if you want to be poor people then agriculutre is our future. Space is irrelevant now. Most scientists predict the world has hit peak agriculutre land. We can now grow crops in lands previously inhospitable and at multiple times the efficiency of old and you dont need much skills to be a farmer thus wages are low and will get lower. oh and agriculture was pretty much the first industry in every country. That does not make it special.Why celebrate any cause or group of people?
And actually, farmers are special.
Our traditional exports and national products all come off the land. And when all the rocks have been dug out of the ground and sent to China, that will be the case again.
It's incredibly important to our economy. One eternal natural asset Australia has over other economies is space. That makes us ideal for farming and food supply. Unless we want to be making cars or sneakers for $1 an hour to be competitive, that's the future of our country.
The population of our major cities continues to grow at breakneck speed, so those in the bush get a bit forgotten.
And it's tough gig. It's isolated. You're at the mercy of conditions and climates for your living. Look up suicide rates among farming communities... it's alarming.
So there's nothing wrong with putting on an event to shine a light on the farming industries and put them in people's faces. A few kids might learn something.
If we want to be a wealthy country we need to become highly trained in skills that people need. IT, doctors, engineers. This is where the future is if we want to be a well off society.