4 Rounds in, everyone's lost.

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Yeah. I wanted Ross, Balta, Baker all playing from Round 1. Even Bolton. None played Round 2 and our midfield looked too small, Nank had no support ruck and our small forwards looked lazy. Keep them in. Stack is a ripper. He was rated top 20 talent and we got him for free. Won’t get into trouble living at Dimmas :cool:
S Stack seems too good to be true coming in as if he has played top level for years. Ram rod hard at the ball all day long. Really love it.

Bolton is a must to stay in imo, we need his physical specs. I also see butler and george being quickly superceded, if not aleady.
You’re taking what I wrote a little to literally and there is no need to insult me either! It’s just the way I see it and many other see it that way too, you see it differently and that’s fine. It is a messy game at the moment at times but that doesn’t me I don’t understand how the games evolved to the way it is. Coaches and player can be a little more adventurous through rather than just kicking the ball around backwards looking for a loose man.

Sorry if you have been offended by anything I wrote. Was it the moderator thing? It is surely a worthy question no?

In terms of taking things literally, how else is one to take "Rapid period of innovation? sure mate if you think 36 players surrounding the ball as innovative"?

You can claim you understand how the game has evolved but then you look pretty ridiculous when you follow it up with "Coaches and player can be a little more adventurous through rather than just kicking the ball around backwards looking for a loose man" in the next sentence.

The Geelong and Giants game was a pearler because, while both teams would often cycle the ball across half back their forward movements were fast and daring. I could see where the friday night game was dull to a neutral because both teams were very hesitant moving the ball forward and risking losing possession. On Thursday night, particularly Melbourne were far more direct in their ball movement and so the game was more "contested" than the other two and less possession based.

So that's the first three games of the round. In none of the them do I remember there being "36 players around the ball" but each game was played very differently on account of the game plans that were contesting
Every ******* year - usually between rounds 3 and 10, the season is declared ‘the most even ever!’

It’s like mass amnesia hits everyone and suddenly we have to pretend that middle of the road sides winning a few games (as they do) equates to them being some kind of ‘contender’.

Stop it.

At the end of the H&A there will be at most 4 sides that have any chance to actually win the flag, probably less.

Yup agreed. I do think it’s a little more even in the sense that the typical bottom teams don’t seem like easy beats this year. However I would argue you are already seeing the top 3 set themselves out ahead of the pack.
"They are strange games at the minute. No one knows where they’re at right at this point in the season – everyone is lost."

- Clarko
S Stack seems too good to be true coming in as if he has played top level for years. Ram rod hard at the ball all day long. Really love it.

Bolton is a must to stay in imo, we need his physical specs. I also see butler and george being quickly superceded, if not aleady.

Stack and Ross are top 10 quality. We won big time last draft

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Yeah when the fork did they introduce a prior opportunity for incorrect disposal? Because I've heard a few umps tell players there was no prior on the incorrect disposal...wtf.

Its incorrect disposal not holding the ball. The rule might as well not exist now so many players get away with simply dropping the ball in a tackle its not funny.

Actually if you look closer (and I'm assuming you're talking about a player in a tackle in traffic who drops the ball because of the tackle) if the ball hits the foot or anywhere below the knee then it's a disposal. Even if accidental it's ruled as disposed legally.

Yeah looks shit I know but how do we police what is and what isn't an intended disposal?

So that's why we have what looks like (and probably should be) incorrect disposal when in fact it is.
Actually if you look closer (and I'm assuming you're talking about a player in a tackle in traffic who drops the ball because of the tackle) if the ball hits the foot or anywhere below the knee then it's a disposal. Even if accidental it's ruled as disposed legally.

Yeah looks shit I know but how do we police what is and what isn't an intended disposal?

So that's why we have what looks like (and probably should be) incorrect disposal when in fact it is.

Nah mate, A)Its often not knocked out in tackle B) i do watch closely players are blatantly dropping it and no lower leg contact made period.

Also the umpire 2 weeks ago had his mic on and a player appealed for the free for incorrect disposal and he clearly stated back no there was no prior opportunity (not he got an innocuous kick away or the ball was knocked out).
Also the umpire 2 weeks ago had his mic on and a player appealed for the free for incorrect disposal and he clearly stated back no there was no prior opportunity (not he got an innocuous kick away or the ball was knocked out).

Yes - that's the rule.
Nah mate, A)Its often not knocked out in tackle B) i do watch closely players are blatantly dropping it and no lower leg contact made period.

Also the umpire 2 weeks ago had his mic on and a player appealed for the free for incorrect disposal and he clearly stated back no there was no prior opportunity (not he got an innocuous kick away or the ball was knocked out).

Oh look I'm not disagreeing with you there where the umpy's miss those blatant ones where the balls knocked out or it's clearly a non disposable. We see those ad nauseum every week and we shouldn't, they should be paid (and that will likely ease congestion as well!).

I wrongly assumed you're talkin the line ball jobs where the player is tackled and unintentionally drops the ball and it brushes his foot / lower leg, those are obviously deemed legal disposal.
Yeah since when? Got a link to the rule? Prior opportunity on incorrect disposal what Galah thought that up?

Holding the football - Prior Opportunity/No Prior Opportunity
  • (a) Where the field Umpire is satisfied that a Player in possession of the football:
    • (i) has had a prior opportunity to dispose of the football, the field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against that Player if the Player does not Correctly Dispose of the football immediately when they are Correctly Tackled;
    • (ii) has not had a prior opportunity to dispose of the football, the field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against that Player if, upon being Correctly Tackled, the Player does not Correctly Dispose or genuinely attempt to Correctly Dispose of the football after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so.

If you haven't had prior any attempt to get rid of the ball will be called play on no matter if it is correct disposal or not.
Holding the football - Prior Opportunity/No Prior Opportunity
  • (a) Where the field Umpire is satisfied that a Player in possession of the football:
    • (i) has had a prior opportunity to dispose of the football, the field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against that Player if the Player does not Correctly Dispose of the football immediately when they are Correctly Tackled;
    • (ii) has not had a prior opportunity to dispose of the football, the field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against that Player if, upon being Correctly Tackled, the Player does not Correctly Dispose or genuinely attempt to Correctly Dispose of the football after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so.

If you haven't had prior any attempt to get rid of the ball will be called play on no matter if it is correct disposal or not.

That pertains to holding the ball not incorrect disposal, hence the heading.

It is simply stating one needs to correctly dispose of it or attempt to when tackled or a free will be paid for Holding the ball (if no prior was there a ball up), the attempt refers to when the ball is pinned to you and you have to still appear to try to get it out legally. Its not allowing for dropping the ball.

Incorrect disposal will have its on rule and wording.

So still yet to see a rule for incorrect disposal prior opportunity.

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