USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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You're right. Trump's dozens and dozens and dozens of blatant, dangerous and narcissistic lies, were all put in the shadows by Biden's disgraceful lie to improve his golf handicap by two strokes.

The Dems problem was that they lied about Biden's mental acuity and then doubled down on it, saying he's the best he's ever been.

Then came the debate where people saw with their own eyes how much his health is ailing and people are rightly concerned that Biden won't make it through the next term.

Everything else has taken a back seat to this.

Just listen to the CNN's wrap up of the debate - the focus was Biden's health.
The fact checking of Trump is just a cope atm.

His “lies” during the debate were well within the bounds of political embellishment.

They were completely insignificant in the greater scheme, and nobody is going to be persuaded to vote for a dementia patient instead.

And if you want to be hung up on lies during debates, let’s start with the Hunter laptop denials. The coordinated coverup between the intelligence services and media of a true story, which they knew to be true at the time.
Hunter Biden's laptop conspiracy theories?

Bye now.

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Biden responded to the Supreme Court’s decision with…a four minute address to the press. He took no questions. He did not criticise the Court.

It doesn’t inspire confidence.

One could argue that a knee jerk reaction would only fan any flames building

Calm and considered and strategic is the best course
Accusing the Democrats of voter fraud and rigging an election isn’t attempting to end Democracy…. You could argue its the opposite
Its more the follow up actions once those evidence-free accusations had been laughed out of court. Fake electors, leaning on state reps to find votes and the VP not to certify, things of this nature.

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You haven't ever admitted you were wrong...have you?
Wrong about what? That I didn't think he was a worse president than Trump?

He's literally not.

If more confirmed info comes out that he's worse than has been previously publicly shared, then sure, that new information means my new opinion would be that he's declining faster than previously thought.

But please burn yourself up with frustration that, with info available, my opinion at the time was not wrong. ;)

(See you back after the advert, when I will share a hidden secret about opinions! Don't go away!) much hypocrisy
Geez would have thought "what could possibly go wrong lol" might be a bit of a clue as to my thoughts.

No, personally I'll give the supporting of political violence a miss, even if its in service of "official" acts as the SC seems to have indicated is now ok. Guessing Biden won't support it either.

How do you reckon Trump will go? :tearsofjoy:
Accusing the Democrats of voter fraud and rigging an election isn’t attempting to end Democracy…. You could argue its the opposite

Well when all your 60 court cases failed and you try a fake elector scheme and try to incite a riot on Jan 6, it definitely is trying to end democracy.

There was no proof of voter fraud, he and his enablers knew this, they just didn’t care.

And you don’t either, just admit you want a Trump dictatorship, why do Trump defenders act so coy about it?
Well when all your 60 court cases failed and you try a fake elector scheme and try to incite a riot on Jan 6, it definitely is trying to end democracy.

There was no proof of voter fraud, he and his enablers knew this, they just didn’t care.

And you don’t either, just admit you want a Trump dictatorship, why do Trump defenders act so coy about it?
I always wonder how the other side - yes there are sides - would view it from the opposite lens ie Clinton ordering the storming of the Capitol because popular vote bro

Actually I do know - the MAGAts would be crying like little babies - I see it time and time again the hypocrisy of MAGA fools when its pointed out Trump does stuff its ok but Biden OMG
Geez would have thought "what could possibly go wrong lol" might be a bit of a clue as to my thoughts.

No, personally I'll give the supporting of political violence a miss, even if its in service of "official" acts as the SC seems to have indicated is now ok. Guessing Biden won't support it either.

How do you reckon Trump will go? :tearsofjoy:

He will do as Trump does....

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