2029

4. Drummond.......................Dan's Destroyers.......2,023
season total: 2023
season average: 2023

5. Harro..............................DOMinators..............2,018
season total: 2018
season average: 2018

6. Punga............................Chicken....................2,006
season total: 2006
season average:2006

7. ANGEL DARK....................BEN2006...................2,002
season total: 2002
season average: 2002

8. Lakey91........................The Ablett Family.........1,996
season total: 1996
season average: 1996

9. Budgie63.......................Budgie's Champs..........1,986
season total: 1986
season average: 1986

10. geelong_boy.................Paleros FC..................1,969
season total: 1969
season average: 1969

11. Refried Noodles.............Squishy Squiddies.........1,968
season total: 1968
season average: 1968

12. matthewlloydwebber......the poontang clan........1,967
season total: 1967
season average: 1967

13. kerr brownlow 08..........sanjeet ramnaresh.........1,956
season total: 1956
season average: 1956

14. The J Dog....................Twin Towers................1,928
season total: 1928
season average: 1928

15. NANX.........................2girls1handball..............1,838
season total: 1838
season average: 1838

16. HowBoutThemDoggies....Bulldog Breed09............1,795
season total: 1795
season average: 1795

Previous league total: 0
League total (Round): 31,682
New league total: 31,682
League average: 1980.13

Wasn't sure how to do it Kildonan so just had a guess, is this the sort of thing that you are after?
Sorry mate, copied them from the wrong league :eek:

Alright it's fixed. It's weird though, when I was copying down the scores the team names in our league were there, yet for some reason it had the scores from a different league.
Week 2

1. Saint KFC Stuart 0 2005 2082.50 4165 0
2. G-Team Beau 0 1927 1984.00 3968 0
3. Chicken Jackson 0 1940 1973.00 3946 0
4. sanjeet ramnaresh ryan 0 1985 1970.50 3941 0
5. Dan's Destroyers Daniel 0 1915 1969.00 3938 0
6. The Ablett Family Lakey 0 1930 1963.00 3926 0
7. Paleros FC Spiro 0 1925 1947.00 3894 0
8. Dmac! Daniel 0 1858 1943.50 3887 0
9. the poontang clan tha 0 1917 1942.00 3884 0
10. Squishy Squiddies Rohan 0 1908 1938.00 3876 0
11. DOMinators Dom 0 1804 1911.00 3822 0
12. Budgie's Champs Daryl 0 1830 1908.00 3816 0
13. BEN2006 BEN 0 1803 1902.50 3805 0
14. 2girls1handball James 0 1945 1891.50 3783 0
15. Twin Towers The J Dog 0 1802 1865.00 3730 0
16. Bulldog Breed09 ryan 0 1784 1789.50 3579 0

League total (Round): 30,278
New league total: 61,960
Week 3

1. Saint KFC Stuart 3 2000 2055.00 6165 0
2. Dan's Destroyers Daniel 3 2122 2020.00 6060 0
3. DOMinators Dom 3 2227 2016.33 6049 0
4. sanjeet ramnaresh ryan 3 2107 2016.00 6048 0
5. G-Team Beau 3 2078 2015.33 6046 0
6. Chicken Jackson 3 2087 2011.00 6033 0
7. BEN2006 BEN 3 2214 2006.33 6019 0
8. Paleros FC Spiro 3 2075 1989.67 5969 0
9. Squishy Squiddies Rohan 3 2072 1982.67 5948 0
10. The Ablett Family Lakey 3 2004 1976.67 5930 0
11. Dmac! Daniel 3 2028 1971.67 5915 0
12. 2girls1handball James 3 2132 1971.67 5915 0
13. the poontang clan tha 3 1996 1960.00 5880 0
14. Budgie's Champs Daryl 3 2037 1951.00 5853 0
15. Twin Towers The J Dog 3 2110 1946.67 5840 0
16. Bulldog Breed09 ryan 3 2124 1901.00 5703 0
Week 4

1. BEN2006 BEN 4 2141 2040.00 8160 4
2. DOMinators Dom 4 2045 2023.50 8094 4
3. G-Team Beau 4 2021 2016.75 8067 4
4. sanjeet ramnaresh ryan 4 1993 2010.25 8041 4
5. Chicken Jackson 4 1999 2008.00 8032 4
6. 2girls1handball James 4 2093 2002.00 8008 4
7. Paleros FC Spiro 4 1991 1990.00 7960 4
8. Saint KFC Stuart 4 1785 1987.50 7950 0
9. Dan's Destroyers Daniel 4 1884 1986.00 7944 4
10. Dmac! Daniel 4 1988 1975.75 7903 0
11. the poontang clan tha 4 1970 1962.50 7850 0
12. The Ablett Family Lakey 4 1888 1954.50 7818 0
13. Squishy Squiddies Rohan 4 1840 1947.00 7788 0
14. Twin Towers The J Dog 4 1946 1946.50 7786 0
15. Budgie's Champs Daryl 4 1880 1933.25 7733 0
16. Bulldog Breed09 ryan 4 1938 1910.25 7641 0

League's Average Score Per Round:

League Ranking:
23 of 17302
Week 5

1. DOMinators Dom 5 2071 2033.00 10165 4
2. BEN2006 BEN 5 2000 2032.00 10160 8
3. 2girls1handball James 5 2123 2026.20 10131 8
4. sanjeet ramnaresh ryan 5 2083 2024.80 10124 8
5. Paleros FC Spiro 5 2105 2013.00 10065 8
6. G-Team Beau 5 1956 2004.60 10023 4
7. The Ablett Family Lakey 5 2183 2000.20 10001 4
8. Chicken Jackson 5 1880 1982.40 9912 8
9. Dan's Destroyers Daniel 5 1940 1976.80 9884 4
10. Twin Towers The J Dog 5 2077 1972.60 9863 4
11. Saint KFC Stuart 5 1849 1959.80 9799 0
12. Budgie's Champs Daryl 5 2028 1952.20 9761 0
13. the poontang clan tha 5 1911 1952.20 9761 4
14. Dmac! Daniel 5 1650 1910.60 9553 0
15. Squishy Squiddies Rohan 5 1752 1908.00 9540 0
16. Bulldog Breed09 ryan 5 1823 1892.80 9464 0

Your league's average score per round is: 1,978

Based on your league's average score, your league's ranking is: 28 of 17630
Week 6

1. DOMinators Dom 6 2143 2051.33 12308 8
2. BEN2006 BEN 6 2118 2046.33 12278 12
3. Paleros FC Spiro 6 2209 2045.67 12274 12
4. 2girls1handball James 6 2062 2032.17 12193 12
5. sanjeet ramnaresh ryan 6 2018 2023.67 12142 12
6. The Ablett Family Lakey 6 2075 2012.67 12076 8
7. G-Team Beau 6 2038 2010.17 12061 4
8. Dan's Destroyers Daniel 6 2126 2001.67 12010 8
9. Chicken Jackson 6 2003 1985.83 11915 8
10. Twin Towers The J Dog 6 2040 1983.83 11903 4
11. Saint KFC Stuart 6 1897 1949.33 11696 0
12. Budgie's Champs Daryl 6 1932 1948.83 11693 0
13. the poontang clan tha 6 1897 1943.00 11658 4
14. Dmac! Daniel 6 1992 1924.17 11545 4
15. Squishy Squiddies Rohan 6 1978 1919.67 11518 0
16. Bulldog Breed09 ryan 6 1844 1884.67 11308 0

Your league's average score per round is: 1,985
Based on your league's average score, your league's ranking is: 33 of 17906
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