2016 Federal Election

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"Andrew Bolt

Malcolm Turnbull - you are finished


You assassinated a Liberal Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, who’d won an election by a huge margin.

You promised to do even better than him.

You then treated the Liberal base like dirt, smashing it with a huge super tax, refusing to speak to conservative journalists, repeatedly humiliating Abbott.

You referred to the colonial settlement of Australia as an “invasion” and even held an end-of-Ramadan meal with known Muslim bigots.

You called an early double dissolution election on the excuse of needing new laws to tackle rogue unions with a building and construction commission, but with the true aim of getting rid of crossbench oppositionists in the Senate.

You went to the election with basically only one policy to sell - a pathetic 10-year promise to cut company tax.

And now look. Almost everything turned to ruin.

You have lost so many seats that you could even be forced into minority government, if pre-polling and Western Australia go against you.

You have, if anything, lost ground in the Senate, which will block most of your plans.

You will be unable to get the numbers to get your building and construction commission through in any joint sitting of parliament.

You have asked for no mandate for real reform, and will have almost no power to undertake any.

Your popularity, already plummeting, will fall further.

There is no way you can seriously claim that this result is better than anything Abbott could have achieved.

Abbott picked up seven seats at the 2010 election and another 15 in the 2013 election. You have lost between 10 and 15 seats and dumped key Liberal values in doing so.

You have been a disaster. You betrayed Tony Abbott and then led the party to humiliation, stripped of both values and honour.


This was always the biggest danger with this election - that a close win (read near loss) by Turnbull will lead to immediate moves by the raving right wing fruit loops to exhume the onion muncher.
"Andrew Bolt

Malcolm Turnbull - you are finished


You assassinated a Liberal Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, who’d won an election by a huge margin.

You promised to do even better than him.

You then treated the Liberal base like dirt, smashing it with a huge super tax, refusing to speak to conservative journalists, repeatedly humiliating Abbott.

You referred to the colonial settlement of Australia as an “invasion” and even held an end-of-Ramadan meal with known Muslim bigots.

You called an early double dissolution election on the excuse of needing new laws to tackle rogue unions with a building and construction commission, but with the true aim of getting rid of crossbench oppositionists in the Senate.

You went to the election with basically only one policy to sell - a pathetic 10-year promise to cut company tax.

And now look. Almost everything turned to ruin.

You have lost so many seats that you could even be forced into minority government, if pre-polling and Western Australia go against you.

You have, if anything, lost ground in the Senate, which will block most of your plans.

You will be unable to get the numbers to get your building and construction commission through in any joint sitting of parliament.

You have asked for no mandate for real reform, and will have almost no power to undertake any.

Your popularity, already plummeting, will fall further.

There is no way you can seriously claim that this result is better than anything Abbott could have achieved.

Abbott picked up seven seats at the 2010 election and another 15 in the 2013 election. You have lost between 10 and 15 seats and dumped key Liberal values in doing so.

You have been a disaster. You betrayed Tony Abbott and then led the party to humiliation, stripped of both values and honour.

A+ melt. Would read again. :D
In fairness to Bolt, it's an indictment on the state of politics that leaders have been chopped and changed without the public's consent. Talk about party stability and democracy at work. I forget who it was that said Australia is the coup capital of the Western world, but they are spot on.

It's precisely why we need to have separate Prime Ministerial elections ala the US - but sadly, no chance of it happening until we become a republic. And we all know how far back that movement was set after the 1999 failure.
In fairness to Bolt, it's an indictment on the state of politics that leaders have been chopped and changed without the public's consent. Talk about party stability and democracy at work. I forget who it was that said Australia is the coup capital of the Western world, but they are spot on.

It's precisely why we need to have separate Prime Ministerial elections ala the US - but sadly, no chance of it happening until we become a republic. And we all know how far back that movement was set after the 1999 failure.
It's interesting.

Not an hour ago I was talking to my 12 year old. And she asked why I voted Turnbull.
I said I'm tired of the continual change of leaders in both parties. Im tired of the change in government.

Her immediate answer was. Voters aren't ruining our government. The government is.

I think I've created a monster.
Paulines back thats all what matters - bring in that 2% flat tax rate hey

Some nice juicy quotes - savouring the victory - " Quite amazingly im getting alot of support from those ethnic backgrounds -i had a Fijian guy come up and give me the biggest hug - even Asians and i know you think their all against me but their not - they love this country and dont want to see it changed " - Wow
Gotta laugh at how spectacularly the Senate voting reforms have blown up in Turnbull's face. Tries to strengthen the Libs' monopoly, only for the likes of Hanson, Lambie, Xenophon and Derryn Hinch to claim seats in the Senate (or so it appears at this stage). Talk about one hell of a tough negotiating block. :eek:

Also totally flies in the face of the double dissolution he was so voraciously trumpeting. The result has only been the fence-sitters swinging to Labor and the hard right (disenfranchised now that their lord and saviour Abbott is no longer PM) voting for Pauline Hanson and co. The public won't be taken for fools.

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