Retired #21: Dyson Heppell - Goodnight, sweet prince. What a legend! 🤙 - 24/8

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3 top 50 - still not an excellent claim to fame, is it?

imagine having 3 of the top 10 midfielders! or 4 of the top 7!! or FIVE OF THE TOP FIVE!!!!
We do have that, and they're all Dylan Shiel

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The leadership at this club is being questioned, and rightfully so. We have too many reactive leaders and Dyson was apparently a very proactive one in his junior days.

I would love to see him move to half back and control a game or two there. Allow his leadership traits to flow through and direct traffic the way Hooker does when in the team. He gets his hands on the ball but no real impact on games just yet. Guess we wait and see what we get from Dyson this week coming. The jungle drums will be sounding louder if we are soundly beaten again
Is the key to our midfield in 2019. He either rolls around as a run of the mill midfielder or returns close to his AA form of 2016.

He returns to the latter, we have 3 top 50 midfielders in the comp starting at our centre bounces.

Didn't he play more of a sweeper role in 2014 rather than inside midfielder ? his best footy seems to be when he is able ,for use of a better word , quarter back the game from half back. Right now he is trying hard enough but his leg speed exposes him a lot of the time.

The leadership at this club is being questioned, and rightfully so. We have too many reactive leaders and Dyson was apparently a very proactive one in his junior days.

I would love to see him move to half back and control a game or two there. Allow his leadership traits to flow through and direct traffic the way Hooker does when in the team. He gets his hands on the ball but no real impact on games just yet. Guess we wait and see what we get from Dyson this week coming. The jungle drums will be sounding louder if we are soundly beaten again

It is how he plays best. He is still leading well but he has no support. He gets bashed most weeks trying to fill parts of the inside role. I have no issues with how he plays. He puts his body on the line over and over again where some others do not. The problem is it is not his natural or best role so we are not going to get the best out of him doing it. At least he is saying to the coach , no worries I will take one for the team and do it. No one else wants to step up at the moment.
Generals need Captains and Sergeants to fight a war. Right now we have a General and that is it.
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My mistake (re All Australian 2014 not 2016..

Didn't he play more of a sweeper role in 2014 rather than inside midfielder ? his best footy seems to be when he is able ,for use of a better word , quarter back the game from half back. Right now he is trying hard enough but his leg speed exposes him a lot of the time.

Our leg speed across the ground is being exposed. For a team so vaunted for speed it's hard to see any of it with bog ordinary skills to set up this up.

It is how he plays best. He is still leading well but he has no support. He gets bashed most weeks trying to fill parts of the inside role. I have no issues with how he plays. He puts his body on the line over and over again where some others do not. The problem is it is not his natural or best role so we are not going to get the best out of him doing it. At least he is saying to the coach , no worries I will take one for the team and do it. No one else wants to step up at the moment.
Generals need Captains and Sergeants to fight a war. Right now we have a General and that is it.

Is this where we need Myers stepping up (inside mid), Zac (inside/outside mid), and that's it. Langford (coasting as an AFL player let alone an inside mid) etc, Mynott (not ready), Cllarke (kicking issues) have backed us into a corner with our inside midfielders. Forcing us to use Hep in a role he isn't preferred in?
My mistake (re All Australian 2014 not 2016..

Our leg speed across the ground is being exposed. For a team so vaunted for speed it's hard to see any of it with bog ordinary skills to set up this up.

Is this where we need Myers stepping up (inside mid), Zac (inside/outside mid), and that's it. Langford (coasting as an AFL player let alone an inside mid) etc, Mynott (not ready), Cllarke (kicking issues) have backed us into a corner with our inside midfielders. Forcing us to use Hep in a role he isn't preferred in?

True. He is a bit of a round peg in a square hole through issues with our list. We can hope Zak can get his mojo back and Mynot may be something after another year of development but I am not holding my breath on Myers and Clarke . Langford can play but he is a forward / winger and not the inside guy they want him to be.

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Needs a haircut. Its time Dys. If you are going to be a leader than you can't be going around with a mop looking some some dole bludging surfie about to get a hidden camera shoved in the face by A Current Affair.

I'm a big believer in little distraction as possible. I don't care if the hair is 0.00000000001%. Its still too much. Cut your hair, set a standard.

We've had ridiculous man buns over the last few years and now we have Andrew McGrath growing his hair and from what I recall recently Joey D was always moving his hair away from the face while lining up for goal.

No chance of error, short, back sides.
I have zero issue with Dyson so far this year. Seems to be giving his left nut without too many others following. Our leadership group is a joke and while I’d have liked Hooker as Captain after Jobe, Heppell is doing everything he can.

I think Hep is missing BJ as support.
I have no problem with Heppell’s “effort” whatsoever. His determination etc... is all there.

My concern actually lies with - what, genuinely, is he significantly bringing to the table as a player?

He’s not a great kick - either in accuracy or penetration. Not terrible, but not great.
His calling card at the moment is probably getting his hand on the footy in contested situations - which in fairness, he is very good at.
But I think there’s a bit of “Bellchambers hitouts, but so what?” situation going on with Heppell’s touches at the moment.
I lost track of the number of times against the Saints that he was going to be first to the ball, and basically as he collected the ball, fell forward, and simply handballed it straight in front of him, regardless of who was there.

Chicken or the egg, no one presenting/running past? Perhaps.
But I worry, as a player, how much he is really bringing to the table.
No current issues with his effort and endeavour.
I have zero issue with Dyson so far this year. Seems to be giving his left nut without too many others following. Our leadership group is a joke and while I’d have liked Hooker as Captain after Jobe, Heppell is doing everything he can.

I think Hep is missing BJ as support.

The playing group is missing him right now reckon they are lost with out him
The playing group is missing him right now reckon they are lost with out him
I think they’re learning something new and it’s taking longer than they would have liked. I don’t think we’d be killing it right now with him but I think we’d be learning quicker on game day with a teacher out there pointing the way.
Liked for the Current Affair reference. I could see him doing a runner and jumping a few fences with the winny reds falling out of the blue t-shirt sleeve as he goes over.
Needs a haircut. Its time Dys. If you are going to be a leader than you can't be going around with a mop looking some some dole bludging surfie about to get a hidden camera shoved in the face by A Current Affair.

I'm a big believer in little distraction as possible. I don't care if the hair is 0.00000000001%. Its still too much. Cut your hair, set a standard.

We've had ridiculous man buns over the last few years and now we have Andrew McGrath growing his hair and from what I recall recently Joey D was always moving his hair away from the face while lining up for goal.

No chance of error, short, back sides.

Is this satire?
I love all the middle aged people on social media demanding he cut his hair, because we all know that a good haircut is inherent to your football ability.

That's exactly why Dustin Martin won the Brownlow a few years ago with a half-done buzzcut before the clippers ran out of battery.

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Retired #21: Dyson Heppell - Goodnight, sweet prince. What a legend! 🤙 - 24/8

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