Utility in the sense he works over most of the ground, mainly in the front 2/3s. He looked best as an additional number at the stoppages around the ground. He struggled at centre bounces, albeit everyone did.
In 2022 I would have agreed regarding him being one of our only genuine mids. However, we have added Taranto, Hopper, McAuliffe, Smillie and Lalor (and Hotton) to the mix since then. When everyone is fit I think it would be hard to see Sonsie get picked in our top 5-6 mids at this stage. His best option is establishing a role at half forward working across the ground as an extra mid and occasionally going on-ball as the outside midfielder. It took Shedda and Lambert years of playing forward before they became our permanent midfield rotations.
If you look at the passage of play with about 3 mins left in the 2nd quarter (R8 Freo) you will see exactly where Sonsie can be most damaging roaming the ground from half forward. Brown and Short also do well in this passage and other passages with Rioli pushed further up the ground.
No doubt he’s got his work cut out for him in terms of midfield time. But that’s the go, competition is good he needs to start performing in that role at senior level if he’s given the chance.