Prediction 2024 - Best 23 + Emergencies - Rolling

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A bit of a pipe dream considering it'll never happen but reckon our best 23 (or 24) has become obvious.

B: Newman Weitering McGovern
HB: Saad Marchbank Williams
C: Acres Cripps Docherty
HF: Fogarty McKay E.Hollands
F: Motlop Curnow Martin
OB: Pittonett Cerra Walsh
IC: Boyd Hewett Cotrell Owies
Sub: Kennedy

Very very unlucky (hence best 24): TDK (He's a gun but our clearance game is just so much better with Pittonett in the team and there are better forwards).

Weakest Position Marchbank: We need to upgrade this spot and find someone more durable asap
A bit of a pipe dream considering it'll never happen but reckon our best 23 (or 24) has become obvious.

B: Newman Weitering McGovern
HB: Saad Marchbank Williams
C: Acres Cripps Docherty
HF: Fogarty McKay E.Hollands
F: Motlop Curnow Martin
OB: Pittonett Cerra Walsh
IC: Boyd Hewett Cotrell Owies
Sub: Kennedy

Very very unlucky (hence best 24): TDK (He's a gun but our clearance game is just so much better with Pittonett in the team and there are better forwards).

Weakest Position Marchbank: We need to upgrade this spot and find someone more durable asap
Like it. Particularly the ruck setup.

I'd look at swapping Pitto with TDK week to week. I too prefer Mckay as backup ruck like Daniher to allow us extra defence on turnover footy.

I feel our backline is made up of interceptors and qtr backs with no one being strong body one-on-one except Weitering. For balance, i'd personally opt for Cincotta or Cowan (whichever is in best form at the time) in place of Newman. Newman is slow/weak defensively when you notice how fast/powerful small opposition fwds are. We lose Newmans inside 50 kick but i think the defensive benefits offset that. Boyd, Williams, Saad, Mcgovern can all provide Newman's kick.

I personally think JSoS makes the side over Owies for utility. Cottrell, Motlop, Fogarty, Martin can represent the small forwards well enough. We are a stupid side so JSoS adds better decision making on positioning.
A bit of a pipe dream considering it'll never happen but reckon our best 23 (or 24) has become obvious.

B: Newman Weitering McGovern
HB: Saad Marchbank Williams
C: Acres Cripps Docherty
HF: Fogarty McKay E.Hollands
F: Motlop Curnow Martin
OB: Pittonett Cerra Walsh
IC: Boyd Hewett Cotrell Owies
Sub: Kennedy

Very very unlucky (hence best 24): TDK (He's a gun but our clearance game is just so much better with Pittonett in the team and there are better forwards).

Weakest Position Marchbank: We need to upgrade this spot and find someone more durable asap
TDK is in our best team without doubt.
Pitto has been solid, but only one win since he has been back, yes he helps in some aspects, but the extra mobility by going with TDk and Mckay also has some upside.

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Get this side on the park and we can win it all:

B: Boyd Durdin McGovern
HB: Cincotta Weitering Saad
C: Acres Cripps Williams
HF: E.Hollands McKay Motlop
F: Martin TDK Charlie
Foll: Pittonet Kennedy Walsh
Int: Newman Cerra Hewett Owies
Sub: Cuningham/Cottrell

Williams up onto Wing
More run
Not convinced on 2 ruck situation?
Defence has run and good ball use
Multiple goal kicking options
I wanted to hold off on raising this until we had a big enough sample size, but I think we've reached that point now.

I know he's in career best form, but I just can't see Pitto in our best 23 if we're really going to make an impact this season. For me, I view him as a high level back up to TDK and someone we can bring in against teams like Melbourne/Fremantle that require more help in the ruck department. This isn't about him personally but rather is an assessment of team structure when he's in the side. The TL;DR of this is we should play TDK and Harry in the ruck from now on.

We are a team that lacks natural pace across the park. This means that we need to fit in as many of our quick/endurance types as possible each week to make up for it. Otherwise we struggle in what I believe are the most important factors of the modern game: applying pressure and both phases on transition. We did this well across the first 4 games of the season by playing TDK and Harry in the ruck. From memory we were ranked 3rd in the comp on transition by Champion Data during that time and we had won every game.

Since we have brought Pitto into the team our lack of pace around the ground is getting exposed badly. We can't defend or score well enough on turnover. We can't apply adequate pressure around clearance or the rest of the ground. Another point to consider is that TDK and Harry's form have gone down since changing their roles. Quite simply, we aren't able to compete with the best teams when we have this many tall players in the side. We're 2-4 and have dropped out of the 8 for the first time this season. I don't have the data to know if we're winning clearances or hit outs across the six games Pitto has been in the team. However, even if we are I don't believe that winning in those stats will lead to winning games. History shows that you need to be top 3 in the league in turnover to win the flag and we can't do that with the team structure as it is right now.
I wanted to hold off on raising this until we had a big enough sample size, but I think we've reached that point now.

I know he's in career best form, but I just can't see Pitto in our best 23 if we're really going to make an impact this season. For me, I view him as a high level back up to TDK and someone we can bring in against teams like Melbourne/Fremantle that require more help in the ruck department. This isn't about him personally but rather is an assessment of team structure when he's in the side. The TL;DR of this is we should play TDK and Harry in the ruck from now on.

We are a team that lacks natural pace across the park. This means that we need to fit in as many of our quick/endurance types as possible each week to make up for it. Otherwise we struggle in what I believe are the most important factors of the modern game: applying pressure and both phases on transition. We did this well across the first 4 games of the season by playing TDK and Harry in the ruck. From memory we were ranked 3rd in the comp on transition by Champion Data during that time and we had won every game.

Since we have brought Pitto into the team our lack of pace around the ground is getting exposed badly. We can't defend or score well enough on turnover. We can't apply adequate pressure around clearance or the rest of the ground. Another point to consider is that TDK and Harry's form have gone down since changing their roles. Quite simply, we aren't able to compete with the best teams when we have this many tall players in the side. We're 2-4 and have dropped out of the 8 for the first time this season. I don't have the data to know if we're winning clearances or hit outs across the six games Pitto has been in the team. However, even if we are I don't believe that winning in those stats will lead to winning games. History shows that you need to be top 3 in the league in turnover to win the flag and we can't do that with the team structure as it is right now.
No other team in the comp could cover the loss in player stocks we are currently experiencing....

Saad missing from the backline is massive, ditto that Williams has lost his mojo....

Think it's impossible to really gauge things like Pitto or TDK when so many are missing....
Picking best 23 is always difficult as those last 6 spots is just opinion or preference, as well as a player's primary starting position

Most would have the same ish 16 players, then another 12 or so in contention for 6 spots

What has always been clear, is every one of our injury prone players are in that list of 28 players, most in best 23

Continuity is gold in team sport, so we need to replace the majority of these types end of year, remaining end of 2025
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Get this side on the park and we can win it all:

B: Boyd Durdin McGovern
HB: Cincotta Weitering Saad
C: Acres Cripps Williams
HF: E.Hollands McKay Motlop
F: Martin TDK Charlie
Foll: Pittonet Kennedy Walsh
Int: Newman Cerra Hewett Owies
Sub: Cuningham/Cottrell

Williams up onto Wing
B: Newman Weitering Kemp
HB: Boyd McGovern Saad
C: Cincotta Cripps Acres
HF: Cerra McKay Williams
F: Motlop Charlie Owies
Foll: Pittonet Kennedy Walsh
Int: Cowan Elijah TDK Fogarty
Sub: Hewett

Don’t think Williams has the endurance to play wing. May be worth persevering at HF, especially if he can produce that tackling effort on Blakey and also kick goals.

If Martin is fit he’d be in the 22, but I’m starting to resign to the possibility his body may not be resilient enough when we need him.

The MC would probably prefer Hewett over Cowan. However I’ve opted for Cowan who can bring some physically and run which we need, with Cottrell out.

Of the highlighted players out, Saad and Cerra will make a huge difference. Fogarty and Motlop should come in and would contribute more to the team than Fantasia and Corey.

Defence: Weitering/McGovern/Kemp matchup fairly well against most tall forward set up in the competition. I personally don't think we need a proper lockdown key defender alongside Weitering. Saad, Newman and Boyd will be our main distributors off HB with Cincotta showing himself to be a really good small lockdown defender.

Midfield: Kind of picks itself in my opinion - Walsh and Cerra need to be at as many CBAs as possible with Cripps/Hewett complementing them with more inside-suited games. Fogarty and E.Hollands should also be getting some significant midfield rotations. Kennedy as the sub adds another.

Ruck: Just gone with the one ruck and McKay to help out. I really like Pittonet and think he has probably been the better ruck this season but long term I do think one ruck is the way to go. TDK having the versatility to go forward puts him just ahead imo.

Forward: Two key forwards pick themselves and I have gone with Jack Martin as the #3 option - however given his injury history it could also be JSOS. In terms of smalls I think Motlop and Fogarty are the ideal combination - Motlop can find the goals and Fogarty is really important for forward pressure and also adding to midfield rotations. E.Hollands/Cottrell round out the forward line quite nicely and add a bit of versatility with Hollands able to go into the midfield and Cottrell able to push to the wing if we want Doc on ball.
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I'm going to assume all our short term injured players are available

B: Boyd Weitering Kemp
HB: Cincotta McGovern Saad
C: Acres Cripps O.Hollands
HF: E.Hollands McKay Motlop
F: Martin Charlie Williams
Foll: TDK Walsh Hewett
Int: Newman Cerra Owies Kennedy
Sub: Cottrell
I'm going to assume all our short term injured players are available

B: Boyd Weitering Kemp
HB: Cincotta McGovern Saad
C: Acres Cripps O.Hollands
HF: E.Hollands McKay Motlop
F: Martin Charlie Williams
Foll: TDK Walsh Hewett
Int: Newman Cerra Owies Kennedy
Sub: Cottrell
Nice, but I reckon it needs more Fogarty and not sure a fit Cotts is the sub.
I'm going to assume all our short term injured players are available

B: Boyd Weitering Kemp
HB: Cincotta McGovern Saad
C: Acres Cripps O.Hollands
HF: E.Hollands McKay Motlop
F: Martin Charlie Williams
Foll: TDK Walsh Hewett
Int: Newman Cerra Owies Kennedy
Sub: Cottrell

Cowan over Cincotta for me. Don't want to see him playing 2s ever again he's a long term player.

Cincotta looks more valuable up the ground.
Cowan over Cincotta for me. Don't want to see him playing 2s ever again he's a long term player.

Cincotta looks more valuable up the ground.
Just shows that if we have a healthy list we can’t fit them all in, and that is excluding our two LTI staples.

Pitto hard done by too as is absolutely fair to consider “best 22/23”

Becomes horses for courses, and perhaps a little rotation.

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Just shows that if we have a healthy list we can’t fit them all in, and that is excluding our two LTI staples.

Pitto hard done by too as is absolutely fair to consider “best 22/23”

Becomes horses for courses, and perhaps a little rotation.
Yeah, I can’t fit in Fogarty, Cowan, Marchbank nor Pitto - someone will be hard done by
Boyd Weitering Newman
McGovern Kemp/Young Saad

Pitto Cerra Walsh
Acres Cripps Doc

Williams Curnow Martin
Motlop McKay C Durdin

INT: TDK Marchbank Cottrell Hewett

EMG: Cowan Kennedy Hollands Silvagni

Stiff/In contention Fogarty Owies Cuningham Cincotta

The rest

Boyd has been a lock for me for some time.

Young will fight hard to regain his position, Kemp will improve. One or the other will start

Kennedy will probably be starting 22, but where and for who

Once again i have Jsos out of the side, but keeps putting his hand up

Williams would be the perfect forward/midfielder, but after doing a knee, club will probably start him behind the ball

Saw enough of Cowan to suggest he could lock in a position next year if he has a big preseason

Also backing in little Durdin to take a spot if he gets his body right

The 8 players, emergencies and in contention are pretty decent

Could we see a surprise in Binns or Carroll? Who knows, but it's exciting

Also based on Dow and Fisher being elsewhere next year

Nice prediction Arr0w , you called Williams forward very early.

By way of comparison and for no particular reason, here's my version at a similar time of year (post draft and trade):

November 2023 post draft best 23

Saad Weitering Newman
Williams McGovern Marchbank

O.Hollands Walsh Acres
DeKoning Cripps Cerra

E.Hollands McKay Martin
Motlop Curnow Fantasia

Moir JSOS Boyd Docherty

Sub: Kennedy

Emg: Hewett Cottrell Kemp Cuningham

I love Kennedy but I actually think he's the perfect sub - an impact player who can plug holes, hurt bodies and take full advantage of opposition fatigue later in games.

Not enough love for Fog, no idea how I missed him. Not enough for Cotters either. Kemp was in the squad but replaces Marchbank easily in that 23 now.

Too much optimism for Moir, picked Fantasia but would change that now.

Doch and JSOS in my 23 😞 The impact of missing these 2 is far too easily ignored by the average punter, Carlton and non-Carlton alike.

And for completeness, here's my latest version based on exposed form:

June 2024 best 23 (excluding only long term injuries)

Kemp Weitering Saad
Newman McGovern Boyd

O.Hollands Walsh Acres
TDK Cripps Cerra

E.Hollands McKay Fogarty
Williams Charlie Martin

Cincotta Cottrell Hewett Cowan

Sub: Kennedy

Emg: Owies Pittonet Carroll Motlop

Hewett is at risk based on recent form, but there's no obvious replacement unless we throw Elijah into permanent mid and bring in another forward like Owies or go for dual ruck again (I'm not a fan of that system though).

If Motlop finds form, he is a lock and we will shuffle magnets.

Our depth doesn't feel as impressive as previous years, without the LTI JSOS and Doch as well as Dow and Fisher, especially given none of the new draftees (Moir et al) have stepped up.
Newman. Weitering. Boyd.
Saad. Marchbank. McGovern.
Acres. Cripps. O Hollands.
E Hollands. McKay. Martin.
Williams. Curnow. Fogarty.
R. TDK. Cerra. Walsh.
I. Kennedy. Hewett. Cottrell. Cincotta.
E. Kemp.
E. Carroll. Pittonett. Cuningham. Motlop. Cowan.

LTI. Docherty. JSOS.

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