F1 The Wash Up - Previous 2024 Race Weekends

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We only got to hear one message between McLaren and Norris asking if he wanted to cover Lewis or Verstappen and didn’t hear the answer, the commentators mentioned about back and forwards between them discussing it.
Compare that to Piastri who was clear and concise with what he wanted.

There is a bit more of the transcript here. Pretty much Norris sounded unsure and McLaren led the decision:

Give it a week or so and you will be able to listen to Norris full race radio on this YT channel as he seems to post every drivers full race radios:

There were a couple of key decisions that cost McLaren the win.

1. Norris choosing to stay out an extra lap - The choice should have been either Norris +1, and Oscar straight in with Max OR double-stack. Instead, Norris went +1, and Oscar had to go +2 - losing 17 seconds in that extra lap.
1a) Oscar pits ahead of Max - takes the lead after Lando pits next lap.
1b) Double Stack - Lando Leads, Oscar has to overtake Russell and Hamilton as well as Max but only loses 4 seconds.
1c) Lando +1, Oscar +2 (what we got) = Lando 2nd, Oscar 4th, almost 20 seconds back.

2. Lando given the choice of Used Soft, or New Medium - this was all about the phrasing. Instead of saying "Soft to go after Hamilton, Medium to protect against Max", it should simply have been about the right tyre for the laps remaining. Used softs would never get to the end at pace, McLaren the only team to keep a set of new Mediums for this exact reason.

2a) Lando takes Medium = Still comes out behind Hamilton (Lando missed his marks at the pit), but on a far better tyre. Likely wins as no degredation issue and flat out to the flag. Max wouldn't have caught him.
2b) Lando goes Soft = What we got (tyres fell off a cliff, Max overtakes him).

McLaren gave away the 1-2 (either order) on the pit wall.
I’m going to go against the grain here.
I actually enjoyed those last10 or so minutes of the race and the immediate aftermath.
Yes, there was proBrit commentary, as there should be at a British race with a British driver winning against the odds.
The comms were also highly praising of Max and pointing out that McLaren had stuffed it up. As well as criticising Lando for missing his marks in the pit stop. Praise also for Oscar and his charge at the end.
Particularly enjoyed them pointing out this is the sixth winner in F1 this year. Somethings going right.

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Interesting interview with Carlos Sainz and Oscar Piastri post race...(and not from Sky)

Oscar, always the cool headed diplomat, says he was OK with the decision to leave him out for an extra lap and not double stack BUT he also makes the relevant point (subtly) that the decision making in the lap prior to that was where the error was made that cost him and his team the win.

The big point of course was the short half second gap between Norris and Piastri when Norris was called in to pit made double stacking an unacceptable risk and that would have been costly time-wise. Getting Oscar to pull back an extend the gap between them in that incoming lap would have been the smart move and make double stacking possible (as Mercedes showed).

Heck, even Croft was calling for this at the time in the commentary. And when the glaring error in your team's race strategy is called out in real time by Crofty of all people I think it's fair to say the team made a major tactical error.

If us sitting at home can see the delta to max starts suddenly dropping 3 seconds in a sector before the mclarens get around to the pits it has to be seen as a failure that no one at the team could do the same and demand a double stack.

Its like they looked at max's 1st sector and seen there was no time gain made the call to go around again and then ignored the delta as max started to rapidly close through the middle sector, F1 team needs to be more on the ball then that they should have been the ones proactively boxing early with 1 car to keep the lead regardless.

F1 The Wash Up - Previous 2024 Race Weekends

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