2012 SC Leagues Signup for New Entrants

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This thread is only for NEW ENTRANTS. ie. People that WERE NOT part of a BF League in 2011.

This thread should be used for posting your final team ranking/score for 2011. Having proof of your 2011 finish WILL DEFINITELY IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING INTO YOUR DESIRED/A HIGHER LEAGUE.

We have ways to verify results so please only post up actual results or you risk exclusion from the leagues all together.

A Quick guide for posting a capture:

1. Open up your team page.
2. Hit the PrtScn button.
3. Open up Paint or another like program.
4. Paste the image (Ctrl v or Right mouse click and Paste).
5. Crop the image to only show this information.


6. Save image as a .jpeg
7. Open up http://imageshack.us/
8. Upload your image
9. Copy the direct link location (RHS of screen > Embed this Image > Copy the text in the 'Forum' box).
10. Post a reply in this thread
11. Paste the link location
12. Hit Submit post

There are a number of methods and ways to produce these same results, please use whatever method you are comfortable with.

Please also PM me if you have further issues or if you require Apple Mac help.

After this post, I will show you the format that I would like ALL posts to follow. This thread will not be used for discussions on next year or stories on why you had a good or bad 2011. This is only for registering your intent to join a BF league in 2012.

Extra Info:
The leagues will slowly be rolled out one after the other beginning with Div 1.
New members will be added to the leagues on a scaled basis. ie. 1 in Div 2, 2 in Div 3, 3 in Div 4 etc. (subject to change)
The whole process will take right up until the start of the season so please be patient.
The only way to skip this process is to join a lower league. I will start these around Feb1. Most likely starting at around Div 30. If you are happy to do this because you are new to the game, still learning or just impatient, please flag this in your post. A capture is also not necessary if utilising this.

kreuze_missile               16
whatboutbob                  58
Pegman                       278
dopeh                        360
Halftime Oranges             431
pie_punter                   466
swannies2                    527
Barnjay                      541
pulpdriver                   557
Cheannn                      577
CrazyEighty8                 654
Bringwarnieback              909
longytap                     953
Toadvine                     1052
Jobe Watson                  1062
RyanDarth                    1115
Pocket_Pears                 1315
tigertRANCE                  1352
RustNeverSleeps              1519
Five long bones              1583
westking101                  1665
Tidus                        1885
donbooger                    2091
The Swert                    2104
ScottyD                      2145
love_balls                   2553
CaramlThickshake             2689
FnaticSC                     2782
Saborn                       2827
matt73                       2872
bradbruni                      3094
controlKLICK                 3103
leungtl                      4193
Redalert                     4676
Kangamagic                   4857
Banked.                      5000
mavric                       5012
Bob Vance                    5169
Obese Arachnid               5359
Chris2511                    5538
quin_stick                   5420
abakus                       6695
DrummoSolo                   6757
SDR223                       6999
Mentor                       7709
SoupAStars                   7871
Stanton_Legend               8023
Grimmjow                     8262
OzCats                       10296
Keatz                        11004
Ruby Moon                    11281
Conca Truck                  11850
PHOOTEE                      11913
bryz                         14421
David3030                    14705
Lets Roar like '44           15748
Jeremias                     17424
old scholar                  19395
Richo_Daffy                  20077
Ravenous Crow                21614
12Parks                      23149
Catmagic                     23172
godofyourface                23285
snooze777                    23600
bubblegoose                  23667
Nasty Penguin                23959
Dan                          24124
DidakAttak                   25702
joe30                        25782
DwayneBrightside             26000
bergy                        26598
arakaan                      26750
Bateanator                   25000
Buddyman                     25000
Luke394                      25000
Mr Mosquito                  25000
doug85                       25000
Chronz                       25000
D33licious                   25000
turly69                      25000
Silent Skips                 25000
johno686                     25000
Goats                        25000
H3llman                      25000
boomsmackpow                 25000
Rookie Error                 25000
RobbieGray17                 25000
Deliverance                  25000
blacknwhite Cat              25000
blitzer                      25000
sturt88                      25000
Kegstar                      25000
Apache Cats                  25000
tupac                        25000
Dewsen                       25000
Koutafidamedis               25000     
jrussell                     25000
grogan                       25000
fomoco04                     25000
LeighBrownlow                25000
Flackjack                    25000
SteeleSide11                 25000
shurg123                     25000
MightyMark                   25000
malteaser                    25000
shaztec                      25000
SydCrow                      25000
Hurley300                    25000
_Gazza_                      25000
pumpter                      25000
Mofra                        25000
rines                        25000
tstead                       25000
DQ82                         25000
Becks76                     25000
Muneem                     25000
cross#4                      30000
londontiger                  30000
Drapatch                     30987
olivergrace                  30987
purple_hazey                 35000
Kazubai                      35899
cassius1991               1155
4#Didak#4                1540
ArtVandelay                2610
chaddy42                  9112
devize                       25000
Whiffo                       25000
Penetrator                   25000
Jimmy1992                 30000
Cramer85                     38279 
nbaman1                      38467
maclion                      40000
matts117                     40407
daannn277                    41044
rickyrambo                   43382
JimMckay                     43429
shefx                        43595
SimplySublime              44869
Fluffywhitebirds             47000
cotter101                    47000
bennieboy                    49472
all star cats                49518
anhtuan4                     50000
Zaharaharakis                51486
Gentlemen                    54180
Div 24------------------------------
ChappyUK                     55356
catsgreatest                 55654
Chubberson                   55850
foota                        56237
KingJames23                  57957
Easty                        67669
mattles                      70000
KatieG                       71249
hdecure                      71916
Div 25------------------------
irel                         75344
Covvy                        98350
Mad props Freo               100000
believe_it                   100000
Fatboy64                     108623
Amazing Bombers         116380
krisholio14                  127066
millsy29gopies               136348
Underarm                     136550
Div 34-35-36---------------------------
Continstar                   153202
Magpie                       153337
Marty64                      188192
Nebular                      190000
Pie 4 Life                   191426
Mecha                        281593
Shade                        363857
JMan74                       400000
The Prosecutor               400000
SunshineTiger                400000
rideclutch                   400000
33CAT                        NEW
micks_rippers                NEW
jbarks14                     NEW 
rhaz                         NEW 
tigerdan                     400000
Ghost Pig                    NEW
Lewie17                      400000
Rumblah#16                   NEW
PAFC_316                     NEW
bruski                       NEW
inflames1919             400000
wce_dyl                         NEW
christoh                      400000
pauklvroc                   400000

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Hi Ax,
Ruby got missed off the list. 53057 was the final score.


I was in a Collingwood board league last year (div 2) but wouldn't mind going in a general league as well. Not fussed which division in end up in. Finished 12th overall last year though.

Most likely Div 1 for you SRO seeing as you were in a Pies league. :thumbsu:
Added to existing members.
I too was in a BF Blues D4 league last year and would like to enter more leagues this season. Finished 9463 overall.
I too was in a BF Blues D4 league last year and would like to enter more leagues this season. Finished 9463 overall.

No problem shyt.
Added to existing members.
I was in a Collingwood board league last year (div 2) but wouldn't mind going in a general league as well. Not fussed which division in end up in. Finished 12th overall last year though.

Very Nice:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

LOL at the fact you were in Collingwood Board League 'DIVISION 2' (emphasis intended)

Most likely Div 1 for you SRO seeing as you were in a Pies league. :thumbsu:

:D:D is that the only reason being in Pies League? LOL
Very Nice:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

LOL at the fact you were in Collingwood Board League 'DIVISION 2' (emphasis intended)

:D:D is that the only reason being in Pies League? LOL

Yep. :p

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Please add me to a league. Still learning the caper so will hopefully improve on last year.

First real crack last year after winning a cash league the year before. Looking forward to have a big go at the overall this time around :)

thank you

finished 471st in 2010 if that counts for anything and around 25k in 2011 ^
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