2016 QAFA B Central

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Hi lads, I was the injured power play on Friday night and just want to set a few things straight. Apologies if what I write is abit of a novel.

Firstly thank you everybody for your well wishes and if I knew who you were I would personally thank you aswell.

Friday night first quarter as I was tackled my leg went under the opposition player and I was dragged back over my leg. Instantainously I heard/felt a loud pop followed by a crack which was heard by some players around me. Power players and Sandgate players in the vicinity immediately called the stretcher and an ambulance was called. As I tried to move myself I felt another crack and grind from my lower leg and then from the knee down instantly went numb. So I stayed put believing my leg or ankle was broken the ambulance was called and I was instructed not to move because they had a vehicle 10 minutes away. After half an hour still no sign and shock starting to wear off a second call was made and they were 'on the way' another half an hour a call was made and they had diverted the first two cars to more serious emergencies and a third was on the way. This meaning I was on the field for over an hour waiting and during this time the game was called off.

A trip to hospital Friday night for Xrays cleared me of any break and doctors this morning confirms I suffered an ankle dislocation and the second crack and grind I felt was the relocation of my ankle. I'm awaiting scan results for ligament or tendon damage but hopefully it's nothing to serious and I can return at some stage this year and get back amongst the footy.

I would like to mention that had I known the state of the injury and the amount of time I was laying unmoved on the ground I would have requested to be moved off the ground so the game could continue. I did my best to apologise to Sandgate players as they left the field aswell as my own team for having to settle for 2 points each instead of a win resulting in 4.

I would also like to thank the Sandgate players, runner, water carriers and member of their coaching staff who came to check on me, once again if I was aware of who you were personally I would thank you more in private. Also apologies for you not being able to contest for the 4 points. There was no malice or dirty intention in the tackle just a freak accident and I hope your player doesn't think anything bad of the incident.

Just to finish I think income protection should be a must if your playing footy luckily I have a heap of leave built up but would hate for another accident like this to happen to somebody else and then be in financial trouble.

Cheers Ryan
Still a champion bloke Ryan, well said and hope you recover soon.
Is Mayne really considered as bad as that post suggests though? The comp seems abit tighter than recent years and a big loss one week doesn't seem to reflect on what to expect the next at the moment. It seems the will be far more "upsets" this year based on what has been expected from performances in past seasons. I have no doubt the Woodies maintain the hard game experience and have some younger blokes coming through and progressing with the knowledgable help from the senior players. This may be the third straight game they've lost but the first two losses were against sides like zillmere and Jimboomba and most here would understand that they are two tough sides. Teams like Collingwood park and Uq have proved to be impressive competitors this year with their young, quick kids seeming far better for their hitouts last year and I'd say Mayne's young fellas may have just figured out an on field chemistry.

agree. there is a level of 'same old same old' that people seem to expect from this competition, without the understanding that clubs develop, players improve nd other forces that can change a teams output.

I'm not afraid to admit, that we probably have a few mid tier players who are now having to carry the load our better players have previously carried. Mayne got done by 100 points by Sandgate the week before, and since Sandgate joined the comp - they have never got within 10 goals of us in the past, so expectations sometimes get overblown based on past deeds.

Footy is footy, and when the quality goes up a bit and you're off your game you will get beaten. You only have to look at the AFL. Melbourne beat GWS, GWS beat Geelong, Essendon beat Melbourne so therefore Essendon are better than Geelong...? not a chance, and thats not how it works. Nor is that how it works at any other level of footy.

No disrespect to Morningside, but Colly Park beat Jimboomba, Ferny Grove beat Colly Park, Morningside beat Ferny Grove - thats doesn't mean Morningside are a better side than Jimboomba does it?

anything can happen, and will
Is Mayne really considered as bad as that post suggests though? The comp seems abit tighter than recent years and a big loss one week doesn't seem to reflect on what to expect the next at the moment. It seems the will be far more "upsets" this year based on what has been expected from performances in past seasons. I have no doubt the Woodies maintain the hard game experience and have some younger blokes coming through and progressing with the knowledgable help from the senior players. This may be the third straight game they've lost but the first two losses were against sides like zillmere and Jimboomba and most here would understand that they are two tough sides. Teams like Collingwood park and Uq have proved to be impressive competitors this year with their young, quick kids seeming far better for their hitouts last year and I'd say Mayne's young fellas may have just figured out an on field chemistry. Time will tell I guess. Is there someone from mayne on here that can give a little insight. It's abit of an unspoken for side so it's hard to get an idea on sides like them and morningside.

I'm hopeful to see the woodsmen strive in coming weeks. They're a side that deserve respect regardless of a couple unfortunate results

Mayne have improved significantly this year the coaches are not rookies and know the team better now plus training numbers seemed to have improved a lot...I would class the Sandgate game as an aberation rather than the norm this season the super small home ground we have just allows dominant fwds to get a hold of you very quickly if you don't have the match ups...One win doesn't make a season but its the first time they've beaten a side above them (woodsmen) in this comp...they should get a big confidence boost from that...

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1. At about 10mins into the 3rd quarter a UQ player was knocked unconscious in the course of being tackled. The player was more or less in the goal square at the southern or clubhouse end of the ground.
2. The UQ goal umpire was tending those goals.
3. On the happening of the incident the UQ goal umpire ran in to assist. The game was stopped whilst the player was attended to. There was some concern for the player who was experiencing tingling in his fingers so the UQ goal umpire accompanied the player as he was stretchered form the ground. Two ambulances attended shortly thereafter.
4. I was one of the two field umpires and umpired the northern end of the ground for the whole of the game - the game recommenced shortly after the player had been removed from the playing surface.
5. On the final siren the scoreboard first showed the score in favour of Jimboomba by 1 point and that was changed shortly thereafter to show the the margin in favour of Jimboomba by a goal.
6. I approached the goal umpire from Jimboomba who had been manning the goals at the northern end of the ground and his card recorded a draw with each side at 8 goals 6 points.
7. I then went searching for the UQ goal umpire and located him at the ambulance. I inquired as to the final score and he advised me that he had not gone back behind goals after the above mentioned incident - that a young Jimboomba club member had kindly taken over for him. He handed me the score card which was completed to some point during the 3rd quarter.
8. I went back to the middle of the ground and the young Jimboomba club member advised that he had not kept the score. I handed the partly completed score card to the AFLQ umpire. I advised that I was not aware of how the issue would be resolved but that I would write a report to James Dowling and seek a ruling from AFLQ.

So allegedly the only completed scorecard at the end of the game showed 8.6 - 54 to each team, but the one that made it into AFLQ showed something different.

Very strange stuff!
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Very serious accusation being made there.
end of the day there should be 4 people tracking score.
The 2 goal umpires of course, can't count scoreboard guy as he just goes off the goal umpires flags.
And the other 2 are the 2 team managers.
Team manager should be the one tracking scores for purposes of goals kicked by players as well as entering the scores into sportingpulse after the game.

What scores were recorded by the managers?
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Sad if it comes to one team actually changing score sheets. Big accusation!

Not as if anyone playing for sheep stations, but still for some winning is more important than anything else.
Cheers mate once again if I knew who you were I would thank you more personally. Really appreciate the well wishes and kind words gents.

Based on the above the next meeting UQ and jimboomba have this season shall be rather interesting.

My son played with you at Jindalee Juniors U14s and U16s and I got to know your father.
There needs to be a trial.

With all the evidence who thinks jimboomba cheated and who thinks UQ are telling lies ?
Pretty simple way to clear it up Mr Cole.

Just explain why the card that was allegedly checked multiple times by both the Jimboomba goal umpire, club umpire and UQ club umpire said one thing, and the card that made it into AFLQ said another.

Who altered the card and why? It's pretty clear it was altered, otherwise given there was only one card - there would have been no controversy over the result in the first place as the card and scoreboard would have matched. The fact that it was in dispute, points to the fact that the card showed a draw and the scoreboard didn't.

Now the card doesn't show a draw, there is only one conclusion and it would appear that that black space you refer to between UQ and Jimboomba is between Jimboomba and the rest of the competition as it appears they are all lining up to back the UQ boys in this one...!

I would like to appologise now for the long response but I think it needs to clear from both parties involved.

I am an avid reader of this forum but have never wanted to post until now.I feel it was an attack at me personally and at my club.

The score cards were checked at the completion of the game as per the norm, the only score card available at the time was from the Jimboomba goal umpire, he told both field umpires that he could not go on his score card because the UQ goal umpire left his position to attend an injured player (I would have done the same) and there was no one waving flags to signal the goal umpire at the other end of the ground of what had been scored. I think this is where the UQ Umpire tried to change the score card (using a different colored pen to the goal umpire) He tried crossing out a point that was clearly marked in black pen with a blue pen. I usualy would not point the finger on social media but feel i need to defend myself and my club. As stated in an earlier post, there was no argument between the Jimboomba club umpire, any officials, coaches or spectators. The club umpire from Jimboomba is a young guy learning his craft and I thought had done an excellent job. The arguing after the game was because the Umpire from UQ (also their president) was trying to bully the young umpire into a decision that the game was a draw.

I was personally in charge of the score cards after the game. There was no changes made to the score cards other than adding the scores and writing them on the bottom of the card. The card that we are being accused of altering was clear that Jimboomba was in front by 1 point and was not altered in anyway. The reason only one card was given is due to UQ not replacing their goal umpire with another person from their bench (players had been injured and were not playing any further) or a spectator instead of an 11 year old boy from Jimboomba. The boy from Jimboomba that took over was not given a score card or a pen to write down the score.
In reality the game should have been stopped until the goal umpire was replaced

QAFL Fan - have you seen the card in question? I have copies on my phone if you would like to see them. I would be happy to show these to anyone who wants to find out the truth of this matter. You should get all the facts before writing any slanderous comments on social media.

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You'll note I said 'alleged'

At the moment its someone's word against anothers word. People can only go on what they are told.

Clearly someone is lying, and people would like to know who.

What did the Jimboomba goal umpires card say before anyone started disputing the result?
Put up a photo of the score card.

From what I've read. I think jimboomba believed the score was them by 1 point and they changed it to prove that.

But put up the score card. If it hasn't been changed and it shows jimboomba up. Case closed.
You'll note I said 'alleged'

At the moment its someone's word against anothers word. People can only go on what they are told.

Clearly someone is lying, and people would like to know who.

What did the Jimboomba goal umpires card say before anyone started disputing the result?

This is indeed a tricky situation. One that should be handled carefully (and respectfully). Without casting dispersions on anyone, wouldn't the fair thing for both clubs to share the points? I mean it's not siren-gate like STK v Freo a couple of years ago, but seriously........ deep breaths all round.

This is the challenge with ammo footy especially in this div. Everyone is a volunteer!! Remember that next time you want to go all "intense" at a game on a Friday/Saturday.

HOWEVER....... one has to ask the question of the common denominator ...... Why is Jimboomba always involved in incidents that happen in this division? Co-incidence? Vendetta from other clubs?

Or perhaps a hint of truth.....? Just asking.

And so far all this conversation may all be in breach of AFLQ's social media policy. So let's all calm down. What do you think?
Obviously there is contention about the result. If it is so serious than take it to the tribunal and hash it out.
Pretty confident no one's going to get a decision on big footy.
Agree that all people are volunteers and some are better than others.
That does not excuse anyone from doing the wrong thing on or off the footy field.
With my limited experience with teams in this comp it's pretty obvious that jimboomba are not well liked.
That's OK but you need proof if you challenge someone.
If you have the proof than take it to aflq and let the truth come out.
I was involved with a situation a couple of weeks ago involving a draw. Beaing the ground Marshall on the day. The ###### runner and manager came straight up to the young kid umpire and demanded he sort it out now.
My response to both of them was to back away and understand that he has no control over the score. I bluntly told them that they would go on report if they kept it up.
So if you have proof and want justice then follow through on your complaint.
If not than this just becomes a bitch fight and pretty pathetic.
It's a game of footy and if you have to dodgy up teamsheets and scorecards to win.
What the #### are you doing beaing involved in sport.
A bit below the belt Thommo, didnt think you would post rubbish like this

Apologies, it was in jest but i see your point.

Everyone is getting a bit too excited here, might be best if you all edit your posts before good people end up in strife with AFLQ

Sort it out privately and get on with it. Seems most have a pre conceived opinion on the topic already so no point trying to change it when 2 different sets of facts are being presented and we're all just guessing.

Only people that really know what happened will have to live with it.
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I would like to appologise now for the long response but I think it needs to clear from both parties involved.

I am an avid reader of this forum but have never wanted to post until now.I feel it was an attack at me personally and at my club.

The score cards were checked at the completion of the game as per the norm, the only score card available at the time was from the Jimboomba goal umpire, he told both field umpires that he could not go on his score card because the UQ goal umpire left his position to attend an injured player (I would have done the same) and there was no one waving flags to signal the goal umpire at the other end of the ground of what had been scored. I think this is where the UQ Umpire tried to change the score card (using a different colored pen to the goal umpire) He tried crossing out a point that was clearly marked in black pen with a blue pen. I usualy would not point the finger on social media but feel i need to defend myself and my club. As stated in an earlier post, there was no argument between the Jimboomba club umpire, any officials, coaches or spectators. The club umpire from Jimboomba is a young guy learning his craft and I thought had done an excellent job. The arguing after the game was because the Umpire from UQ (also their president) was trying to bully the young umpire into a decision that the game was a draw.

I was personally in charge of the score cards after the game. There was no changes made to the score cards other than adding the scores and writing them on the bottom of the card. The card that we are being accused of altering was clear that Jimboomba was in front by 1 point and was not altered in anyway. The reason only one card was given is due to UQ not replacing their goal umpire with another person from their bench (players had been injured and were not playing any further) or a spectator instead of an 11 year old boy from Jimboomba. The boy from Jimboomba that took over was not given a score card or a pen to write down the score.
In reality the game should have been stopped until the goal umpire was replaced

QAFL Fan - have you seen the card in question? I have copies on my phone if you would like to see them. I would be happy to show these to anyone who wants to find out the truth of this matter. You should get all the facts before writing any slanderous comments on social media.
Mr President - the part I have bolded - that is a total fabrication. Over and out!!
You'll note I said 'alleged'

At the moment its someone's word against anothers word. People can only go on what they are told.

Clearly someone is lying, and people would like to know who.

What did the Jimboomba goal umpires card say before anyone started disputing the result?

The score card showed Jimboomba by 1 point, the alteration is crossing out a point on Jimboombas score to make a draw. Jimboomba was the clear winner, why would some one from Jimboomba scribble out a point to make it a draw. If you read between the lines and look at the proof you will see who the cheat is.
Case Closed!!!
Apologies, it was in jest but i see your point.

Everyone is getting a bit too excited here, might be best if you all edit your posts before good people end up in strife with the overlords at Yeronga.

Sort it out privately and get on with it. Seems most have a pre conceived opinion on the topic already so no point trying to change it when 2 different sets of facts are being presented and we're all just guessing.

Only people that really know what happened will have to live with it.
This is an anonymous fourm thommo so don't see aflq having any say.
Might want to get the FBI involved they cracked apples privacy policy.
This is an anonymous fourm thommo so don't see aflq having any say.
Might want to get the FBI involved they cracked apples privacy policy.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember fines have been awarded in other divisions for posts on this forum that are deemed to contravene AFLQ's social media policy.

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2016 QAFA B Central

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