2011 WDFNL Season

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I haven't heard much chat around for some time now. I know that Dunkley is from up that way anyways so that doesn't surprise heaps.

Any word on where Ox might be playing next year? I did hear some chat that had him linked to Creek...

Any other news round town?

JasonRowan's gone back to Warrnambool as originally predicted by most.
Ox to creek was mentioned a while ago but am yet to hear anymore on it...

Rowan to merrivale is a yearly rumour that will happen one day but who knows when.

"Cheesy' Makarona training with Timboon and also Ludeman from Cobden, Marr from Sth Warrny and a couple of other ex players.

Rovers still trying to get Andy Rylance but hasnt signed.

Matthew Buckle from Cobden signed with the Power but they look like losing a couple more to Terang.

Nirranda struggling for numbers at trainings and look in trouble, Allansford getting up to 40 at training.

Havent heard anything else....
So after recent events anyone want to have a go at predicting a 2011 ladder - it's always interesting to come back to these at the end of the year and see where it all went wrong!

For mine: - even though anyone realistically from 2nd to 7th could be anyone's guess, but for the sake of this thread.

1. Kolora Noorat - Same again I think, even without Ben Fraser
2. Panmure - Snuck under the Radar last year, have they lost anyone?
3. Old Collegians - Don't seem to have lost many and gained a few recruits
4. Dennington - Still good without Keillar, as long as Victor isn't going
5. Russells Creek - will be thereabouts but have lost a lot of players
6. South Rovers - Wild card I reckon, have been quiet but could be big
7. Merrivale - Always the same, good to start, then drop away.
8.Timboon - A developing list, despite recruits
9. Allansford - might struggle without Ben Lenehan
10. Deakin - These 3 will below will be nowhere this season
11. Nirranda - See above
12. East - don't know how these guys stay in the comp. Expect the same dirty, cheap hitting tactics even amongst claims of 'reform' - starts at the top and yet they keep the same coach. They will be nowhere and I think most clubs couldn't even be bothered playing them to be honest.

Anyone else game to throw their thoughts on a ladder?
Well i'll give you my ladder when we get a bit closer to the start of the season but ill give you some feedback on your ladder and comments....
1. Kolora Noorat - Same again I think, even without Ben Fraser
Spot on here, Power the ones to beat, Roberts, Rounds, Buckle and the ruckman all can play, great job recruiting every year.
2. Panmure - Snuck under the Radar last year, have they lost anyone?
Panmure will go down from last year, their key players are on the wrong side of 30 and their best young players look like going to Hampden.
3. Old Collegians - Don't seem to have lost many and gained a few recruits.
Gained a few but were really a long way off last year, will be better but not top 3.
4. Dennington - Still good without Keillar, as long as Victor isn't going.
Will be interesting to see how they go, Keilar, duncan to bolac, Sheperd and another i cant remember to Macarthur and now Parky pulled the pin...trouble at doggy land?????
5. Russells Creek - will be thereabouts but have lost a lot of players. Thereabouts but lost a lot of players...? strange analysis but we'll see.
6. South Rovers - Wild card I reckon, have been quiet but could be big improvers.
Have heard they've picked up another couple of recruits their keeping under wraps but despite my best efforts no names yet....
7. Merrivale - Always the same, good to start, then drop away.
Agree fully!!! Mclean coming back is handy but who else have they got?
8.Timboon - A developing list, despite recruits.
No recruits here, except Makarona, big numbers at training but 75% reserve players.
9. Allansford - might struggle without Ben Lenehan.
And his brother like him or not they both could play, Jet will add some spark but not enough to pull them up the ladder.
10. Deakin - These 3 will below will be no where this season.
Only side they'll beat is East.
11. Nirranda - See above.
We'll disagree here, spoke to a committee member yesterday and their very excited, 25-30 at training and numerous recruits... My tip for the big improvers...
12. East - don't know how these guys stay in the comp. Expect the same dirty, cheap hitting tactics even amongst claims of 'reform' - starts at the top and yet they keep the same coach. They will be nowhere and I think most clubs couldn't even be bothered playing them to be honest.

Fully agree with these comments although for their netballers sake i hope they can tidy up their football department
Sorry Fan 09 I didn't think anything in my ladder was offensive - You obviously did somewhere?

Care to point out exactly what's so bad about it?
for arguement sake would u blokes go to east or any other lower based club and say to them what you said here?....go on....go to their training where they are obviously struggling and tell them what you said on here!!!
for arguement sake would u blokes go to east or any other lower based club and say to them what you said here?....go on....go to their training where they are obviously struggling and tell them what you said on here!!!

well for starters our comments arent insults at particular players... i have an opinion on the dirtiest players in the league but their my personal opinions and will stay personal... My comments are directed towards the clubs and their prospects for the season ahead.

The three your carrying on about you should have a close look at...

Nirranda will be big improvers as i stated... They may not make the 5 but they wont be sitting on 1 or 2 wins...

Deakin will struggle.... Check out the clearances outgoing from them you tool... No club anywhere can handle the mass exodus of players they deal with every year and be competitive unless they spend money... Its sad but its a fact. And east looks lke their target...

East... well what do you expect, they've earnt themselves a reputation and sadly it will take years to restore it. Scobes was a tough and unforgiving player and played old fashioned football. hes now the senior coach and has had to change the way he plays to become a leader to the few good young players they have. He's a bomber through and through and earns my respect for that but he needs a lot of help if he's ever going to change their reputation but as i stated i hope for the East club as a whole they can... But they still wont win more than maybe 1 or 2 games for the year

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@ Fan 09

Look I sincerely hope for the sake of the competition that East can get their act together and not just be competitive but go some way to changing their image in the league. I'm sure they are well aware of how they are perceived around the town there is no secret there, what I've said on this forum I'm sure they've heard 1000 times before. I wasn't being offensive, just stating the facts, they will struggle to win a game this year - and if you were playing there, that wouldn't be much fun i'd imagine so again they would struggle to hold players.

It just seems an odd course of action to take though don't you think? - for the president of the club to say we are in real strife, lets have an open forum about it, we need to change drastically the culture of the club, and then change nothing in the personnel just seems an odd move. I hope I'm proved wrong but the definition of crazy is doing the exact same thing and expecting different results.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.
My ladder predictions are:
Kolora-Noorat they have picked up the players other people have mentioned but no1 has mentioned they are getting Brad Johnson back. Definatley in the top 5-10 players in the league. They will win the flag barring injuries.
Old Collegians- picked up a few players no1 really knows about and couple meant to be very handy their coach is an x factor if he stays fit.
Panmure- lost bant which is a big whole but surely Bernie Harris will recruit a couple. Maybe his nephew from south w'bool.
after that im not to sure. Dennington will be big sliders they had absolutely no depth last year and will struggle. russels creek might be ok along with rovers and timboon annd merrivale but cannot see any of these teams threatening Kolora Noorat. And as for the rest if i was a player I wouldnt be all that keen on playing these teams cause all you can get out of these games is injuries.
Rumour has it that Souths have picked up ex richmond and Darleys No.1 son Bradley Miller? Can anyone confirm? Has been known to win games off his own back a star of the Ballarat Football League.... If this is true Souths will definitely be a wildcard....

Thanks for the heads up on that information but wrong thread, wrong league lol
My ladder predictions are:
Kolora-Noorat they have picked up the players other people have mentioned but no1 has mentioned they are getting Brad Johnson back. Definatley in the top 5-10 players in the league. They will win the flag barring injuries.
Old Collegians- picked up a few players no1 really knows about and couple meant to be very handy their coach is an x factor if he stays fit.
Panmure- lost bant which is a big whole but surely Bernie Harris will recruit a couple. Maybe his nephew from south w'bool.
after that im not to sure. Dennington will be big sliders they had absolutely no depth last year and will struggle. russels creek might be ok along with rovers and timboon annd merrivale but cannot see any of these teams threatening Kolora Noorat. And as for the rest if i was a player I wouldnt be all that keen on playing these teams cause all you can get out of these games is injuries.

I agree with most of what you've said, Timboon however will be in a rebuilding year/years (andy rylance training with south rovers and darcy cashmore training with cobden and have had to sign an assistant coach from within the club) and will struggle against most.... Rovers will be the surprise packets as will nirranda.
Panmure are confident theyll be there abouts and its quite easy to see them building a strong team around fletcher.... if he stays....
bant from panmure....wheres he going?...i think hes was overrated anyway!.....power are favourites but with fraser gone theres 80 plus goal they have to find through someone else...merrivale collegians and rovers have plenty of numbers at training,also heard creek nirranda deakin and east struggling for numbers, dennington will slide too. havent heard too much about the rest...its easy to sit here and kick the bottom teams that have struggled for a few years..they need help not a boot up the backside!!!
It's a cyclical thing - Teams go up, then they go down. I remember Deakin winning premierships doesn't seem that long ago (although it probably was). Deakin is always going to be hard unless they by chance get a freak group of guys failing their degrees enough to hang round longer than 2 or 3 years.

On the clearance lists South Rovers seem to have recruited half the country!! be interesting to see how they turn out. They've always had an outstanding midfield unit, maybe now they've filled the gaps??

I heard Jaymen Fletcher was as good as gone? where is he going to? His brother is training at Warrnambool so maybe he goes back there? Bant was very handy but not a game changer for them. Panmure will go under the radar as usual.

Still think Kolora have got it locked down though. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong!
for those of you that dont know if you go to sportingpulse.com you can access the district league page and view all clearances...

Should give a little more reason to talk on here...

Paddy Mahoney was a big story to panmure and will boost their already strong midfield...

As i predicted Rovers to be improvers its good to see a rather large number of clearances in for them.. Here's a few i dont know... Julian Claridge from CHFL. Darcy Edwards from Vafa. Andrew Feeney from Canberra. Ian Margetts from Cairns. Shaun Moran from North West.

Allansford have also had a rush in the last few days... Joshua Brown from Hampden. Thomas Hall from CHFL. Brett Hunger from Hampden. Peter Mcewan from Horsham. Mark White from Sth west.

Granted some of these may be juniors as they dont list ages but makes for interesting reading...
for those of you that dont know if you go to sportingpulse.com you can access the district league page and view all clearances...

Should give a little more reason to talk on here...

Paddy Mahoney was a big story to panmure and will boost their already strong midfield...

As i predicted Rovers to be improvers its good to see a rather large number of clearances in for them.. Here's a few i dont know... Julian Claridge from CHFL. Darcy Edwards from Vafa. Andrew Feeney from Canberra. Ian Margetts from Cairns. Shaun Moran from North West.

Allansford have also had a rush in the last few days... Joshua Brown from Hampden. Thomas Hall from CHFL. Brett Hunger from Hampden. Peter Mcewan from Horsham. Mark White from Sth west.

Granted some of these may be juniors as they dont list ages but makes for interesting reading...

no household names there................

luke mcinerney to coach merrivale twos........grooming him for the top job next year ??? because jack kelson will be gone!!!...
wagstaff has had his clearance knocked back twice!! i always thought if you were appointed coach somewhere a clearance was virtually automatic.....nathan auld was cleared to collegians now hes put in to be cleared back to a geelong club!! wonder why????....anything else going on??

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2011 WDFNL Season

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