Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 11: Just Biden His Time

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Yep yep prosecutors, 2 at least from Muellers team of 'special prosecutors' and registered Democrats.

Your delusion is laughable. There were 4, and they all resigned in protest. Do you really think career federal prosecutors are just more that are all in on this “conspiracy” to undermine Trump. There is simply no way you can defend the actions of a president using his power to attempt to influence a federal criminal case. It is simply deplorable behaviour from any leader of any country.
Wow. I have never defended Stone, in no small part because I believed that he had "threatened a dog". The clear implication was always that Stone had threatened violence against the witness and his dog. The actual threat? "I will take that dog away from you"... which the witness knew was hyperbole anyway. What a beat up.

In the message, Stone calls him “a rat” and “a stoolie” and vows to “take that dog away from you.”

But Stone’s defense managed to get Credico to acknowledge that he did not think Stone would ever actually harm Credico’s dog.

Stone is a “dog lover,” Credico said on the witness stand. "I don't think he was going to steal my dog. I think he was pretty riled up at that time. … I know he wouldn't have ever touched that dog. It was hyperbole by him."

What about “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die,”

Keeping in mind that this is a witness in his trial that he’s talking to.
Wow. I have never defended Stone, in no small part because I believed this false talking point that he had "threatened a dog". The clear implication was always that Stone had threatened violence against the witness and his dog. The actual threat? "I will take that dog away from you"... which the witness knew was hyperbole anyway. What a beat up.

In the message, Stone calls him “a rat” and “a stoolie” and vows to “take that dog away from you.”

But Stone’s defense managed to get Credico to acknowledge that he did not think Stone would ever actually harm Credico’s dog.

Stone is a “dog lover,” Credico said on the witness stand. "I don't think he was going to steal my dog. I think he was pretty riled up at that time. … I know he wouldn't have ever touched that dog. It was hyperbole by him."

Anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity can see through all this.

But TDS has done really funny things to people.

The left has been unmasked and become unhinged.

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What about “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die,”

Keeping in mind that this is a witness in his trial that he’s talking to.
Ok I didn't see that part. In the politico article I linked, your quote is in the very next paragraph after the part I quoted (but I'd stopped reading after seeing that the dog was ok). All the talking points implying that Stone had threatened to commit animal cruelty were BS though.
Your delusion is laughable. There were 4, and they all resigned in protest. Do you really think career federal prosecutors are just more that are all in on this “conspiracy” to undermine Trump. There is simply no way you can defend the actions of a president using his power to attempt to influence a federal criminal case. It is simply deplorable behaviour from any leader of any country.

Explain how is that deluded in a trial regarding Trumps election that at least 2 'special prosecutors' from Muellers team were prosecutors and are both registered Democrats, as well as the jury foreperson who ran for congress for the Democrats and lied about her interest in the Mueller investigation.

Not sure how you view things but it looks really dodgy.
Explain how is that deluded in a trial regarding Trumps election that at least 2 'special prosecutors' from Muellers team were prosecutors and are both registered Democrats, as well as the jury foreperson who ran for congress for the Democrats and lied about her interest in the Mueller investigation.

Not sure how you view things but it looks really dodgy.

And Trump’s behaviour? Is that ok?
And Trump’s behaviour? Is that ok?

You are confusing the issues.

Whatsmore if as it seems this was a political witch hunt to jail someone for supporting Trump it seems logical as President he should do something.

The investigation of Stone was based on a bunch of lies that they knew were lies when investigating him.

They should be held to account not him.

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You are confusing the issues.

Whatsmore if as it seems this was a political witch hunt to jail someone for supporting Trump it seems logical as President he should do something.

The investigation of Stone was based on a bunch of lies that they knew were lies when investigating him.

They should be held to account not him.

He pleaded guilty for gods sake. The cult is strong.

Biden's a disgusting creep. Lucky for him, the media's on his side. Trump gets trashed relentlessly for months for a leaked private conversation with his mates, while Biden continuously kisses young women and little girls and America's left-dominated media barely raise an eyebrow.
He pleaded guilty for gods sake. The cult is strong.

So did Flynn.

I sort of get the feeling you are not that naive to not realize how the justice system works - everywhere - if they want you convicted,you will be convicted, who wouldn't take a guilty plea if they were told they would be bled of every penny they have and drawn out over years, this is why Flynn plead guilty.
So did Flynn.

I sort of get the feeling you are not that naive to not realize how the justice system works - everywhere - if they want you convicted,you will be convicted, who wouldn't take a guilty plea if they were told they would be bled of every penny they have and drawn out over years, this is why Flynn plead guilty.
The #MAGA Lawyer Behind Michael Flynn’s Scorched-Earth Legal Strategy
So did Flynn.

I sort of get the feeling you are not that naive to not realize how the justice system works - everywhere - if they want you convicted,you will be convicted, who wouldn't take a guilty plea if they were told they would be bled of every penny they have and drawn out over years, this is why Flynn plead guilty.

Or maybe they pleaded guilty because they were, you know, guilty?
Doesn’t want Stone incarcerated because he doesn’t believe in the process and doesn’t believe anyone should be jailed.

Didn’t feel threatened by Stone personally but by what those around him might do.

And slams Trump’s smear on the prosecutors, saying he found them professional and gained no idea of any political persuasions in his dealings with them.

I believe Stone got wind of Mueller's team preparing the dog to testify against him.
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You still haven’t actually answered whether you condone a president using his power to influence criminal cases for the benefit of his friends?

Stone is his friend now ?

I would say a President has every right to attempt to right a wrong situation, but what you are asking is not this scenario.
Plenty of people don’t like the Clinton’s and in particular a female was always a big ask to get voted into an American presidency. Hillary also ran a pretty average campaign and trump ran a clever, crooked one and took advantage of her complacency and her failures re the rust belt. Not everyone who voted for trump was a duffer but enough were. Not sure what ‘impractical left agendas’ Hillary was pushing-more a case that the rust belt states had legitimate reasons to turn on her. (and besides, why anyone would see affordable health care for everyone as a commie plot is beyond me)
The theory that the ‘left‘ created the scenario whereby someone as flawed as trump gets elected may have resonated with a small number of duffers, but its not a defining feature. Have no doubt Obama would be in govt now if he’d been the candidate. It’s also pretty likely that if the Democrats had a strong, broadly appealing candidate this time, good chance they’d tip trump out.
Trumpy is a wildcard and he has made for interesting times but you can have too much fun and I’d be surprised if the republicans don‘t find an ‘et tu Brutus’ moment down the track a bit. ( he has a few strategies in common with Caesar after all!) Still, he’s preferable to a Pence or Cruz type for mine.

You're looking at it too narrowly, in replying to other posters I'm merely pointing out that trump used the anti pc rhetoric to garner SOME votes, not ALL. But some posters on here refuse that as a possibility. Of course it's plausible.

The 'uneducated hick' voters it seems in theory were the ones trump targeted with this rhetoric to go all anti hillary on. You know and I know that doesn't make sense, but it doesn't matter - it seemed to work IMO.

And yes on face value she had opposition in the rust belt states, just like Shorten and the qld voters . Wouldn't been enough on it's own to lose the election though.

Whether anyone likes it or not, IF the small noisy part of the world was not so PC to the point of impractical you can bet your bottom dollar no one but no one would be talking about the orange man as POTUS.

If that is not true then why did he get voted in or more it seems likely, why did Hillary not get voted in? Inb4 email scandal, would've taken more than that.
Biden's a disgusting creep. Lucky for him, the media's on his side. Trump gets trashed relentlessly for months for a leaked private conversation with his mates, while Biden continuously kisses young women and little girls and America's left-dominated media barely raise an eyebrow.

And now they want Bloomberg who has told a woman to get rid of her baby.
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