2015 QAFA (B) Central

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it wasn't decided.

but it needs to be achieved in 4 weeks.

Feel free to give us a good final 6 structure that has the finals done in 4 weeks and clubs not having to sit out for 2 weeks, or 3rd not playing an elimination final

If 3rd can't beat 6th in the first week of the finals they don't deserve to win the Grand Final IMO.
^^^^ That is the only way a top 6 finals should be run in my opinion. Week off to prepare if you finish top 2, and the opportunity to go straight through to the grand final. Whichever team loses the qualifying final gets a second chance. 3rd through 6th need to win through to make it, but if they are good enough to do that, they deserve to be there !!

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I can confirm the draft draw attached to this thread allows for 4 weeks.

whether its 5 or 6 teams sounds like its up in the air.
Doesn't matter if its five or six the top two should not play a knock out final In their first game. Some reward for a good home and away season is deserving. Good luck to everyone and hope all clubs got through the big wet OK. If not get around them and help them with any surplus gear your club has.
Is the Kedron v Ferny Grove practice game still going ahead this weekend?? ..... and i hear Collingwood Park v Lockyer Valley may be playing Friday night????
As a long time player and administrator in this league, I can absolutely confirm that the intention of the league is to be a Friday night league.

We 'The Woodsmen' (Yes, I'm the President) specifically changed venues last year to ensure we maintained a Friday night focus. A huge thanks must go to Moorooka for their assistance there, and I'm sure Webby can confirm it was mutually beneficial given the amount of $ we pumped through the bar there every home game.

AFLQ administrators have also repeatedly told me that Friday night only is the long term intention of this league, and we are 100% on board with that. As Peanut alluded to, there are plenty of options to play footy on a Saturday. This league caters for those that can't play on Saturdays. Every time we get a Saturday game it is a huge struggle to field a side, and I know the case is the same for a few other clubs.

I've attended every AFLQ meeting involving this league for about 4 years now, and played in this league or other versions of it since 2007. I can absolutely confirm that while allowances are made each year, it is the long term goal to have this as a 100% Friday night league - that has come straight from the horses mouth.

If blokes want to play on Saturday, they can drop down a division and play in the QAFA A ;)

If it is there goal to make it 100% Friday night then they should stop new clubs entering the competition that don't have lights.

So I have feeling it will never be 100% Friday nights, this year you are faced with Sunday games too. not just Saturday games.

Whilst the AFLQ are happy to take Registrations of teams they will be happy to let them play on any day/ night they can.

If the AFLQ want Friday night game league then simply create one call it AFLQ Friday night league, and leave the AFL B League for clubs that are happy to play anytime,

The AFL are trying to push West so more clubs will be entering competition with only one team and no funds for a ground let alone a lights suitsable to play under.
So I have feeling it will never be 100% Friday nights, this year you are faced with Sunday games too. not just Saturday games.

Whilst the AFLQ are happy to take Registrations of teams they will be happy to let them play on any day/ night they can.

If the AFLQ want Friday night game league then simply create one call it AFLQ Friday night league, and leave the AFL B League for clubs that are happy to play anytime,

don't see any sunday games in the draw.

As for not letting new teams enter, couldn't agree more. If they can't get their house in order to field two teams, and can't play Friday night then they should be knocked back - but AFLQ wants the revenue.

Look at Springfield last year. Stunk up the competition both on and off the field. 200 point beltings, sub standard facilities that were unsafe and made complaints about all the other clubs who were doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, the likes of UQ and Woodsmen were quite happy to play home games at alternative venues away from their home grounds to ensure games were played. I guess some clubs are prepared to make more of an effort than others.
Was a DRA
don't see any sunday games in the draw.

As for not letting new teams enter, couldn't agree more. If they can't get their house in order to field two teams, and can't play Friday night then they should be knocked back - but AFLQ wants the revenue.

Look at Springfield last year. Stunk up the competition both on and off the field. 200 point beltings, sub standard facilities that were unsafe and made complaints about all the other clubs who were doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, the likes of UQ and Woodsmen were quite happy to play home games at alternative venues away from their home grounds to ensure games were played. I guess some clubs are prepared to make more of an effort than others.

Read the Title DRAFT DRAW.. I can confirm there will be Sunday games !!

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don't see any sunday games in the draw.

Look at Springfield last year. Stunk up the competition both on and off the field. 200 point beltings, sub standard facilities that were unsafe and made complaints about all the other clubs who were doing the right thing.

The Beltings occurred after the President sacked the coach and his mates walked from the club leaving just 10 players to finish the year. Not fair to forfeit the season for those 10. So the club managed to get enough numbers to play the year out.

Were competitive against the middle of the road clubs until then.

But agree with your philosophy. no One team entries, but also no Three Team Entries... That would mean those wanting to really play will find an alternative club. the new clubs will then have 2 teams. leaving the Friday night competition alone.
you can confirm you're asking for some, not that you'll get them ;)
No home games means no club as it wont have revenue.
So no point suggesting play at someone else venue unless the other clubs will donate funds to keep them going .
Upto AFLQ in the end, they let the Club enter the competition, they suggested sharing a venue with Soccer.
No home games means no club as it wont have revenue.
So no point suggesting play at someone else venue unless the other clubs will donate funds to keep them going .
Upto AFLQ in the end, they let the Club enter the competition, they suggested sharing a venue with Soccer.

You should probably try being nice to QAFL fan instead of trying to belittle him. It is obvious with his knowledge and insight that he is heavily involved on the inside with QLD footy, regardless of what he claims. And I don't know that you will get any support from any other club for Sunday games. Saturday day games are bad enough.
No home games means no club as it wont have revenue.
So no point suggesting play at someone else venue unless the other clubs will donate funds to keep them going .

I wonder, have UQ and the Woodsmen folded this season after playing no home games and having no revenue?

Perhaps if a club is run well, and with prudence - they can survive off player rego fees and a little sponsorship.

As for banning 3 team clubs? You want to handicap good clubs, so the crap clubs can get a leg up? Are you Andrew Demetriou?!@
I wonder, have UQ and the Woodsmen folded this season after playing no home games and having no revenue?

Perhaps if a club is run well, and with prudence - they can survive off player rego fees and a little sponsorship.

As for banning 3 team clubs? You want to handicap good clubs, so the crap clubs can get a leg up? Are you Andrew Demetriou?!@

As I said Simple , don't allow new clubs in , keep the status quo. But AFLQ seem to want to expand the competition and are pushing to get an AFL B West region eventually. To do this they need to make sure there is real support or new clubs.

As to your run well statement, the club is run by volunteers amateurs, no experience at running a business let alone running a complex thing such as a Sporting Club. basically just mums and dads who have kid playing or were playing, So quite willing to be deemed that we not running the club well. Not been offered any support or help from the "well run" clubs to help set up the club. No assistance in getting sponsors etc. Do other clubs do this well , yes they do, good to see they got fantastic people on board, but seems we don't. As I said we just a bunch of parents trying to make sure our kids have somewhere to play football locally without having to drive to one of the bigger "well run" clubs.

Due to the performance of the previous management team the club has no sponsors. Cant apply for government grants as the previous management didn't keep financial records, so if we don't have income coming through sausage sizzles and soft drink sales, we would need to charge our players excessively and sadly not all of them come with well paying jobs.

WE have asked the AFLQ for support, advice etc. Contacted them back in December when this came to a crunch.

In the end it is upto the AFLQ to decide what is best for football. Bigger Clubs or Expansion into new Areas. At present they don't seem to know what they want as they encouraging both to occur. There is not the player base to have both. Only so many to draw from .

So feel free to attack in a personal manner the lack of competence in the club to make it run effectively , not entirely our fault as previous management left it where it is , two years of mismanagement is going to take longer than 4 months to turn around. Hopefully we will get support from other clubs, words of advice in how to get players attracted, how to get sponsors, how to encourage fund raising, how to build culture. Not just negative feedback on how badly we doing, hopefully we get AFLQ involved to locate a venue that is suitable to hold Senior matches at, one that can have alcohol areas, one that has facilities that meet the AFLQ guidelines for change rooms and toilets.

Happy for anyone to come over and chat about suggestions. But don't make it just an attack on lack of ability to run a club, come offering real advice.
Interesting, anyone know where and when ??

Hey Nut ..... i have now been told that Collingwood park v Lockyer valley is Friday night 7.30 at Collingwood Park. Lockyer valley are interesting i believe they have only won 3 games since 2010. They have been training since November with new coach and management in place
Hey Nut ..... i have now been told that Collingwood park v Lockyer valley is Friday night 7.30 at Collingwood Park. Lockyer valley are interesting i believe they have only won 3 games since 2010. They have been training since November with new coach and management in place

Thanks mate, might go check it out.
Results from this weekend's practice matches ??
kedron only won by about 6 goals , dont think its going to be an easy year for them at all , ( might just scrap into top 6 if there lucky ) ferny grove look like they could be real competitive will only get better

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2015 QAFA (B) Central

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