Toast A Salute to President Elect Barack Obama

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I'd vote Barack for world domination.

Just hope this bloke gets the full 8 years.

There's a host, but my favourite Barack speech is:

This is our Moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids. to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace: to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one, that while we breath, we hope, and where we meet with cynicism, and doubt, and those that tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people -Yes we can.

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Increased the number of troops in Afghanistan - yep well deserved

There's probably more deserving people than Obama for the Noble Peace Prize, I like the unknown heros getting it, ie. the Aaron Joseph's of the world

But, at the end of the day, OIbama has the most influential & important job in the world, and has to work within the confines of that job. The US will always be at loggerheads with someone, and someone will always be trying to kcik their arse, so that's what he's got to work with

Whats more, he came in after a complete dweebie completely ****ed everything up - read Bob Woodward's State of Denial & Plan of Attack to realise what a numb nuff George B was

Obama's come in and tried (quite successfully) to reverse that trend. He's at least brought back some respect to his own country in the international world, and at least we know they won't be doing anything really ****ing stupid in the next 6 years or so

At the end of the day, I'm leftist and probably biased, but no one can deny George was a ****ing moron
Yasser Arafat won the Noble Peace Prize as well.

What does that tell you ? (although I am a big supporter of Palestenian rights and am firmly against Israel's tactics against their neighbours, some of Arafat's and the PLO's decisions left a lot to be desired, IE the assassination of the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games)
Lets face it he cant do any worse than the muppet he replaced. Dont get me wrong I actually think he'll do just fine but winning the nobel peace prize whislt the country you run wages war on to different nations, I dont think so !!!
Lets face it he cant do any worse than the muppet he replaced. Dont get me wrong I actually think he'll do just fine but winning the nobel peace prize whislt the country you run wages war on to different nations, I dont think so !!!

Well to be fair to Barry, he's actually doing an 'strategic' withdrawal of US troops out of Iraq gradually (but it will take sometime because that whole country is in chaos right now thanks to Bush, and with Afghanastan, it's not a war on that country, but an militant organised terrorist cell, based in that region, although it does appear that the Tailiban are kicking the US troops butts majorily from what i've read)

The US can't afford to withdraw from Afghanastan now, they were humiliated losing the Vietnam war, and I don't think they'll cop it if they admitted getting beaten by Osama Bin Laden and his 'Jihad' posse...

Still it does show you what an pack of morons Bush and his previous administration was, I don't think they realised seriously just how strong Al-Quada/The Tailban are, and it does prove that anything that is motivated out of revenge (In this instance for the 9/11 attacks) can have dire repurcussions.

Obama is doing the best job possible under pretty shithouse circumstances, but he has restored the US's image and reputation somewhat, which is no mean feat.
Don't forget the somewhat lucrative heroin trade in Afghanistan CP
Minor corruption in the governemt
If US withdraw it will be anarchy
I am pretty sure the UN does not want a withdrawl yet

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