I started Crippa but traded him for his one week 'hammy' to English lol. I feel I need to take a risk to make up ground after that horror setback. And that risk may be fading Cripps. If anything, I'm entirely justified in doing so after I captained him for a 30.I’m one of the few who didn’t have Cripps this year. Do people think it’s worth targeting him as an under priced guy still or is there injury risk there?
Walsh looks good value and to start this season I think we all would have had him averaging far more than Cripps. Walsh will have bottomed out now and looks to be in ripping form, I'm pretty keen to jump on him this week and back him to outscore Cripps from here. The one thing to note with Cripps' big scores is he's needed goals to get there. There's absolutely nothing to suggest he's going to stop pumping out 120s but I need some kind of reason to justify fading him. If he stops kicking multiple goals, those 120s could be 90s.