Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 14: Never failed a test I didn’t take

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Aug 12, 2012
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I'm trying to picture a scenario where Trump willingly concedes to Biden after losing the election, and I can't see it. It would have to be a landslide (which I'm doubtful of, ignoring the polls as I now do). Because a close result, particularly if certain states' outcomes are dependent on mailed ballots will take weeks to decide and he's already priming his base of hyenas that mail voting is illegitimate (despite the fact that he and his whole family does it). As per usual, the hypocrisy knows no bounds and his base do not care, in fact they celebrate all manner of indecency.

Voter suppression is guaranteeed, of course. Foreign interference seems highly likely. At worst, imagine another election decided by a Republican majority Supreme Court. Bush v Gore on steroids. I cant see there being a seamless transition of power, should he lose - and that's a best case scenario.

Trump being actually re-elected is a truly nightmare for the US. America is rapidly becoming a fascist state and that would be a full stop on the transformation.
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I'm try to picture a scenario where Trump willingly concedes to Biden after losing the election, and I can't see it. It would have to be a landslide (which I'm doubtful of, ignoring the polls as I know do). Because a close result, particularly if certain states' outcomes are dependent on mailed ballots will take weeks to decide and he's already priming his base of hyenas that mail voting is illegitimate (despite the fact that he and his whole family does it). As per usual, the hypocrisy knows no bounds and his base do not care, in fact they celebrate all manner of indecency.

Voter suppression is guaranteeed, of course. Foreign interference seems highly likely. At worst, imagine another election decided by a Republican majority Supreme Court. Bush v Gore on steroids. I cant see there being a seamless transition of power, should he lose - and that's a best case scenario.

Trump being actually re-elected is a truly nightmare for the US. America is rapidly becoming a fascist state and that would be a full stop on the transformation.

Sadly , I think everything you have described will come to pass if he gets rolled - even if it's a landslide :(
In a way though it's both fitting of the man and totally expected , he'll make a mockery of the orderly transfer of power just like he's made a mockery of being POTUS.
WALLACE: “You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?”

TRUMP: “I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff.”

Not for the first time, POTUS seems to be channeling Ralph Wiggum.


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A the parrots left in this thread thought he’d lose last time too. The opposition to Trump have spent four years trying to destroy America, and have done a lot of damage. He has created the conditions to out Epsteins political blackmail operation, and I think that’s the real reason the establishment has pooped their pants and smeared it everywhere.
Or alternatively he fluked it through the Electoral College last time, has spent 3 1/2 years demonstrating that he's unfit for any form of administrative role or responsibility, has had his criminality and corruption mercilessly (but still only partially) exposed, has lost all but his most batshit crazy and stupid supporters, and there's an election coming.
That interview was staggering.

First why is trump taking a test that doctors give to potential dementia patients?

Two we now have definitive proof that trump is a complete idiot. The fact he thought that test was hard is frankly comical.

The whole embers vs flames discussion is just full blown saturday night live.

Oh and trump failing to rule out that he will accept the result of the election.
That interview was staggering.

First why is trump taking a test that doctors give to potential dementia patients?

Two we now have definitive proof that trump is a complete idiot. The fact he thought that test was hard is frankly comical.

The whole embers vs flames discussion is just full blown saturday night live.

Oh and trump failing to rule out that he will accept the result of the election.
It’s satire at its finest isn’t it.
Obviously not, they blame Russia, get a crook on their payroll to fabricate some frankly ridiculous bollocks, then cling to these two things like Indiana Jones to a falling rope bridge.
Probably cos trump keeps doing actions that benefit russia. You have to be a robot to not think there is a nefarious connection.
I'm trying to picture a scenario where Trump willingly concedes to Biden after losing the election, and I can't see it. It would have to be a landslide (which I'm doubtful of, ignoring the polls as I now do). Because a close result, particularly if certain states' outcomes are dependent on mailed ballots will take weeks to decide and he's already priming his base of hyenas that mail voting is illegitimate (despite the fact that he and his whole family does it). As per usual, the hypocrisy knows no bounds and his base do not care, in fact they celebrate all manner of indecency.

Voter suppression is guaranteeed, of course. Foreign interference seems highly likely. At worst, imagine another election decided by a Republican majority Supreme Court. Bush v Gore on steroids. I cant see there being a seamless transition of power, should he lose - and that's a best case scenario.

Trump being actually re-elected is a truly nightmare for the US. America is rapidly becoming a fascist state and that would be a full stop on the transformation.
Biden will win comfortably.
When trunp is done there is going to be a tv series based on this presidency and its going to be comedy gold. 10 seasons are already written from public statements alone.

What'll it be called?

Monday to Sunday night Live? ;)

They'll certainly have enough material. Tweets & staff all wanting to tell their favourite stories of the WH stupidity for all of the last 4 years.
A the parrots left in this thread thought he’d lose last time too. The opposition to Trump have spent four years trying to destroy America, and have done a lot of damage. He has created the conditions to out Epsteins political blackmail operation, and I think that’s the real reason the establishment has pooped their pants and smeared it everywhere.
A good troll has to have at least a superficial resemblance to sanity, otherwise it's just dismissed as the waffling of a nut job.

Of course, that means finding a defence of the vapid tangerine, that isn't simultaneously bat shit crazy.

I wish you luck in your future endeavours.

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I'm trying to picture a scenario where Trump willingly concedes to Biden after losing the election, and I can't see it. It would have to be a landslide (which I'm doubtful of, ignoring the polls as I now do). Because a close result, particularly if certain states' outcomes are dependent on mailed ballots will take weeks to decide and he's already priming his base of hyenas that mail voting is illegitimate (despite the fact that he and his whole family does it). As per usual, the hypocrisy knows no bounds and his base do not care, in fact they celebrate all manner of indecency.

Voter suppression is guaranteeed, of course. Foreign interference seems highly likely. At worst, imagine another election decided by a Republican majority Supreme Court. Bush v Gore on steroids. I cant see there being a seamless transition of power, should he lose - and that's a best case scenario.
He'll go, if he loses, but he'll continue to complain about it after the fact.

Trump being actually re-elected is a truly nightmare for the US. America is rapidly becoming a fascist state and that would be a full stop on the transformation.
Fascist how? They're about to hold an election. Don't be melodramatic.

Sadly , I think everything you have described will come to pass if he gets rolled - even if it's a landslide :(
Turn it up. Stop clutching your pearls.
CNN: Preliminary results of two Phase 1/2 trials of coronavirus vaccines developed by; (i) the University of Oxford and (ii) Pfizer and BioNTech, have shown to elicit "robust" antibody and T cell immune responses. The former provoked an antibody response within 28 days and a T-cell response within 14 days.

Its good news -- but best to not over-state things.
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I feel like I'm becoming desensitised to the sheer stupidity that comes out of Trump's mouth. I honestly just don't care anymore. Every now and then I laugh because he's said something epically dumb (ie. Inject Bleach, every Sarah Cooper video) but then people believe him and continue to support him they just brush off his comments like he isn't the most incompetent President they've ever had.
He'll go, if he loses, but he'll continue to complain about it after the fact.

Fascist how? They're about to hold an election. Don't be melodramatic.

Turn it up. Stop clutching your pearls.
Cos if trump wins a second term there is a good chance he does what Xi, putin and erdogen did in their second term. Dont be naive to think it couldnt happen in america. He has got a large base that will support a fascist takeover. It will start by extending term limits.

The one stumbling block is congress. He would have to keep the senate and win back the house. He also needs one more seat on the supreme court which he will get given ruth is on deaths door.
When trunp is done there is going to be a tv series based on this presidency and its going to be comedy gold. 10 seasons are already written from public statements alone.

It will be like M*A*S*H

Actual Korean conflict = June 1950 - July 1953
TV series based on the Korean conflict = 1972 to 1983

Trump Presidency = January 2017 to January 2021 (hopefully)
TV series based on the Trump Presidency = 2022 to ????

I don't know what it should be called yet. I've always liked "Individual-1" but who knows.

I think its odd too that the media left alone trumps pedo case.

Because it's radioactive like a mother****er. You can print what you like, but if you can't prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt - and he might be the biggest idiot on the face of the Earth, but he's still El Presidente, so we're talking video footage - your news organisation will be ground into the dirt. Look at what happened with the Boston Globe and the Catholics. Lots of people are worried about Epstein Island for exactly this I think.

Biden will win comfortably.

Fingers crossed.

I feel like I'm becoming desensitised to the sheer stupidity that comes out of Trump's mouth. I honestly just don't care anymore. Every now and then I laugh because he's said something epically dumb (ie. Inject Bleach, every Sarah Cooper video) but then people believe him and continue to support him they just brush off his comments like he isn't the most incompetent President they've ever had.

I agree. I think though there's enough people in the U.S. who are swing voters who are frankly sick and tired of his crap - and his woeful handling of the coronavirus has come at exactly the wrong time for his reelection chances. He might be a grade-A moron who is proud of his ability to pass a dementia test, but lots of Americans aren't idiots and they'll be watching.. especially when he does stuff like this:

I like masks!

Invisible China Virus!

There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!

I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics on this one from the dwindling #MAGA crowd.

Or the videos about how wearing masks is a tyranny. Big week ahead!
Sadly , I think everything you have described will come to pass if he gets rolled - even if it's a landslide :(
In a way though it's both fitting of the man and totally expected , he'll make a mockery of the orderly transfer of power just like he's made a mockery of being POTUS.
I don't think he'll try to stay in office if he loses the election but there isn't a chance he'll lose without making reference to it being a stolen election or words of similar effect.
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