A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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These Melbourne protests are insane. Absolutely disgusted in these protesters throwing rocks and other projectiles at horses, this is about as low as is humanly possible to go.
These Melbourne protests are insane. Absolutely disgusted in these protesters throwing rocks and other projectiles at horses, this is about as low as is humanly possible to go.
Saw it on the news; abhorent behaviour. Police are people too and shouldn't have to put up with crap by outright nutjob agitators and disruptors many of whom have been given an opportunity to live in this country and this is how they act. Just disgraceful behviour and they sit their insulting police officers doing their job, many just young academy graduates, whilst waving and recording the police with their phones (for what I have no idea) and I bet they'd be the first to cry police brutality when taken down hard. It saddens me in this day and age that police have to be so accountable and can't give as good as they take and smack some heads yet its alright for these idiots to thrown faceaces, acid, batteries etc. whilst waving the Palestian flag, you know the same idiots who invaded Israel with militiary equipment, killing and raping innocents and yet these people claim they are all about peace. The lot of them are nothing but aggressive hypocrites who all deserve a good hiding.

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Saw it on the news; abhorent behaviour. Police are people too and shouldn't have to put up with crap by outright nutjob agitators and disruptors many of whom have been given an opportunity to live in this country and this is how they act. Just disgraceful behviour and they sit their insulting police officers doing their job, many just young academy graduates, whilst waving and recording the police with their phones (for what I have no idea) and I bet they'd be the first to cry police brutality when taken down hard. It saddens me in this day and age that police have to be so accountable and can't give as good as they take and smack some heads yet its alright for these idiots to thrown faceaces, acid, batteries etc. whilst waving the Palestian flag, you know the same idiots who invaded Israel with militiary equipment, killing and raping innocents and yet these people claim they are all about peace. The lot of them are nothing but aggressive hypocrites who all deserve a good hiding.

Did these protesters (hadn’t seen or heard any of the news about this yet) actually invade Israel and then come to Australia?
Did these protesters (hadn’t seen or heard any of the news about this yet) actually invade Israel and then come to Australia?
Of course they didn't, but when their spouting peace, supporting Palestine with all their ridiculous paraphernalia whilst hurtling abuse, throwing objects hitting police and their horses etc, and protesting against an arms tradeshow when they themselves are using violence and weapons against police is ridiculous. On one hand they are happy to support Palestine which has nothing to do with this tradeshow, yet they bring their flags and colour to the protest remembering they are protesting against arms yet Palestine used all sorts of warfare to attack innocent concert goers partying when they invaded Israel to begin with. Hence being utter hypocrites. These people don't have a peaceful bone in their bodies and are nothing but aggressive nutjobs trying to hurt innocent law abiding people who are doing their job (the police) or attending a tradeshow which they are entitled to attend. Whilst also trashing a city in the meantime by burning, graffiting the city etc. and yet they reckon they're peaceful and want their POV taken seriously. They are all a disgrace and committiing criminal offences and how anyone can condone any of it are a disgrace as well.
Of course they didn't, but when their spouting peace, supporting Palestine with all their ridiculous paraphernalia whilst hurtling abuse, throwing objects hitting police and their horses etc, and protesting against an arms tradeshow when they themselves are using violence and weapons against police is ridiculous. On one hand they are happy to support Palestine which has nothing to do with this tradeshow, yet they bring their flags and colour to the protest remembering they are protesting against arms yet Palestine used all sorts of warfare to attack innocent concert goers partying when they invaded Israel to begin with. Hence being utter hypocrites. These people don't have a peaceful bone in their bodies and are nothing but aggressive nutjobs trying to hurt innocent law abiding people who are doing their job (the police) or attending a tradeshow which they are entitled to attend. Whilst also trashing a city in the meantime by burning, graffiting the city etc. and yet they reckon they're peaceful and want their POV taken seriously. They are all a disgrace and committiing criminal offences and how anyone can condone any of it are a disgrace as well.
I cannot believe the protestors targeted the horses eyes by using acid and bleach.
I cannot believe the protestors targeted the horses eyes by using acid and bleach.
They're gutless thugs all typically disguising themselves in masks and goggles and the rest.

Hopefully they're identified, caught, charged with a litany of offences including animal cruelty and if not born here, deported and if I had my way, acid and bleach thrown in their eyes and faces.

Imagine being that much of a coward and that's how you act all in the name of what, I have no idea, but here they are, protesting an arms tradeshow and they're using an insane level of violence with weapons and things to main and injure and I bet they couldn't see what hypocrites they are.

I sincerely hope they are found and hurt even more severely than the hurt they've caused officers and animals.
had the misfortune of checking this thread whilst logged out and seeing posts im usually not privy to.....

at the risk of oversharing: my uncle was no hero. he had an on and off drug addiction and had burnt heaps of bridges as most addicts do, but he was still a decent person. he got sent to the drunk tank one night for being a nuisance and gave a copper some lip. the cop slammed his arm between the wall and door of the cell he was kept in and absolutely mangled it with a horrific break. when he got released so he could go to hospital, he pretty quickly made a complaint. the footage of his area that night had very conveniently been misplaced. after that he went on a downhill spiral of full blown heroin addiction he would never recover from and died a few years later.

my grandfather was an immigrant from yugoslavia. he got assaulted by the police just by virtue of being who he was shortly after coming to this country.

i have numerous friends who have been violently accosted by police. the one that sticks out was when we were 16 and my friend came back from the cop shop with bruising in multiple locations because the police thought he was waterbombing cars and hed ran away from them on being approached.

any insinuation that the police should more readily be able to use physical force on civilians is absolute abhorrent and should be laughed out of any serious political discussion. i would be aghast if any politician started openly advocating for laws that let this happen. they are already over equipped for the reality of their role and are an institution i hold close to 0 trust in.

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A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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