No Oppo Supporters 2024 General AFLW Discussion

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I just had a flick through the crowd sizes at the other games. Not great. Only one other game drew more than 5,000 and that was the Showdown. But I think last year’s Showdown, also in round 1, drew around 10,000 so barely over 5,000 is disappointing.

A couple of games drew between 3 and 4 thousand, while fewer than 3,000 turned up to watch the Suns St Kilda game. If they can’t get biggish crowds in for round one, while footy fever from the AFLM is still high and we should be looking to fill the void, it doesn’t look promising for the rest of the season.

If our women perform ok (and maybe even if they don’t), we could well land up with the five biggest home crowds of the H&A. (It’s hard to know how the people of Coffs will turnout.)

As an aside, I saw Andrew Dillon at NSO on Friday night. He was mingling with the people pushing their way along the walkway between the stands and the pitch at halftime.
Did you spot on him and tell him he should be looking after his marque club not screwing it over at every turn?
I reckon the club has done a good job launching and promoting our team and our crowds are very enthusiastic but I wonder what the next step is to grow crowds further. The overall standard has improved significantly year on year, Gowans is working on getting us to play an exciting brand, the men are supporting it, our choice of grounds works well to create atmosphere. There were a fair few kids there on Friday but I wonder if night games are that good an idea. In a year when we broke all records maybe I expected a bit more.
Despite the criticism of a few, the club was right to hold off entering the comp and making sure they did things right.

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No Oppo Supporters 2024 General AFLW Discussion

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