News 2015 Captain is Rocky!

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Jed should obviously retain his captaincy. The question is whether Rocky should be a co-captain. Personally, I think so.
I would leave the Captaincy where it is.
What I would suggest is more important than who we have as a captain is whether we have leadership. I think we do across the field and across the club, whether it is formally recognised or not we have a number of players and club men ready willing and able to lead when needed.

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Rocky provides an honest, cheeky, stirring voice to the media. The club needs someone like that, to provide a point of interest to the media, a bit of fun and a public face. That person shouldn't necessarily captain the team. I'm happy for the captain to be a more serious, professional figure, not necessarily what the public wants. In effect, Jed and Rocky make a great pair with the captain getting on with the 'captaining' and his sidekick giving the public and media what they want.
Jed for Captain. Rocky specifically for Vice Captain, with a public statement that he is groomed for the Captaincy in 2016 (put some pressure on the lad not to get suspended this year - ie. act like a Captain in that manner)
Rocky for Captain.
its funny how captaincy has changed over the life of my time watching footy (I'm 31 so recall back to early late 80's early 90's).

I remember the Roos to Osborne to Roos handover in successive seasons at Fitzroy which was seen at hte time as a bit of a novelty and probably related to the financial difficulties at the club (some suggestion Roos might have left that offseason but held off for 2 or 3 more years).

aside from that captains were captains and they didn't hand it over until they retired.

from maybe the late 90's captaincy started to be a bit more open with the use of co-captains (including voss/lynch with us from 1997-2000ish) and of course the Grant Thomas rotating captaincy scenario (which probably did help build up the then young saints leadership across the field). But it seems the vogue for orderly handovers and 'relieving the older player of the pressure of captaincy' and 'building multiple' now means that every year the new young buck at every club is talked up as 'future captain' as if it is an insult that they are not, rather than a mark of respect to the man that is actually captain.

I'd rather build the club culture by showing Adcock respect and keeping him captain as long as he is a lock in best 22 (probably another 2-3 seasons). meanwhile Rocky, Rich, Redden can be like so many great past players who waited there turn or were never even captain. eg. Craig Bradley sat behind Kernahan for 10+ seasons then captained carlton for 3-4 years from the age of 35 - 38 after Sticks retired.

Its something that is bestowed on you not just because you're the best player, highest profile or highest paid and therefore you "deserve it" but because of the respect, humility and sacrifice you show within the group for which I think Adcock as multiple time most professional player, vice captain for a number of years, stuck fat with the club through the lean years and has probably sacrificed a midfield position to be a key part of our defence has done (not saying Rockyand others havn't or won't do it either but just that Adcock has so I see no reason to take it away from him).
I believe we have a number of players very capable of being captain.....Adcock (yes, I've warmed to having him as captain) Rockliff, Hanley, Rich, Zorko, Patfull, Redden.

...we are very privileged to be in such a position imo.
I'm not a Jed fan, I noticed that a number of times this season when we were flogged he didn't do any media work post match. I know that it is planned by the club before the match, but when you are on the end of a few bad beatings in a row, like we were early in the season, the captain needs to take a lead and say I'll front the media and handle the questions, to often he has failed to do that and for that reason he needs to go.
I'm not a Jed fan, I noticed that a number of times this season when we were flogged he didn't do any media work post match. I know that it is planned by the club before the match, but when you are on the end of a few bad beatings in a row, like we were early in the season, the captain needs to take a lead and say I'll front the media and handle the questions, to often he has failed to do that and for that reason he needs to go.

What about the football element?
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I prefer Rocky as captain, IMO.

But you give Jed another year out of respect for a great club servant, who was voted in by the players.

Consider Rocky's VC as his apprenticeship to being a captain.
What about the football element?
If you down that path I still ask why wasn't Patfull made captain instead of Jed.

You need a combination in the captain today, the footballer, but also someone who can work with the media. We're the #3 football club in Brisbane at the moment, so we need to be smart with our choices and that means getting as much press coverage as possible for the minimum cost, hence the stunt with the live lion at games. We need someone with a presence on field but someone who is also delivering regularly, this is Rocky. Like it or not we need someone to sell us to the non-believers, appointing a captain who is respected inside the club but has no profile outside of it is lunacy for a club in our position financially.
If you down that path I still ask why wasn't Patfull made captain instead of Jed.

You need a combination in the captain today, the footballer, but also someone who can work with the media. We're the #3 football club in Brisbane at the moment, so we need to be smart with our choices and that means getting as much press coverage as possible for the minimum cost, hence the stunt with the live lion at games. We need someone with a presence on field but someone who is also delivering regularly, this is Rocky. Like it or not we need someone to sell us to the non-believers, appointing a captain who is respected inside the club but has no profile outside of it is lunacy for a club in our position financially.

That's a reasonable question, but firing a captain because he didn't do media is probably rough. He'd have to lose the players and be a bit of a weak game-day leader. I think Jed has both of those latter qualities.

Having said that, I've never seen Joel do a particularly confident and inspiring video. He's a super chilled cat.

I actually think we're the 4th team in Brisbane (Broncos/Reds/Roar ahead of us at the moment), so it's critical our profile rises.

Rocky's a great idea - I still reckon he might need a year to learn a bit off Jed in terms of having a level head on field. Off-field Rocky is a great performer because he's cocky, and for the reasons you mention, that's a great bonus.
Like it or not we need someone to sell us to the non-believers, appointing a captain who is respected inside the club but has no profile outside of it is lunacy for a club in our position financially.

So we have a complete idiot that the players have no respect for but the pubic and press likes as captain as some kind of marketing exercise? Not sure I agree with you. And with that if 4 grand finals back in the day could not get the "non-believers" to be supportive then a captain with all the charm in the world is not going to make a difference. In fact I will go further Rocky will make no difference to anything. If I can go into the office and say "Browny has retired" and get blank stares from some and "care factor Zero" from another Rocky has no hope. Profile etc is nothing to do with whom the captain is. It is to do with us wining. The hard core supporter can rattle on all they like about fair-weather supporters but the reality is we are not a footy state nor do we get good press. In fact to take that further I would have thought that the Stropes would have had a full house when going for their first finals but the stadium was half empty. To take this further the AFL dropped the ball on footy in QLD. They presumed that our success made us a permanent fixture. They got it wrong and the Melbourne footy elite, Eddie included, just do not get it.

With all due respect nor do you Slax
If you down that path I still ask why wasn't Patfull made captain instead of Jed.

You need a combination in the captain today, the footballer, but also someone who can work with the media. We're the #3 football club in Brisbane at the moment, so we need to be smart with our choices and that means getting as much press coverage as possible for the minimum cost, hence the stunt with the live lion at games. We need someone with a presence on field but someone who is also delivering regularly, this is Rocky. Like it or not we need someone to sell us to the non-believers, appointing a captain who is respected inside the club but has no profile outside of it is lunacy for a club in our position financially.
What an odd rationale. As per my earlier post, I agree that the club needs personalties fronting the media, but I disagree they need to be captain. Using the Broncos as the example, I don't follow league, but they are in the news every night. I couldn't tell you who the captain of that team is. Someone different is interviewed every press conference.
I can't tell you who the captain of Sydney, Fremantle, West Coast, actually most of the other teams is. On ground post game interviews are conducted with whoever Fox or 7 want. If a player is present at post match pressers, they are often a milestone player or whoever had a big game, not necessarily the captain. Why the hell would the club appoint the captaincy based on media performance?
What an odd rationale. As per my earlier post, I agree that the club needs personalties fronting the media, but I disagree they need to be captain. Using the Broncos as the example, I don't follow league, but they are in the news every night. I couldn't tell you who the captain of that team is. Someone different is interviewed every press conference.
I can't tell you who the captain of Sydney, Fremantle, West Coast, actually most of the other teams is. On ground post game interviews are conducted with whoever Fox or 7 want. If a player is present at post match pressers, they are often a milestone player or whoever had a big game, not necessarily the captain. Why the hell would the club appoint the captaincy based on media performance?
This is our problem, Broncos get plenty of press, Strikers get more media coverage than the Lions get at the moment. On field success will lead to more media coverage, but we need to work a way to build it faster than that, the captain is the face of the club, just look around the competition and you see the link there. Geelong - Selwood, Hawthorn - Hodge, Fremantle - Pavlich, St Kilda - Reiwodlt, Richmond - Cotchin, Gold Coast - Ablett, we have a captain most people in Melbourne wouldn't be able to name as a Brisbane player. People in Victoria link Brisbane with Rockliff & Rich, both have already been said to be future captains, so bite the bullet and just do it now not in two years time, Adcock will not be part of our next finals era so have him in the background helping whilst Rockliff or Rich grow into the role.
This is our problem, Broncos get plenty of press, Strikers get more media coverage than the Lions get at the moment. On field success will lead to more media coverage, but we need to work a way to build it faster than that, the captain is the face of the club, just look around the competition and you see the link there. Geelong - Selwood, Hawthorn - Hodge, Fremantle - Pavlich, St Kilda - Reiwodlt, Richmond - Cotchin, Gold Coast - Ablett, we have a captain most people in Melbourne wouldn't be able to name as a Brisbane player. People in Victoria link Brisbane with Rockliff & Rich, both have already been said to be future captains, so bite the bullet and just do it now not in two years time, Adcock will not be part of our next finals era so have him in the background helping whilst Rockliff or Rich grow into the role.
I've already argued that the captain and the media/publicly perceived "face" of the club don't need to be the same person, I don't know what else I can say regarding that.
The fact that I live in Brisbane, watching the news nightly, and despite the saturation of Broncos news I don't know who their captain is because of the revolving door for players being interviewed, suggests that the captain doesn't need to be "the face". It is great that people recognise Rocky & Rich and that they are a point of interest for the media, I just don't follow how that makes them the best to lead our team on game day. It makes no sense that the 2 be linked. Nick Maxwell from most accounts of those who played with him, was a very good captain. He was a less than exciting media performer. All people wanted was Swan and Pendles.
I think you are just too stuck on the idea of the captain being a personality. I think more likely you just don't like Jed and this is the best argument you can come up with.
I vote Jed for next year, with Rocky the clear captain in waiting. I agree with those who suggested he needs a year of no suspensions, needs a little maturity on field.
I doubt very much whether Rockliff's profile is that big in Brisbane. I'm not sure the media types will be suddenly banging down our door because we change captains.

On the scale of reasons why a bloke should be captain, media appeal, whilst not completely irrelevant, would be well behind other factors such as, oh I dunno, the ability to lead the team.
I doubt very much whether Rockliff's profile is that big in Brisbane. I'm not sure the media types will be suddenly banging down our door because we change captains.

On the scale of reasons why a bloke should be captain, media appeal, whilst not completely irrelevant, would be well behind other factors such as, oh I dunno, the ability to lead the team.
It can't be any lower that Adcock's.

I was involved in an exercise earlier this year held a large Melbourne metropolitan football club to rank the 18 AFL captains from 1-18 on the merits of their captaincy and their playing ability, Jed Adcock came in dead last on every single list. I'd really like to say something different but the larger football community does not think greatly of him. A number of people I spoke to that night asked the question why is Patfull our captain when I asked what they had against Adcock, there view is that Patfull has far more to do with the organisation of the defence structures at Brisbane than Adcock, yet both play in the same part of the ground.

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News 2015 Captain is Rocky!

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