Training 2025 Training Updates | Standards are… TBC

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Probably an unpopular opinion but I reckon the first couple of these ads were good, but since then they've just run it into the ground hard.

I only posted it because it’s a true representation of this Board “right now”
You've given me a (bad) idea Gaso... Sure, it should be in the Best 23 for 2025 thread, but until pre-season restarts, then:

B: L. Calrissian - D. Vader - S. Palpatine
HB: D. Maul - A. Skywalker - B. Fett
C: C3P0 - H. Solo - B.K. Kryze
HF: K. Ren - Mandalorian - L. Organa (Princess Leia)
F: R2D2 - O.W. Kenobi - J. Hutt
Foll: C. Bacca - L. Skywalker - Yoda
Int: Q.G. Ginn - M. Windu - Count Dooku - Admiral Piett - Sub: J.J. Binks
Can’t believe you have Binks as sub, he’s a live wire and been in good form of late lol
Can’t believe you have Binks as sub, he’s a live wire and been in good form of late lol
Gotta admit, that's when I realised this wasn't a serious 23. Darth Binks get's a starting run every day.
Gotta admit, that's when I realised this wasn't a serious 23. Darth Binks get's a starting run every day.
Also, how could you have the jedi master and the jedi master apprentice off the bench? They both start.

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Probably better in the Captain thread but I would be inclined to have Admiral Ackbar as our next Captain. Experienced and knows his stuff.
Its A Trap GIF
If you get the AI machine to photoshop Jabba the Hut’s (not Hutch) head onto a photo of Plugga Lockett from the 96 GF I’ll give you a like to add to the 90k..
Weirdly, didn’t need to change much 🤷‍♂️
So far this preseason:

  • Jabba the Lockett
  • King Corey is on a dry spell
  • Star Wars AFL Team of the Galaxy
  • Admiral Akbar has been made Captain
  • Our Women’s team wokeness has ruined life itself
  • Sack Brady, Hire Palpatine
  • We are all nerds…

But no actual training reports? Seems similar to most years 🤷‍♂️
As an interstater road-tripping with his young family along the south-east coast, I feel like I've done my best to contribute to this thread.
I've taken Mr 7 to the Ajax juniors home ground for a kick. Sadly, Sheezel must have been somewhere else.
I've also taken him to Sale footy ground, but Chom was nowhere to be seen.
Sure I probably could have ducked into Warragul to see if Konstanty was back on the old stomping ground, but it was like 38 degrees that day.
(Admittedly, I did also sacrifice an opportunity to scope out whether Payne and Kerch were back on home turf in Launnie for a beeline straight from the Spirit of Tas to Binalong Bay.)
In the terribly unlikely event I see anyone of relevance over the next week between the greater Bega region and my home in the Illawarra, I'll let you all know.
Otherwise, blessed be the trackwatchers who turn up to this thread in 36 hours time.
Probably better in the Captain thread but I would be inclined to have Admiral Ackbar as our next Captain. Experienced and knows his stuff.

I prefer Captains who do more than sit in a chair.

Also let's be honest. He's looking a little Jonathan Hay doughy in the midsection.


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Training 2025 Training Updates | Standards are… TBC

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