A Thread for the Hillary-Haters and Pro-Obama Supporters

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As a verment hater of religious fundamentalism a pile of poo would be better than Huckabee.

We all know about your bigotry towards people who believe in God, so your statement is no surprise.

As someone who believes in God, I also have disdain with Huckabee and his evangelicals (they are doing a good job on satan's behalf).

No matter how you put it, Hillary is still vile and evil. IMO she is the most evil of all the candidates that have run this time around.

Here are the least dangerous choices for the US.


And if he does decide to come into the presidential race, this man (and Ron Paul) can make the most positive difference for the US:

Unfortunately, thanks to a two party, quasi-democratic system coupled with a compromised traditional media, only McCain and Obama has any real chance.
We all know about your bigotry towards people who believe in God, so your statement is no surprise.

As someone who believes in God, I also have disdain with Huckabee and his evangelicals (they are doing a good job on satan's behalf).

No matter how you put it, Hillary is still vile and evil. IMO she is the most evil of all the candidates that have run this time around.

Here are the least dangerous choices for the US.


And if he does decide to come into the presidential race, this man (and Ron Paul) can make the most positive difference for the US:

Unfortunately, thanks to a two party, quasi-democratic system coupled with a compromised traditional media, only McCain and Obama has any real chance.

I respect people who's theism can be scrutinized and hold up to debate. I hold no respect for fundamentalist. However, you must learn the difference between fundamentalists and the mainstream rational theist population, such as CM. You think my hatred of religion makes me hate Huckabee? Heh, no, my principles of honesty and liberal policies leads me to do so. Even religious people despise the man.

Hillary runs a second last on vileness behind Huckabee, she's still a vile politician though I agree. I just think you're underestimating how bad Huckabee is, he would drag the US back into places it has tried to get out of for many years now and is starting to do so.

The problem with Ron Paul is half of his supporter base are on youtube, which is nice to get the videos out but when you need numbers and tv images, he struggles. I wish Ron well, he's better than any other republican candidate.

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In 2 years as a Senator, Obama authored 152 bills - Hillary: 20 in 6 years

Let's take a closer look at who's really qualified and or who's really working for the good of all of us in the Senate. Obama or Clinton.

Records of these two candidates should be scrutinized in order to make an informed decision.

Senator Clinton, who has served only one full term - 6yrs. - and another year campaigning, has managed to author and pass into law - 20 - twenty pieces of
legislation in her first six years.

These bills can be found on the website of the Library of Congress www.thomas.loc.gov, but to save you trouble, I'll post them here for you.

1. Establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site.
2. Support the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month.
3. Recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
4. Name courthouse after Thurgood Marshall.
5. Name courthouse after James L. Watson.
6. Name post office after Jonn A. O'Shea.
7. Designate Aug. 7, 2003, as National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
8. Support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
9. Honor the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on the bicentennial of his
10. Congratulate the Syracuse Univ. Orange Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the
11. Congratulate the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men's Lacrosse Team on winning
the championship.
12. Establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative
13. Name post office after Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda.
14. Honor Shirley Chisholm for her service to the nation and express
condolences on her death.
15. Honor John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, firefighters who lost
their lives on duty. Only five of Clinton's bills are, more substantive.
16. Extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11.
17. Pay for city projects in response to 9/11 18. Assist landmine victims in
other countries.
19. Assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care.
20. Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected
in the wilderness preservation system.

There you have it, the fact's straight from the Senate Record.

Now, I would post those of Obama's, but the list is too substantive, so I'll mainly categorize.

During the first - 8 - eight years of his elected service he sponsored over 820 bills. He introduced
233 regarding healthcare reform,
125 on poverty and public assistance,
112 crime fighting bills,
97 economic bills,
60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills,
21 ethics reform bills,
15 gun control,
6 veterans affairs and many others.

His first year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427. These included

1. Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 - became law,
2. Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, - became law,
3. Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, passed the Senate,
4. 2007 Government Ethics Bill, became law,
5. Protection Against Excessive Executive Compensation Bill, In committee, and many more.

In all, since entering the State/U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096.

An impressive record, for someone who supposedly has no record according to some who would prefer that this comparison not be made public.
I'm just happy that the Le Moyne College Lacrosse Team got official recognition. You can write healthcare reforms all day long, but if you forget to congratulate Lacrosse teams you have no place running for any office as a representative of the people.

KissStephanie, I'm interested in your thoughts.
If she is working on Billary's campaign, she would be busy sending her resume out looking for work after the 4th of March. :)

If she is working on her campaign, Hilary knows where to look and who to blame when she gets torched in Ohio and Texas. She is paying a crazy person to rant and rave on an Australian football website, so she deserves all that she gets.
There does seem to be a direct correlation.I think it could be put into chart form if someone was so inclined. :D

Maybe she's crying in her beers. Or Hillary's making her burn the midnight oil. In any event, it's not as entertaining without her! We miss you, Stephanie! :)
Maybe she's crying in her beers. Or Hillary's making her burn the midnight oil. In any event, it's not as entertaining without her! We miss you, Stephanie! :)
I've been discussing the primaries more recently on an alternate forum recently which is more balanced regarding both candidates. The Obama-lovin' here on BigFooty is worse than the biased media coverage, and was getting a bit too hard to stomach.
I've been discussing the primaries more recently on an alternate forum recently which is more balanced regarding both candidates. The Obama-lovin' here on BigFooty is worse than the biased media coverage, and was getting a bit too hard to stomach.

... and you were embarrassed about showing up here because she's getting thrashed.

What's the alternative forum? I'd be curious to read your musings over the past four weeks or so.
... and you were embarrassed about showing up here because she's getting thrashed.

What's the alternative forum? I'd be curious to read your musings over the past four weeks or so.

In this age of the interweb and such things, is there a diagnosis available for those having forum discussions in their own head?

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A Thread for the Hillary-Haters and Pro-Obama Supporters

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