3 disgraced cricketers, one recurring voice

Should they just shut up and stay out of the media?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • Get stuffed!

    Votes: 8 11.3%

  • Total voters

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Anyone else get the feeling that both Smith and Bancroft have had a little birdie from CA whisper to them that it is okay to sheet the blame onto Warner as Davy has his cards marked and will never be picked for the national team again? They can downplay their roles in the scandal and, at the same time make Warner look more of a turd and make life a whole lot easier for CA.
Anyone else get the feeling that both Smith and Bancroft have had a little birdie from CA whisper to them that it is okay to sheet the blame onto Warner as Davy has his cards marked and will never be picked for the national team again? They can downplay their roles in the scandal and, at the same time make Warner look more of a turd and make life a whole lot easier for CA.

Apropos of nothing, I just realised that I used the word 'turd'. I can remember when this site had that word on the banned list but it was taken off because whenever anyone was talking about a footy match being played on a Saturday it would come up as Sa****ay.
If Warner actually had his cards marked I doubt he would be staying silent.

The whole debacle including these interviews is just way over blown. Yes, Bancroft's interview didn't help things but I highly doubt he was allowed to just go in there and speak his mind, the whole thing would've been rehearsed and approved by CA so this obviously some sort of agenda.

I feel a bit sorry for Bancroft though, from the way he speaks he's had to come to terms with this incident like it's comparable with match fixing or drug cheating. Regardless of your opinion on ball tampering the facts are that there's pretty much never been a serious punishment for it so the fact that we went completely overboard to appease the cricketing public. Forget potentially losing a home series to India, our World Cup and Ashes chances have possibly never been lower.

The fact that people are more concerned over how Bancroft and Smith conduct themselves in a 60 Minutes style interview rather then getting our best side on the park is pretty ridiculous.

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On Sunday night, an interview Smith conducted with mental health advocate Gus Worland is set to air on Fox in which the pair discuss the former captain's voluntary work with the Gotcha4life charity.

That's alright then. No-one will see it.
I don't get why what bancroft said is so shocking to some people?

Warner was known to be the one that asked bancroft to tamper and he was charged with exactly that by CA and he didn't fight that charge or deny that charge.

I don't think it's the comments regarding Warner that people find so objectionable. Rather, it's the attempt to absolve himself somewhat with the ridiculous "I didn't know better" defense that people wouldn't accept from a schoolkid, let alone a professional athlete in his mid 20s.
I don't think it's the comments regarding Warner that people find so objectionable. Rather, it's the attempt to absolve himself somewhat with the ridiculous "I didn't know better" defense that people wouldn't accept from a schoolkid, let alone a professional athlete in his mid 20s.

So why are the media and some people here saying how bad this is for Warner if the issue they have is bancroft not accepting full responsibility?

There is no earth shattering new information with regards Warner, he knows he asked Bancroft to tamper so does Bancroft so does ca and so would anybody who bothered to pay attention when they were charged by ca.

I understand people are shitty at Bancrofts attitude and so am I but him telling us Warner was the mastermind is exactly what ca told us back in March, I just don't see how it is throwing Warner under a bus to confirm the story Warner himself admitted to when he didn't fight the charges back in March.
I don't get why what bancroft said is so shocking to some people?

Warner was known to be the one that asked bancroft to tamper and he was charged with exactly that by CA and he didn't fight that charge or deny that charge.

Oh, frank, thank you. At last someone else.
Correct, as you say, exactly what he was charged with.
And he accepted it.
As a long time cricket fan who is now quite disillusioned I am happy to comment to help you understand why it is important.

For decades we have been lecturing other countries about cheating and going with the mantra that we play "hard but fair" and taking the moral highground about any instance of alleged cheating. This goes for a number of our sporting teams and individuals but cricket is the national sport.

That was exposed as utter bullshit in South Africa and leads to the suspicion that we have been full of shit since the 70s about cheating in sport. Our captain and vice captain deliberately cheated and have admitted it, and Smith's initial reaction at the press conference indicated he like you didn't think it was a big deal which is quite an astonishing thing for the Australian cricket captain to say.

People don't care much about Du Plessis or other players ball tampering because they don't pretend to be the moral authority on the game.

And note the Test crowds are considerably down this summer....

If you were among those holding up Australian cricketers as moral arbiters, then that is your problem.
If Dave Warner just shuts his mouth he'll come out of this looking not too shabby. The Australian public is getting the vibe he's unwanted, we love an unwanted soul.

I can't see it though.

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Yeah because we have a surplus of blokes averaging 40 in test cricket.

Two blokes who average 48 and 62 are coming straight back in and frankly you are on a different planet if you think anything else.
Spot on. Punishment was way over the top. Players should have been back 6 months ago. I for one will welcome them back with open arms. The sanctimonious virtue signalling by some posters is nauseating.
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"They need to come out and tell the truth!!!"

*Bancroft & Smith publicly confirm the version of the story already out there*

"Dey threw Davey under the Bus!!1!"

Sums it up to me. I don't think Bancroft covered himself in glory with the tried and true professional athlete 'I take full responsibility, but it wasn't my fault' apology, but, assuming he was truthful in his version of events, it's pretty poor for Ponting and Slater (has Warne jumped in yet? Surely he can't be far behind) to have a go at him. You either want to get to the bottom of what happened, or you don't. For some reason, Slater and Ponting don't seem to want that.

And I think the penalty was absolutely justified. Hopefully, instead of pointing to the pissweak past suspensions/fines for ball tampering, this sends a message.
If Smith and Bancroft are in the process of taking the higher moral ground over Warner, they should've just 'leaked' their copy of the CA interview transcript.

Who are the morons advising these guys?

If Smith and Bancroft are in the process of taking the higher moral ground over Warner, they should've just 'leaked' their copy of the CA interview transcript.

Who are the morons advising these guys?

Regardless of the past, we've reached a strange point in Australian cricket where David Warner is looking like the sensible well advised one.
Anyone else get the feeling that both Smith and Bancroft have had a little birdie from CA whisper to them that it is okay to sheet the blame onto Warner as Davy has his cards marked and will never be picked for the national team again? They can downplay their roles in the scandal and, at the same time make Warner look more of a turd and make life a whole lot easier for CA.
This makes the most sense to me, has CA's fingerprints all over it.
This makes the most sense to me, has CA's fingerprints all over it.
The self serving bullshit from Smith and Bangers aside, that's real disappointment for me, CA seem to have learned nothing at all from this and are just trying to paper over cracks again.
As others have mentioned, if Warner realises he's never getting back in the team, he doesn't strike me as someone who'd take the high road and go quietly.

Who would if there are other fingers involved?

If people were taking pot-shots at me, when I knew they weren't squeaky clean themselves, I'd be firing right back if I had nowt to lose.

And that'll be our answer - If Davey comes back in ( And I think he should ) then you know there's other people out there with a bit to lose.

I agree with Gough. So far, bizarre as it may seem, Warner appears to be the one who's played the fallout the best.

Don't forget this could've all been stopped right at the start by either Smith or Bancroft, they're every bit as culpable in my eyes. And I , also, have no problem with either of them coming back. Bancroft, of course, is not the "instant" selection that Smith or Warner are.
Who would if there are other fingers involved?

If people were taking pot-shots at me, when I knew they weren't squeaky clean themselves, I'd be firing right back if I had nowt to lose.

And that'll be our answer - If Davey comes back in ( And I think he should ) then you know there's other people out there with a bit to lose.

I agree with Gough. So far, bizarre as it may seem, Warner appears to be the one who's played the fallout the best.

Don't forget this could've all been stopped right at the start by either Smith or Bancroft, they're every bit as culpable in my eyes. And I , also, have no problem with either of them coming back. Bancroft, of course, is not the "instant" selection that Smith or Warner are.

Can't disagree with that. I'm mainly pointing out that it doesn't make sense for the theory that throwing Warner under the bus is part of a CA conspiracy to restore Smith and Bancroft's reputations, because Warner's silence would suggest that at least he thinks that his cards are not marked. If he gets blacklisted, one would assume that he'd tee off.
As someone who dislikes Warner and his hypocritical attitude towards sledging - I don't see how he can continue to attract ALL the blame.

Remember part of the outrage was because Smith and Bancroft sat in the PC telling us it wasn't a big deal it was just yellow tape. Cheating was one thing, lying barefaced to the cricketing public was as equally poorly received.

Did Warner tell him to do that too?

If this saga ends up with Warner never playing again it will be bitterly disappointing. A 12 month suspension and loss of IPL contract is more than enough. If he comes back and still has a cheating attitude, then sure, consider it. But he`s kept quiet, working hard, put in at grass roots level, if he isn't allowed back because of politics it's a disgrace.

However, because of the media domination it seems any interview from Warner will be absolutely destroyed.
Smith and Bancroft have said their parts and I hope from now on all the cricketers involved just play a straight bat to the media and shut up. We all have our opinions on exactly what happened but the story is fairly consistent now, we know basically what happened and that they have served a huge whack. We don't actually need continuing commentary. Let's move on.

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3 disgraced cricketers, one recurring voice
