Opinion Accountability

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TBH I would take any accountability right now.

Jesus wept, I'm just not interested in how to assemble a Banh Mi from Coles ingredients or whether two attention-seeking desperadoes want to go on a second date.

I just want us to win football matches. And if we don't, someone to take responsibility.
Yeah I understand what you’re saying and I feel the same obviously being from a time when winning was everything and all that mattered was winning the premiership.
You ever notice how coaches and administrators never use that word anymore (Premiership).
It’s always about improving and going forward together.
Old days it was our aim is to win the flag, making finals means nothing if you don’t win the flag.
People have been sold a Lemon since footy became big business.
Yeah we all want accountability for poor performances but do you honestly think you’re going to get it?

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Yeah I understand what you’re saying and I feel the same obviously being from a time when winning was everything and all that mattered was winning the premiership.
You ever notice how coaches and administrators never use that word anymore (Premiership).
It’s always about improving and going forward together.
Old days it was our aim is to win the flag, making finals means nothing if you don’t win the flag.
People have been sold a Lemon since footy became big business.
Yeah we all want accountability for poor performances but do you honestly think you’re going to get it?

At some point the piper always has to be paid

roddy piper wrestling GIF by WWE
At some point the piper always has to be paid

roddy piper wrestling GIF by WWE

Carlton’s loyal members and supporters contributed to net revenues from membership, gate receipts and consumer operations of $23,055,550: a 15 per cent increase on the 2022 financial year ($20,069,003).
The Piper is laughing at us, this is what every club is really aiming for.
how to assemble a Banh Mi from Coles ingredients

That was still happening on the ground seconds before the quarter started. Seeing players move to position on the ground while an IKEA Kallask shelf unit was still sitting there was utterly surreal.
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That was still happening on the ground seconds before the quarter started. Seeing players move to position on the ground while an IKEA Kallask shelf unit was still sitting there was utterly surreal.

They've lost their frigging minds.

I also don't care if Jarrod Walsh looks like Voldemort or Wallace.
Starts with Koch and co, until they're moved on coaching changes won't make a difference.

Unfortunately it's impossible to get them to move on. Pigs in the farmhouse comes to mind.
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I watched Hinkley's press conference and he places us among a group of teams faffing around for a mid 8 finish. That's his ambition with all the recruiting we've done for missing pieces. No accountability, apparently if you're a bit better than :poo: - #winning.
I watched Hinkley's press conference and he places us among a group of teams faffing around for a mid 8 finish. That's his ambition with all the recruiting we've done for missing pieces. No accountability, apparently if you're a bit better than :poo: - #winning.

I've been ****ing around reading old news articles. Read one from early 2022 about bitterly disappointed he was with getting piss blasted off the park by Footscray, despite having everything in our favour.. and how he was gonna turn it around and go one better.

Then we missed the finals.

Like.. he can just do and say whatever he wants, and when we fail, nothing happens. It's how culture rots.
Starts with Koch and co, until they're moved on coaching changes won't make a difference.

Unfortunately it's impossible to get them to move on. Pigs in the farmhouse comes to mind.
You’re 100% correct, these people are the real reason for our demise.
When Ken finally does go all you’re going to get is another one of the boys in Carr moving across one seat.
time for chris davies to be the GM of football. his overview of where the team has been & is going needs to be ruthless>

because what has happing over the last 10 years has not worked.
Don't we have a couple of accountants on our Board though?
Accountants don't hold people accountable. They count the beans and provide the analysis to the managers whose job it is to hold their reports accountable for financial related performance issues.

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We have turned into the clubs we used to laugh at.
Forgetting the Showdown and wider malaise in isolation, name another coach who’d be able to skate by with negligible media, past player, and wider member/coterie scrutiny after losing 4 of the past 5 games to a blood rival — despite the blood rival enduring their worst period in existence, while you’re going in as strong favourites every single time?

Justin Longmuir had one foot in the grave after the recent Derby.

At worst, Kenny™ is met with a shoulder shrug and the usual deflective nonsense from Kane Cornes and co.

If Fagan starts getting routinely turned over by the Suns he’ll find himself back in the Apple Isle faster than he can blink.
Hinkley has powerful friends in the media not to mention the fact that he privately challenges media commentators who criticise him.

It’s pretty clear david king has more to say about Hinkley but holds fire.he is not a Hinkley friend but is weary of approaching the subject.
time for chris davies to be the GM of football. his overview of where the team has been & is going needs to be ruthless>

because what has happing over the last 10 years has not worked.

He's Ken's biggest enabler.

Everyone wants to shit on Koch for keeping Ken. The reality is Koch merely ticks off CD's endorsement of Ken.
That was still happening on the ground seconds before the quarter started. Seeing players move to position on the ground while an IKEA Kallask shelf unit was still sitting there was utterly surreal.
Was that the IKEA shelf unit wearing 22 playing at Centre Half Forward last night?
He's Ken's biggest enabler.

Everyone wants to shit on Koch for keeping Ken. The reality is Koch merely ticks off CD's endorsement of Ken.
Most likely, but ultimately nothing stopping Koch from holding CD responsible for his endorsement as well.

Is anyone doing any due diligence and reflecting on the decisions they have and haven't made over the years. I can't think of any significant changes that makes me think they've taken corrective steps since Voss for Walsh.

The whole reason I finally walked away was the zero response to the 21 PF debacle. No changes, just more of the same and promoting from within. Do they even bother to look at the quality of the assistants Choco had at his disposal in 2004?
I finally came to the opinion that supporting the current administration was doing more harm than good.

If CD came to me with an endorsement of keeping the current approach, first thing I'd ask is what other options have you considered and why you're proposing more of the same will bring about anything different to the last 10 years.

We all know we're talking about a coach who won 3 finals in his first 2 years. 2014 a kick away from potential flag.

Who then goes on to miss finals 5 of the next 9 years and only coach two winning finals in 4 finals series.

So if it's not coaching, it's either development or list management. Not hard to ask the questions.
Extending and re-extending and re re-extending Hinkley is well within the realm of irresponsibility and bordering on negligence. Hiring Hartlett, a player that has overall had no success as a player and no coaching experience, to manage an all sorts reserves squad that has been spiralling since Covid and now clouded by the prospect of exiting the sanfl, is definitely negligence.

Yet, a significant club official believes that we're on the right track. What the f_ _k!!!!
Accountability will never exist until the members can vote out the board. Until then we're relying on the good graces of whoever the AFL has appointed to chair the club. That person won't automatically be as bad as Koch, but they'll never operate at maximum level without the threat of a board spill.

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