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2380, had the makings of a good round with everyone scoring reasonable except Young.

A few really good score with Whitfield, Sinclair, Bont, Walsh (c) and Cadewell
With a few sub score with Fisher, Heeney, Martin and Gawn that most other own anyways.

I’ve held Reville and Freijah, they’ll continue to make some decent cash and open up a good M9 or F7 in a couple of weeks.

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2380, had the makings of a good round with everyone scoring reasonable except Young.

A few really good score with Whitfield, Sinclair, Bont, Walsh (c) and Cadewell
With a few sub score with Fisher, Heeney, Martin and Gawn that most other own anyways.

I’ve held Reville and Freijah, they’ll continue to make some decent cash and open up a good M9 or F7 in a couple of weeks.
Was legit a bit disappointed in the round, after starting with unrealistic projections of 2500+ and Young being a real down score.
Turns out it was good for 60th for the round and now I’m up to 26th overall.

Still want to be aggressive and attack the overall, but starting to think hanging while everything is still going ok might pay dividends why others chase too hard.
rd16: 2385pts (top 1%) :)
overall: 127th (top 2%)
trades: 10

Whitfield + Sinclair + Caldwell + Bont + Dunkley + Anderson + Marshall = :thumbsu:
Young + Simpkin + Gulden(c) + Gawn(vc) = :thumbsdown:
not owning Walsh = :cryv1:

don't think i'll be making any trades for this week
Clohesy -> Humphries can wait until next week... this will put money in the bank
Simpkin(F6) is probably my biggest weakness
so i'd like to turn Freijah into Miers/Moore... and make Simpkin F7/M9 backup
Rozee, Sexton, Green need to keep up their good work too
Simpkin needs to lift !!... and can somebody shut down Walsh !!
2334, up to 49th. 8 trades left, 58k banked. North playing 2nd game is painful for me with both Dawson (D/F 0) and Maley (R/F 0) my only donuts, forcing a Daicos/Merrett/Caldwell/Martin VC I reckon. Also makes it near impossible to run a 23rd man unless it's Martin D EMG.

The 'dilemma' for me is what to do with my rookies now. Graham, Freijah, Dowling, Kreuger, Richards. Kreuger's handy as a ruck EMG/swing to allow Maley to be F emg and loop. The other four all have cash to grow. Richards being pure F (especially with Maley/Kreuger taking a slot) limits my 23rd man ability to mids/defs for now.

Evans/Schoenmaker on the bubble this week, Blight/AMW/Humphries next week. Maybe Mannagh pending selection? I feel like I probably need to burn a trade each of the next couple of weeks to get rookies in just so I can use the other trades and have cash to do what I want. But obviously want to make sure the rookies I get are gonna endure and keep their spots.

Do I let Evans/Schoenmaker slip this week and go for Humphries next week maybe?

Then I guess are there any premiums who are ones worth 'luxury trading'?

Nic Martin - L3 97, L5 98, seems to be thrown around a bit more recently?
Hayden Young - 52% CBAs last couple, 37 last week, 104 the week before but took 3 goals to get there. But super soft run coming up
Zac Fisher - is he injured? Was he tac-subbed? Is it a sign to jump off esp. if Colby returns?
Simpkin - gut says one more week given Wardlaw's still out, but 64 off 92% CBAs isn't great
Sexton - 79 & 74 last 2, but Flanders' midfield move is surely good for him?

Probably want to get one of those blokes out to get Rozee in this week. Think Bont's got too expensive for now given the tag risk, Dawson with his upcoming run is an avoid, Treloar will drop some more you'd think, Anderson is too flaky, Taranto maybe but he's expensive and has a tough three weeks even if he's not tagged ahead of him, Sinclair cops Jordon this week.

Maybe Andy Brayshaw given the Richmond -> Hawthorn -> Melbourne -> WCE -> Essendon -> Geelong run could be an interesting play?

Or Nic Newman - going at 110 last 8, 106 L5, 103 L3 ?
2334, up to 49th. 8 trades left, 58k banked. North playing 2nd game is painful for me with both Dawson (D/F 0) and Maley (R/F 0) my only donuts, forcing a Daicos/Merrett/Caldwell/Martin VC I reckon. Also makes it near impossible to run a 23rd man unless it's Martin D EMG.

The 'dilemma' for me is what to do with my rookies now. Graham, Freijah, Dowling, Kreuger, Richards. Kreuger's handy as a ruck EMG/swing to allow Maley to be F emg and loop. The other four all have cash to grow. Richards being pure F (especially with Maley/Kreuger taking a slot) limits my 23rd man ability to mids/defs for now.

Evans/Schoenmaker on the bubble this week, Blight/AMW/Humphries next week. Maybe Mannagh pending selection? I feel like I probably need to burn a trade each of the next couple of weeks to get rookies in just so I can use the other trades and have cash to do what I want. But obviously want to make sure the rookies I get are gonna endure and keep their spots.

Do I let Evans/Schoenmaker slip this week and go for Humphries next week maybe?

Then I guess are there any premiums who are ones worth 'luxury trading'?

Nic Martin - L3 97, L5 98, seems to be thrown around a bit more recently?
Hayden Young - 52% CBAs last couple, 37 last week, 104 the week before but took 3 goals to get there. But super soft run coming up
Zac Fisher - is he injured? Was he tac-subbed? Is it a sign to jump off esp. if Colby returns?
Simpkin - gut says one more week given Wardlaw's still out, but 64 off 92% CBAs isn't great
Sexton - 79 & 74 last 2, but Flanders' midfield move is surely good for him?

Probably want to get one of those blokes out to get Rozee in this week. Think Bont's got too expensive for now given the tag risk, Dawson with his upcoming run is an avoid, Treloar will drop some more you'd think, Anderson is too flaky, Taranto maybe but he's expensive and has a tough three weeks even if he's not tagged ahead of him, Sinclair cops Jordon this week.

Maybe Andy Brayshaw given the Richmond -> Hawthorn -> Melbourne -> WCE -> Essendon -> Geelong run could be an interesting play?

Or Nic Newman - going at 110 last 8, 106 L5, 103 L3 ?
Any thought of picking up another basement priced designed Loopholing player ?
Last week was a great example where the likely VC options failed early and potential to that people got stuck with a Gulden into Zerrett type scenario ?

Richards is a hold for me, straight back in the side and scored well previously, will be decent enough cover when he gets a full game and will make a decent amount of cash. I am thinking of cutting Freijah early though if I need too, he’s at a decent enough price now to make decent coin.

Martin is a hold, roles is still there and still scoring reasonable, feels like a punt trying to better his scores.
Young 1 bad score, we’ve copped it. Moving him only is reactionary at this stage, house has bolted type of deal.
Fisher / Sexton are yo-yoing, but when they’re on they’re top 8 in the forward line. I am might tempted to get Rankine as a F7 though to loop as necessary.

My biggest concern this week before any selection carnage is Xerri going up against Witts. By far his worst game this year was against Witts, however it was in NT. Really unsure what to do at this stage, considering jumping to Marshall but not sold yet on him, with a few challenging match ups to come also.
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Any thought of picking up another basement priced designed Loopholing player ?
Last week was a great example where the likely VC options failed early and potential to that people got stuck with a Gulden into Zerrett type scenario ?

Richards is a hold for me, straight back in the side and scored well previously, will be decent enough cover when he gets a full game and will make a decent amount of cash. I am thinking of cutting Freijah early though if I need too, he’s at a decent enough price now to make decent coin.

Martin is a hold, roles is still there and still scoring reasonable, feels like a punt trying to better his scores.
Young 1 bad score, we’ve copped it. Moving him only is reactionary at this stage, house has bolted type of deal.
Fisher / Sexton are yo-yoing, but when they’re on they’re top 8 in the forward line. I am might tempted to get Rankine as a F7 though to loop as necessary.

My biggest concern this week before any selection carnage is Xerri going up against Witts. By far his worst game this year was against Witts, however it was in NT. Really unsure what to do at this stage, considering jumping to Marshall but not sold yet on him, with a few challenging match ups to come also.

Yeah, Richards is a hold in terms of quality for sure. I'm just iffy on whether I/we need the quality at this stage. That he's pure F and I've got a R/F duo in my other F slot means I can't 23rd man a forward without trading out Kreuger or Richards.

Young agree it's probably reactionary - other than there's been a clear shift in CBAs/role last two - 3 goals to get 100 playing fwd/mid more last week, and then 52% CBAs this week too. So I think he's probably looking like he's a slightly less CBA / slightly more fwd time guy now. Just about if/how badly that impacts the scoring.

Witts is out this week - another Darcy Moore casualty. Fractured vertebrae.

Max King is also out of the season now, which IMO is a biiiiiig flag on Rowan Marshall potentially being 'the guy' down there for the rest of the season. I'm now genuinely considering flicking him pro-actively (but think it probably makes sense to wait a week and see, but I'm cognisant that I'm a bit exposed on him as one of the few owners in the top 100, so if it goes wrong, it's a unique)
Yeah, Richards is a hold in terms of quality for sure. I'm just iffy on whether I/we need the quality at this stage. That he's pure F and I've got a R/F duo in my other F slot means I can't 23rd man a forward without trading out Kreuger or Richards.

Young agree it's probably reactionary - other than there's been a clear shift in CBAs/role last two - 3 goals to get 100 playing fwd/mid more last week, and then 52% CBAs this week too. So I think he's probably looking like he's a slightly less CBA / slightly more fwd time guy now. Just about if/how badly that impacts the scoring.

Witts is out this week - another Darcy Moore casualty. Fractured vertebrae.

Max King is also out of the season now, which IMO is a biiiiiig flag on Rowan Marshall potentially being 'the guy' down there for the rest of the season. I'm now genuinely considering flicking him pro-actively (but think it probably makes sense to wait a week and see, but I'm cognisant that I'm a bit exposed on him as one of the few owners in the top 100, so if it goes wrong, it's a unique)
Seen the Witts news last night, helps ease my Xerri concern for sure.

There’s a lot of discrepancies with the 2nd ruck choices, Xerri 35%, English 30, Marshall 20 and Grundy at 16% ownership. This was one of the big reasons why I was concerned with the Xerri match up.

I’d be very wary of Marshall with the Kings news now, he actually looked like a good forward on the weekend, so can’t see how he doesn’t get some decent forward time at stage at a minimum.

No other ruck appears to have a dream run home either, English short term schedule looks good. The high risk play I was considering was trading down to TDK, the success of this would rely on him still going at 100ppg and what you can do with the 150k.

Looking like a pretty Important decision this late in the season for Marshall owners. I do think you’re in a decent position trades wise, probably sitting on 1-2 more than most other coaches this high. Its a luxury trade, but one that could really help
Seen the Witts news last night, helps ease my Xerri concern for sure.

There’s a lot of discrepancies with the 2nd ruck choices, Xerri 35%, English 30, Marshall 20 and Grundy at 16% ownership. This was one of the big reasons why I was concerned with the Xerri match up.

I’d be very wary of Marshall with the Kings news now, he actually looked like a good forward on the weekend, so can’t see how he doesn’t get some decent forward time at stage at a minimum.

No other ruck appears to have a dream run home either, English short term schedule looks good. The high risk play I was considering was trading down to TDK, the success of this would rely on him still going at 100ppg and what you can do with the 150k.

Looking like a pretty Important decision this late in the season for Marshall owners. I do think you’re in a decent position trades wise, probably sitting on 1-2 more than most other coaches this high. Its a luxury trade, but one that could really help

Yeah, TDK is an interesting one.

He averages 69.5 in 6 games with Pittonet (which includes an 18!), and 101.6 in 8 games without him, but that splits into 89 in the first four weeks of the year and 114 the last four weeks. Great numbers.

But, dig a little deeper, and De Koning is a 36.8% ruck contest winner this season - which I imagine includes some beatdowns on second rucks when Pitto played.

His scores in the last month have come against Witts (112 - 33%), Soldo (119 - 35%), Goldstein (94 - 27%) and his brother (131 - 42%). His opening month was against McInerney (64 - 31%), Nankervis (107 - 45%), Xerri (86 - 38%), Jackson (100 - 51%)

I'm not sure if that paints the exact picture I think it does, because it's obviously good that he's putting up great numbers recently despite still losing the ruck most weeks, but I don't think he's had the most challenging run as a solo ruck - against McInerney he struggled, and Witts he did well. But he's avoided the guys like ROB, Cameron, Marshall, English, Gawn, probably Grundy who can go with him around the ground.

Ruck runs to come:

TDK: Briggs, English, Xerri, Soldo/Sweet, Cameron, Meek, Flynn/Williams, Marshall
Xerri: Moyle, Grundy, TDK, SDK/Stanley, Nankervis, Flynn/Williams, English, Meek
Grundy: Marshall/Campbell, Xerri, McInerney, English, Soldo/Sweet, Cameron, Goldy/Draper, ROB
Nankervis: Darcy/Jackson, Briggs, Soldo/Sweet, Cameron, Xerri, Marshall, Meek, Witts
English: Soldo/Sweet, TDK, SDK/Stanley, Grundy, Gawn, ROB, Xerri, Briggs
Gawn: Flynn/Williams, Draper/Goldy, Darcy/Jackson, Briggs, English, Soldo/Sweet, Witts, Cameron
Cameron: Draper/Goldy, SDK/Stanley, Meek, Nank, TDK, Grundy, McInerney, Gawn

I guess, in spite of the 'his scoring has come against weaker rucks' - he probably doesn't have an incredibly challenging run home either. The ??? will be whether they go dual ruck at all.

Xerri seems to have a really favourable run home. I do wonder if he's the play. I guess I wouldn't put it past Ross to drop Campbell anyway and bring Membrey/Sharman types in, who knows. Does seem logical to go Campbell ruck Marshall forward - but just depends on how awful Campbell is at rucking.
Very similar match up in the eliminator this week.

Sinclair, Dawson, Steele and Xerri vs
Ryan, Richards, Brayshaw and English.

Match up wise I think i might be in trouble, Sinclair likely Jordan tag, Dawson likely Berry attention vs Ryan and Brayshaw against Richmond

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Very similar match up in the eliminator this week.

Sinclair, Dawson, Steele and Xerri vs
Ryan, Richards, Brayshaw and English.

Match up wise I think i might be in trouble, Sinclair likely Jordan tag, Dawson likely Berry attention vs Ryan and Brayshaw against Richmond
Ouch. Don't think we will be doing you many favours there. 😬
Seems like Fisher didn't train this week. Not sure if he's worth holding through an injury?

Had a deeper look at the ruck runs too, TDK/Xerri definitely have the easiest runs home. Only banana peel for X is Grundy next week, but even then he's got a ~4.5 ppg easier run home inclusive of that. TDK at 4.1.

Marshall at -0.7 inc -4.9 over the next 5. So even excluding the Campbell factor, bloke's got a harder run coming up anyway.

Only limitation is obviously those numbers change pending the ruck combos - whether Stanley comes back, how many Witts misses etc.

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