USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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I always wonder how the other side - yes there are sides - would view it from the opposite lens ie Clinton ordering the storming of the Capitol because popular vote bro

Actually I do know - the MAGAts would be crying like little babies - I see it time and time again the hypocrisy of MAGA fools when its pointed out Trump does stuff its ok but Biden OMG
Logical consistency not MAGA's strong suit.

Dear leader = good, Biden = bad, facts are irrelevant.
Wrong about what? That I didn't think he was a worse president than Trump?

He's literally not.

If more confirmed info comes out that he's worse than has been previously publicly shared, then sure, that new information means my new opinion would be that he's declining faster than previously thought.

But please burn yourself up with frustration that, with info available, my opinion at the time was not wrong. ;)

(See you back after the advert, when I will share a hidden secret about opinions! Don't go away!)

Wrong that this is more than just a bad day for Biden.
As they said on the Young turks...anyone who believes anything other than Biden is declining significantly is just Blue MAGA.

I've never once said Trump is better than Biden Presidentially...feel free to look.

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But isnt in civil war we endorse Biden using violence against trump and supporters?
Let's deal in fact rather than your imagination.

Trump has endorsed violence - sitting idly by having cancelled security services with his COS powers while his guests dance mindlessly to Gloria while MAGA storm the Capitol.

Trump watched it on live TV AND DID NOTHING.

Meanwhile you are preoccupied speaking shit about hypotheticals.

The dystopian nihilism that Trump supporters seem to be advocating for makes absolutely no sense to me. You are the first to cry like babies when things don't go your way and the first to get bone spurs when shit gets real.
In reality....

Trump= Bad


(This will trigger those who cannot live in a world where there isn't a hero and villain)
In terms of being a candidate for POTUS? Sure, agreed.

But such a blanket statement isn't very helpful in general, as it ignores a mountain of nuance and context. To return to the question I asked you for example, do you agree Trump will clearly be less hesitant to use the immunity loophole for "official" (read: dodgy) acts than Biden would be?

Biden will also accept the election results when he gets shellacked in November, and refrain from engaging with any fake electors scheme or ringing around to ask states to 'find' votes for him. Seems like a pretty big differentiator there in the biggest western democracy on the planet?
In terms of being a candidate for POTUS? Sure, agreed.

But such a blanket statement isn't very helpful in general, as it ignores a mountain of nuance and context. To return to the question I asked you for example, do you agree Trump will clearly be less hesitant to use the immunity loophole for "official" (read: dodgy) acts than Biden would be?

Biden will also accept the election results when he gets shellacked in November, and refrain from engaging with any fake electors scheme or ringing around to ask states to 'find' votes for him. Seems like a pretty big differentiator there in the biggest western democracy on the planet?
Achy Blakey Heart, interested in your take on this mate.
Wrong that this is more than just a bad day for Biden.
As they said on the Young turks...anyone who believes anything other than Biden is declining significantly is just Blue MAGA.

I've never once said Trump is better than Biden Presidentially...feel free to look.
Read my post.

Read ALL the words.
In terms of being a candidate for POTUS? Sure, agreed.

But such a blanket statement isn't very helpful in general, as it ignores a mountain of nuance and context. To return to the question I asked you for example, do you agree Trump will clearly be less hesitant to use the immunity loophole for "official" (read: dodgy) acts than Biden would be?

Biden will also accept the election results when he gets shellacked in November, and refrain from engaging with any fake electors scheme or ringing around to ask states to 'find' votes for him. Seems like a pretty big differentiator there in the biggest western democracy on the planet?

It was intentionally a blanket statement in the same form as your original post " Dear leader = Good, Biden = Bad "

I think Trump would be more brazen, obvious and unapologetic in his use of it, however i would not be stupid enough to preclude Biden or any Dems from using it either. Their use may be more justifiable to most of the sympathetic posters in here however and to the left who would have less of an issue with it. This is problem with having different standards of morality depending on how much you identify with a particular figure/ideology and their values/intentions.

I start from the base that i think all politicians are all self-aggrandizing, divisive scoundrels who have little regard for humanity when it is put up against their personal ambition. They will rarely do anything without careful electoral consideration to save their own ass. They all lie constantly, and its immaterial who is worse than others.... because they are all highly dishonest. Our standards should be higher than wanting the least bad human on offer to lead us.

The sooner we start demanding better from all sides of politics, and refuse to be divided across political lines, we will have a power that they will not be able to overcome. But whilst we continue fighting between ourselves, rooting for a side and believeing there is a hero and villan like little kindy kids....they will continue to feed us division and control us like little bitches.

If Biden cops a 'shellacking' as many pundits are saying he will....the margin will be so wide that it will be completely illogical for him to say it was rigged, and obvious why he lost. Some left wing and neutral media outlets have suggested he may even come third ( i doubt it).
The election in 2020 was closer than a shellacking and thus false narratives such as election stealing were much easier to perpetuate, albeit unethical and a waste of time.
It was intentionally a blanket statement in the same form as your original post " Dear leader = Good, Biden = Bad "

I think Trump would be more brazen, obvious and unapologetic in his use of it, however i would not be stupid enough to preclude Biden or any Dems from using it either. Their use may be more justifiable to most of the sympathetic posters in here however and to the left who would have less of an issue with it. This is problem with having different standards of morality depending on how much you identify with a particular figure/ideology and their values/intentions.

I start from the base that i think all politicians are all self-aggrandizing, divisive scoundrels who have little regard for humanity when it is put up against their personal ambition. They will rarely do anything without careful electoral consideration to save their own ass. They all lie constantly, and its immaterial who is worse than others.... because they are all highly dishonest. Our standards should be higher than wanting the least bad human on offer to lead us.

The sooner we start demanding better from all sides of politics, and refuse to be divided across political lines, we will have a power that they will not be able to overcome. But whilst we continue fighting between ourselves, rooting for a side and believeing there is a hero and villan like little kindy kids....they will continue to feed us division and control us like little bitches.

If Biden cops a 'shellacking' as many pundits are saying he will....the margin will be so wide that it will be completely illogical for him to say it was rigged, and obvious why he lost. Some left wing and neutral media outlets have suggested he may even come third ( i doubt it).
The election in 2020 was closer than a shellacking and thus false narratives such as election stealing were much easier to perpetuate, albeit unethical and a waste of time.
On to the ignore list just another RWNJ

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It was intentionally a blanket statement in the same form as your original post " Dear leader = Good, Biden = Bad "
I clearly offered that in a negative context ie. that it was a pretty stupid way to look at things. In response you posted a similarly silly statement, but actually appear to stand behind it?

I think Trump would be more brazen, obvious and unapologetic in his use of it, however i would not be stupid enough to preclude Biden or any Dems from using it either. Their use may be more justifiable to most of the sympathetic posters in here however and to the left who would have less of an issue with it. This is problem with having different standards of morality depending on how much you identify with a particular figure/ideology and their values/intentions.
I'd argue its not so much differing standards as it is differing actions from/responses to the 2 guys we're talking about, certainly on exposed form. Your obfuscation on the 2nd example I asked you about below seems to indicate that you do actually realise this, but are shying away from acknowledging it for some reason.

I start from the base that i think all politicians are all self-aggrandizing, divisive scoundrels who have little regard for humanity when it is put up against their personal ambition. They will rarely do anything without careful electoral consideration to save their own ass. They all lie constantly, and its immaterial who is worse than others.... because they are all highly dishonest. Our standards should be higher than wanting the least bad human on offer to lead us.
Largely agree, and yep ideally it should. Unfortunately it just isn't the reality in the vast majority of 2 party democracies around the world.

The sooner we start demanding better from all sides of politics, and refuse to be divided across political lines, we will have a power that they will not be able to overcome. But whilst we continue fighting between ourselves, rooting for a side and believeing there is a hero and villan like little kindy kids....they will continue to feed us division and control us like little bitches.

If Biden cops a 'shellacking' as many pundits are saying he will....the margin will be so wide that it will be completely illogical for him to say it was rigged, and obvious why he lost. Some left wing and neutral media outlets have suggested he may even come third ( i doubt it).
The election in 2020 was closer than a shellacking and thus false narratives such as election stealing were much easier to perpetuate, albeit unethical and a waste of time.
lol come on mate - assume that the election result is close, same electoral college votes as last time but just in Trump's favour. You know that Biden isn't going to behave as Trump did, and won't take actions to try and flip the the thing or delay the handover. This is substantial differentiator between the 2, yes or no?
Let's deal in fact rather than your imagination.

Trump has endorsed violence - sitting idly by having cancelled security services with his COS powers while his guests dance mindlessly to Gloria while MAGA storm the Capitol.

Trump watched it on live TV AND DID NOTHING.

Meanwhile you are preoccupied speaking shit about hypotheticals.

The dystopian nihilism that Trump supporters seem to be advocating for makes absolutely no sense to me. You are the first to cry like babies when things don't go your way and the first to get bone spurs when shit gets real.

And whilst he was doing nothing, Trump was wearing boxing gloves. Almost as if storming the Capitol was a fight that he wanted to happen, no? Happy to hear any opposing views as to why he would do that (but not holding my breathe).

And whilst he was doing nothing, Trump was wearing boxing gloves. Almost as if storming the Capitol was a fight that he wanted to happen, no? Happy to hear any opposing views as to why he would do that (but not holding my breathe).

"Because when it comes to performative-nonsense dipshittery, these clownshoe wingnut dumb****s are second to none"
Achy Blakey Heart, interested in your take on this mate.
I can have a crack at these for you Bourbons.

1. Yes I agree Trump will likely flex the extent of this ruling moreso than Biden would, that is his nature, he pushes the envelope on things to achieve the best outcome.

2. No Biden would not question the results of an election (because the Republicans would give them no basis to question the results of the election).
I can have a crack at these for you Bourbons.

1. Yes I agree Trump will likely flex the extent of this ruling moreso than Biden would, that is his nature, he pushes the envelope on things to achieve the best outcome for him.
Ooof, so close. Fixed it for you with the bolded.

2. No Biden would not question the results of an election (because the Republicans would give them no basis to question the results of the election).

I know this is pointless before I even post it, but just outline for us the basis Democrats gave for Trump to question the results last time? He was doing it months before the election was even run (about the same time his poll numbers started tanking, just co-incidence I'm sure :tearsofjoy:)
The idea that Trump is somehow out to help the common man is perhaps the most bizarre part of the whole right wing argument.

Nothing Trump does appear to benefit the common man, if it does it’s only because it benefits Trump more.

People cheering on the SCOTUS ruling that the President is above criminal law should be the antithesis of everything these supposed conservatives believe in.
The idea that Trump is somehow out to help the common man is perhaps the most bizarre part of the whole right wing argument.

Nothing Trump does appear to benefit the common man, if it does it’s only because it benefits Trump more.

People cheering on the SCOTUS ruling that the President is above criminal law should be the antithesis of everything these supposed conservatives believe in.
Even more bizarre how the Libertarians have shifted towards this ideology as well.
The idea that Trump is somehow out to help the common man is perhaps the most bizarre part of the whole right wing argument.

Nothing Trump does appear to benefit the common man, if it does it’s only because it benefits Trump more.

People cheering on the SCOTUS ruling that the President is above criminal law should be the antithesis of everything these supposed conservatives believe in.

Are you saying tax breaks for the rich billionaires don’t help the common man?

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