Abbott Leadership challenge - "Et tu, Turnbull?" - 14/9/15

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If you want to stage a revolution, you need a better reason than not liking the political system. Most revolutions fail, and those that happen to succeed often make things worse. You don't need to look too hard for examples. It all sounds very romantic, but most revolutions are ugly, bloody and ultimately futile(particularly in the short term).
If there are legitimate grounds, non-violence is the only viable option. That's very hard to pull off.

You also need the right conditions for such a thing to happen. Those conditions do not exist in Australia and are unlikely to develop anytime soon.

I want a peaceful gradual one over hundreds of years born from education.

But capitalism is inherently violent. It won't listen to reason.

EDIT: make it decades, I want to see it.
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No point being world leaders when you're heading the wrong way. Don't forget Australia is still paying big polluters $12.5 Billion on carbon reduction. We don't need to throw money into a scheme that we have no control of where its being spent.

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I'd vote for anything to keep Liberals, Labor and Greens out of power for 10 years.

I bet you would love the Australian sex party

It is now commonly accepted that “The War on Drugs” has failed. Marijuana is an enormous cash crop with profits going directly into the pockets of organized crime. Regulation of the distribution of marijuana (like alcohol) will get it off the street. The revenue from taxing it plus the savings on the costs of enforcement and jails is worth many billions of dollars. Read More >>

The right to choose to die with dignity should be a basic human right. Over 82% of Australians agree that voluntary euthanasia should be legalised. Read More >>

The Australian Sex Party supports evidence-based models of mental health service delivery that integrate all levels of care. Our focus is on community development and long-term strategies to improve the standard of people living with mental health conditions. Read More >>

It is about time that Australia catches up with the rest of the world and allows marriage equality. Read More >>
Many Australians would have experimented with an illicit drug sometime in their lives. This shouldn’t be a crime nor should the personal possession of small amounts of drugs. Portugal has had a very successful history with a policy of decriminalisation which we should emulate. Read More >>

We oppose the mandatory retention of all Australian users’ internet browsing history and emails by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for at-will inspection by law enforcement agencies, and support strong judicial oversight over the ability of law enforcement to access individuals’ internet and email data. Read More >>
Church owned companies include some of the most well known brands in Australia including cereal manufacturers, insurance companies and publishers and yet they don’t pay income tax. A conservative estimate is that income tax exemptions alone to churches and religious organisations cost taxpayers nearly $ 20 billion a year. Add to that GST concessions, exemptions from capital gains tax (on property and share trading) and the Fringe Benefits Tax Exemption and the cost to tax payers is staggering. Read More >>

What adults are allowed to watch and read in Canberra is different to Melbourne and what they can buy in Sydney is different to what they can buy in Queensland. We believe there should be a national approach to censorship with the establishment of sensible national classification scheme made for the 21st century. Read More >>
There should be national pregnancy termination laws along the same lines as divorce law which allow for legal, no-fault and guilt-free processes for women seeking an abortion. We need to take urgent action to stop this continuing to be a political football.Read More >>

The public education system should be secular in nature and not provide for any religious instruction whatsoever. We oppose the chaplaincy program and believe that the public system should remain free of religious interference. Read More >>
It should be illegal to unfairly discriminate against people or companies on the basis of industry, job, occupation, profession or calling. Our policy is to enact national anti-discrimination laws which make it illegal to do so. Read More >>
Nah, Gus is a fan of David Leyonhjelm. So much so that if he ever got power, Gus would still proudly not vote for him in order to make the govt even smaller.
When considering a Coalition ticket the deputy leader of the Liberal Party is purely a token thing that has absolutely no significance to the electorate, it's the treasurer who makes up the second part of the ticket.

Under that theory then a Bishop/Turnbull ticket is far more attractive an option than Abbott/Hockey on a number of different grounds.
  1. Neither Bishop or Turnbull have shown themselves to be completely useless since the election of the Coalition.
  2. Bishop & Turnbull can talk clearly without getting themselves into a bind over a simple issue.
  3. Both Bishop and Turnbull would gladly welcome a full round of debates leading into an election and likely propose 2 Leader debates and one Treasurer's debate.
  4. At least I know Bishop won't go parading around in a swimsuit or lycra bike shorts.
Would be interesting to see how Australia handles another female PM.

Gillard was unfairly crucified by msm and the public - in years to come she will be acknowledged the for the great work she did as PM.

Anyway given that a competent female PM was slaughtered by msm and the public i am very interested to see how an incompetent one will be treated.

Go Julie. :thumbsu:
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Would be interesting to see how Australia handles another female PM.

Gillard was unfairly crucified by msm and the public - in years to come she will be acknowledged the for the great work she did as PM.

Anyway given that a competent female PM was slaughtered by msm and the public i am very interested to see how an incompetent one will be treated.

Go Julie. :thumbsu:
surely you gest.

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THE findings from this research suggest that ... (China’s CO2 emissions will peak around 2030) because saturation in ownership of appliances, construction of residential and commercial floor area, roadways, railways, fertiliser use, and urbanisation will peak around 2030 with slowing population growth.

THE findings from this research suggest that ... (China’s CO2 emissions will peak around 2030) because saturation in ownership of appliances, construction of residential and commercial floor area, roadways, railways, fertiliser use, and urbanisation will peak around 2030 with slowing population growth.
I wasn't questioning that point, it was the other part of your post.

THE findings from this research suggest that ... (China’s CO2 emissions will peak around 2030) because saturation in ownership of appliances, construction of residential and commercial floor area, roadways, railways, fertiliser use, and urbanisation will peak around 2030 with slowing population growth.

Lateline last night had a bit on how the Chinese are taking the opportunity of low steel demand to close some of the worst polluting steel mills on the outskirts of major cities. That's happening now.

And that quote is from a conservative cheerleader!
What made him say that?

A couple of times now people have reminded us that she really has been very, ah, patchy when it comes to making sense. Her delivery is well-suited to being diplomatic, but when trying to push a certain case (like the reef comments at the UN) she sounds pretty weak. Like Turnbull and Hockey, it would be in her best interests to not have to tow Abbott's lines as they're basically dragnets catching on anything and everything.
No holding back there! It's great how the Murdoch papers will tell something closer to the truth once they've decided the leader needs to be removed.
The Liberal Party is now not so much a political movement as a collection of unemployed former ministers in search of a public service to do their thinking for them.
Shame they still aren't listening to the public service. Imagine if we hadn't been negotiating the FTAs before this lot got into power. We would've rolled over with their first offer of a digital tuner.
Bishop is just as dumb if not more so than Abbott. I don't get where this revised view that Bishop is now competent has suddenly come from.
She looks pretty good because she stands out in her cabinet for not being a totally obvious goose like Tone, Pyne, Hockey, Brandis, Abetz.. are.
She is smart and speaks in a measured tone and throws lots of information at the interviewer. So she comes across as prepared and capable. Yet her points don't always stand up to scrutiny and she is allowed to get away with it. e.g. Leigh Sales on 7.30 report Thursday night, RN journo Friday morning-they give her a free hit for some reason-which makes her look better than she actually is. ( right wing plants?) When she talked about their barrier reef work being 'world's best practice', instead of mentioning that our leading scientists don't see it that way at all, they said nothing. Bizarre. When she talked about the absence of a glass ceiling and how its all peachy for women-again -the journos stayed mum. Instead of asking her about the large and increasing discrepancy between single men and single women's wealth. Or the increase, against women, in domestic violence. Nobody really picked her up on her weak ebola response. Or the piddly contribution we are making in Iraq. Maybe the media prefer her to Tone?
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I wasn't sure which was the best spot for this revelation, but I think it fits in with the general non-factual, repetitive slogan approach of the Coalition since Turnbull was de-throned:

ABC's Fact Check group released their nominations for the 'Golden Zombie' - the biggest claim that is proven to be incorrect but keeps coming back over and over again... and all 4 nominations were used by the Coalition:

  1. That we visit the doctor on 11 occasions a year. FALSE. It's more like 6 times (doctors often provide multiple services per visit)
  2. That Uni students "have a less than 1 per cent unemployment rate and who, over a lifetime, earn 75 per cent more than someone who doesn't go to university". FALSE. Unemployment rate is 3.3% and lifetime earnings are 36-79% more.
  3. That the removal of the Carbon Tax will mean "Every household right around Australia will benefit to the tune of $550 a year." FALSE. Because he said "a year" rather than "this year". $550 is about right for 2014/15, but from then on the tax would've been based a floating price, and estimates have that at $280 for 2015/16.
  4. That Labor's debt is $667 Billion. FALSE. It's a 10 year projection (normally we use 4 years) and includes debts racked up by Howard and the current Coalition (alongside their new assumptions, which are politically motived - only PEFO is independent of govt). So it isn't all "Labor's Debt" and the Coalition did double the deficit (if not more than double it) upon coming to power.
I wasn't sure which was the best spot for this revelation, but I think it fits in with the general non-factual, repetitive slogan approach of the Coalition since Turnbull was de-throned:

ABC's Fact Check group released their nominations for the 'Golden Zombie' - the biggest claim that is proven to be incorrect but keeps coming back over and over again... and all 4 nominations were used by the Coalition:

  1. That we visit the doctor on 11 occasions a year. FALSE. It's more like 6 times (doctors often provide multiple services per visit)
  2. That Uni students "have a less than 1 per cent unemployment rate and who, over a lifetime, earn 75 per cent more than someone who doesn't go to university". FALSE. Unemployment rate is 3.3% and lifetime earnings are 36-79% more.
  3. That the removal of the Carbon Tax will mean "Every household right around Australia will benefit to the tune of $550 a year." FALSE. Because he said "a year" rather than "this year". $550 is about right for 2014/15, but from then on the tax would've been based a floating price, and estimates have that at $280 for 2015/16.
  4. That Labor's debt is $667 Billion. FALSE. It's a 10 year projection (normally we use 4 years) and includes debts racked up by Howard and the current Coalition (alongside their new assumptions, which are politically motived - only PEFO is independent of govt). So it isn't all "Labor's Debt" and the Coalition did double the deficit (if not more than double it) upon coming to power.
Fact check comment 1 is a flaw straight out. GP is not the only type of doctor people visit per year on the taxpayers. Good to see the ABC though looks at it one way through rose coloured glasses though.

2. The debt figure has been repeated over and over again as blowing out to or would have become $667 bill by numerous coalition politicians but again fail to acknowledge this. Why weren't we seeing scrutiny in the same way over the greens giving us the spiel on 97% of scientists and climate change which is the exact same use of a statistic. What's even funnier foremost is how they try to tell people the government shouldn't use estimates because it doesn't necessarily paint an accurate position in their opinion. Yet in point 3 they do the exact same thing :oops::oops::oops:. Hypocrisy much.
2. The debt figure has been repeated over and over again as blowing out to or would have become $667 bill by numerous coalition politicians but again fail to acknowledge this.
o_OYou agree that coalition pollies repeatedly claim the debt figure as blowing out to $667 B. That is the fact-check claim that has been proven to be horse piss. How much more acknowledgement do you want?

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Abbott Leadership challenge - "Et tu, Turnbull?" - 14/9/15

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