2. For 17 other teams, find the unique number at the end of the URL (link) of each team name (supercoach.com.au/?p=other_teams&lid=1&tid=XXXXXX). There are a number of methods to do this, and they will differ slightly depending on your browser. For Internet Explorer choose one of the following:
a) One at a time, left click each team and find the number in the address bar
b) One at a time, right click each team name and select 'Copy Shortcut', paste elsewhere (like Notepad) and find the number
c) One at a time, hover over each team name and find the number at the bottom over your window
3. This method will not work for your own team ID. For this, type your team name into the 'Search' box towards the top right of the page and follow one of the a), b) or c) options above. If this still doesn't work, and you don't know your own team ID, please PM me.
4. Add these 18 numbers to the information provided by Axe at the start of this thread in this exact layout (this will make it very easy for me to sort):
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