A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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I think this is great, but it would be even better if within AFL Clubs there was a culture where those gay and bi players who are undoubtedly on playing lists could 'come out.' The consequences and message that would send to young gay and bi men would be hugely positive. Why is this an issue in the AFL men's competition, but not the women's? Despite the great optics of the AFL position on marriage equality, is it doing enough to promote alternatives to hyper masculinity and traditional gender stereotypes? I'm not sure they are. Perhaps for a start, they could look at the way they package and market their 'night of nights' The Brownlow Medal Ceremony. Any gay or bi men bringing their same sex partners to that event? If not, why not? Australian Rules Football needs a hero like Ian Roberts in the NRL to step up and out before it can truly reflect the community that attends matches at the highest level. Here's hoping. YES!
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It's all a bit silly. The left see it as free speech but the right see it as disrespectful (based on my reading of the situation).

Say what you want in the press or on SM or whatever but if you ask me you probably should show respect to your country (that helped make you a multi) and just stand up for it. Don't think anyone on the right has said yet you aren't allowed to have an opinion or voice it, but why do it during the national anthem? The issue has been completely forgotten now and Trump has galvanised his supporters even further, because if the election showed anything, it showed that they don't like millionaire lefties.

Another instance where Trump's supporters will like him even more while his opponents will pot him again.
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It's all a bit silly. The left see it as free speech but the right see it as disrespectful (based on my reading of the situation).

Say what you want in the press or on SM or whatever but if you ask me you probably should show respect to your country (that helped make you a multi) and just stand up for it. Don't think anyone on the right has said yet you aren't allowed to have an opinion or voice it, but why do it during the national anthem? The issue has been completely forgotten now and Trump has galvanised his supporters even further, because if the election showed anything, it showed that they don't like millionaire lefties.

Another instance where Trump's supporters will like him even more while his opponents will pot him again.
'Your country'. What does that mean? A country that was built on black slave labour and years of segregation after that? People seems to think otherwise now, but the civil rights movement was highly unpopular with a lot of the rest of the country at the time (you know who i mean by that). Protest should make people uncomfortable.

Besides, even a halfwit like rex ryan had a go at trump over this. Racism is fine, but leave muh football players alone.
'Your country'. What does that mean? A country that was built on black slave labour and years of segregation after that? People seems to think otherwise now, but the civil rights movement was highly unpopular with a lot of the rest of the country at the time (you know who i mean by that). Protest should make people uncomfortable.

Besides, even a halfwit like rex ryan had a go at trump over this. Racism is fine, but leave muh football players alone.

To compare this to the civil rights movement though is a bit much.

He has a right to do it, it's freedom of speech, but I totally understand how some people find it disrespectful.
It's Free Speech Time

While we are on National Anthems - This one is a shocker. The first verse repeats the lie of Terra Nullius by defining who we are in a way that deliberately excludes Aboriginal Australia. Before anyone posts that this is somehow connected to Federation - the line was in the original 1879 version of the song and was retained in the 1984 version.
The second verse is a joke given the history of the White Australia Policy and our current shameful treatment of refugee asylum seekers. It is also begs the question, whose boundless plains are we offering to share? Who gave anyone permission to share our boundless plains, or forests, mountains, deserts, rivers, wetlands and seas?

I won't sing or stand for this dirge.


Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free; (Australian Aboriginal Culture is the oldest continuous culture on the planet. Clearly the First Australians are not included in the definition of who we are as Australians.)
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea; (So what? Does the fact that we are an island continent really mean anything?)
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We’ll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands;
For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share; (Unless historically you weren't excluded by the White Australia Policy or currently you are a refugee asylum seeler suffering indefinte detention on Manus Island or Nauru.)
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
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Donald Trump, five time draft deferrer and disrespector of Gold Star families and prisoners of war is now apparently the arbiter of patriotism and showing respect to those who serve in uniform.

It's a perfectly appropriate protest. Good on Kaepernick for not forgetting where he came from. He's made significant sacrifices for his beliefs.

The outrage on social media from most people is pretty clear. They just can't tolerate these uppity black people with a social conscience. Apparently the way to show your respect to the country is to take the money and shut up, rather than fight for justice for others.
The thing I can't quite get my head around is how US conservative politics (some of which I agree with) - individual responsibility, minimal government interference, free markets, freedom of everything (like ... everyone owning a war murder weapon) has such strange points at which those core values stop.

Abortion, standing for anthems (?), same-sex marriage (generally), anything LGBT, anything pro-minorities. Things that you'd think they'd prefer the government just didn't get involved with because IT'S AMERICA.
It's all a bit silly. The left see it as free speech but the right see it as disrespectful (based on my reading of the situation).

Say what you want in the press or on SM or whatever but if you ask me you probably should show respect to your country (that helped make you a multi) and just stand up for it. Don't think anyone on the right has said yet you aren't allowed to have an opinion or voice it, but why do it during the national anthem? The issue has been completely forgotten now and Trump has galvanised his supporters even further, because if the election showed anything, it showed that they don't like millionaire lefties.

Another instance where Trump's supporters will like him even more while his opponents will pot him again.
Respect is a 2 way street, I think that's kinda the point of protesting during the anthem.
When should they do it? When it won't disrupt or offend anyone? How does that send a message.

I saw a tweet that went along the lines of;
Conservative America: Everyone has the right to free speech & peaceful protest.
Black Athletes: Take a knee
Conservative America: NO, NOT LIKE THAT!

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Respect is a 2 way street, I think that's kinda the point of protesting during the anthem.
When should they do it? When it won't disrupt or offend anyone? How does that send a message.

I saw a tweet that went along the lines of;
Conservative America: Everyone has the right to free speech & peaceful protest.
Black Athletes: Take a knee
Conservative America: NO, NOT LIKE THAT!
Indeed. This is the same approach employed by right wing hypocrites who start spouting off about “free speech” in the face of the lunatic rantings of fascists and the racist fringe in Australia, while completely losing their tiny little minds when Yassmin Abdel-Magied observes that as a nation we should not forget the way we have treated refugees on Manus Island and Nauru. Very transparent.
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Just out of interest, what part of that article gave you the impression that Small Business wants the unrestricted right to screw their workers ?
From the article, 'Yes, small business would like a much freer hand with employees, to hire them and fire them more easily, have them work more often and for less.'
From the article, 'Yes, small business would like a much freer hand with employees, to hire them and fire them more easily, have them work more often and for less.'
I run a small business and with the f***wits out there these days, I dont blame them for trying.
From the article, 'Yes, small business would like a much freer hand with employees, to hire them and fire them more easily, have them work more often and for less.'

I deserved that, thanks Ruse. Fascinating article, the brush strokes that the media apply is getting broader and broader. Is it the disillusionment within society driving it, or vice versa ?

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A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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