MVP 2024 Most Valuable Giant (MVG)

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Nov 23, 2015
AFL Club
The Most Valuable Giant (MVG) voting is back again for 2023.

We're going to go with the same voting system for our GWS BigFooty Board MVP as the last six years, which I think works well.

Posters will have a total of 15 votes per game to award to players as they see fit, with a maximum of 5 votes per player. That still allows you to award the standard 5,4,3,2,1 but flexibility to award differently if your assessment of players' performance is different.

I then turn those votes into points as a percentage (i.e. a score out of 100), with everyone who gets awarded points getting points (providing they round to a minimum of 1). So, a total of 100 points gets awarded each week (rounding errors sometimes makes that 99 or 101).

For example:
  • if 3 players perform equally well, you may choose to award each player 5 points (15 points total)
  • if there's one standout well ahead of others, 3 moderately good players, you may choose to award a 5, three 3s & a 1 (15 points total)
  • if everyone plays poorly in a loss, you may choose to give 1 point to fifteen different players (15 points total).
  • if we have a bad game, and people don't want to give full points totaling 100, then you may award less than a total of 15 votes and say that's all you want to award, in which case the total points awarded to players will be less than the full 100.
After everyone has voted, I'll total the votes and work out a percentage to award the MVP points out of 100 each week.

As usual, each round will have its own thread, and once each round is finalised, this thread will record the running total.

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