Adrian McAdam article - McAdam still the magician

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May 23, 2002
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Great article on McAdam - who could forget those 10 goals at Victoria Park against Collingwood - one of my favourite games ever!

By Chris Ryan
July 27 2003

Adrian McAdam gave away football to concentrate on cricket.

Adrian McAdam the cricketer is a lot like Adrian McAdam the footy player. He is a fast bowler now, with whirling arms and an evil stare. For the past six hours he has run and chased and sweated under a cloudless sky. For six hours it was like watching a snapshot of his sporting life.

His first over was ghastly. He struggled to land the ball on the pitch and was promptly dragged. Brought back later he was mesmerising, pilfering two lbws with two darting in-duckers in three overs, to turn a game on its head. Out of sorts one minute, out of this world the next.

And never entirely out of mind. At first glance his story seems a well-worn one: rise and fall, highs and lows. The trajectory is familiar, only the scale is unprecedented. When McAdam was good, he was the greatest goalkicking newcomer in Australian football history. When McAdam was bad, he disappeared.

Even now, a decade after his majestic winter of 1993, he is only 32. He is young enough to feel the sharp slap of opportunity lost.

"Not playing the footy - that's what I miss most," he said. "I enjoyed Melbourne. It was a nice place to live and I left a lot of nice people behind I regret leaving. I still wish I was there playing right now."

McAdam's story sounds as implausible now as it did 10 years ago. Picked up by North Melbourne at No. 98 in the draft. Leaves Alice Springs to join his brothers, Greg and Gilbert, in the big smoke. Kicks seven goals on debut against Richmond. "Brilliant," shrieked one reporter. Follows up with 14 marks and 10.6 against the Swans. "Uncanny," gushed another. Next round he nails Footscray with six more goals. "Undeniable class," was the verdict.

Soon the papers ran out of adjectives and McAdam ran out of goals. He bewitched 68 in 17 matches that year, 22 in 18 the next and spluttered to a standstill in 1995, managing only one game. Traded to Collingwood, he went missing twice in one pre-season until the Magpies - fed up with sending club officials on wild goose chases to find him - gave him the flick. He went home.

"I knew I could kick goals and that I was a pretty skilled player," he said now. "That's what got me through those games - being skilled - because I didn't have much strength when I came down from Alice." After that, he says, opposition teams learnt to station better, beefier players on him. He started going to the gym and bulking up. But the moment had passed.

"There's nothing I'd changed apart from my fitness," he said. He would be "superfit" if he had his time over. "I bludged here and there, maybe because of the success I'd had I was a bit lazy. I wasn't dedicated enough. I just didn't do that extra hard training which the other blokes did. They pushed themselves to the limit, whereas I didn't really do that."

Then, suddenly, he did not really play footy anymore. He got back to Alice and stopped. "I wanted to get away from it, I'd had enough." When he did play again, he soon had a blue with a local umpire - he is cagey even now about exactly what happened - and was banned, unjustly he says, for two-and-a-half years. His amazing ride was over.

McAdam had always dreamt of playing AFL, always been a North fan. His favourites were Keith Greig, Ross Glendinning and the Krakouer brothers. "They were an inspiration to a lot of Aboriginal footballers."

Back then, McAdam was North's only Aboriginal player and one of a handful in the league. He blames nobody but himself and seems entirely without bitterness. But it wasn't always easy being black.

"It was hard being from Alice and being Aboriginal and not really knowing anybody," he said. "You couldn't just walk into a pub or hang out with your mates. I found it pretty hard playing against other sides and putting up with their supporters."

What kind of things did they say? "Oh, you know, just silly ridiculous things. They're singing out, 'You black this and black that', or, 'Go back to wherever you came from'. It's spur of the moment. People just don't think when they're fully focused on a game of footy.

"You sort of don't hear it because the crowd's so big and you're focused on the game. But every now and then you do. Sometimes I used to just turn around and look at them. I didn't say anything. Just more or less like: 'Have a good think about what you're saying, mate'. But never say anything. Just focus on the footy."

One day at Victoria Park McAdam copped a frenzied verbal hammering. It was round 10, 1993, his sixth game. He concentrated hard on his footy, nothing else. As he puts it: "It went through one ear, out the other."

This is not just brave talk. McAdam outdid six opponents that day and kicked 10 goals. The Roos beat Collingwood by 83 points. And by the final siren the taunts had stopped - if only by default. "They all left at three-quarter-time."

It was a momentous, emotional high; the kind, you suspected, which would be tough to reproduce. So it proved. After 39 goals in six matches he managed 53 in his next 30. He is a builder's labourer now, a father of five kids. But he is something else, too - one of the most versatile Australian athletes since the 1930s when Victor Richardson captained Australia at cricket, South Australia at footy and was a dab hand at baseball, lacrosse, hockey, gymnastics and golf.

McAdam, football aside, has represented the Northern Territory at basketball, soccer and cricket. He sometimes plays rugby on Saturday afternoons. Partly it is to do with the Alice Springs lifestyle; partly it's about him. "I'm the sort of bloke who can't sit around on weekends."

He is an NT regular at the Imparja Cup, the national Aboriginal cricket carnival, and recently took the new ball for a Chief Minister's XI against Bangladesh. He ambles in with a comfortable chest-on action. He makes the ball skid.

He also, earlier this season, laced up his boots once more for South Alice Springs, where brother Greg is coach (Gilbert is at Federals, another Alice club). There was only one position Adrian wanted to play - "full-forward, mate, no more running around" - and he booted 26 goals in three games. Then, just as abruptly, he gave it away to concentrate on cricket. "I sort of just lost interest," he said. And not for the first time with Adrian McAdam, you wonder what might have been.
Was he really that good? Or was it just our forward structure was ideal for a crumbing player. Abraham was very good at it. And even Dhurrkay looked great on the 1999 season highlights tape.

Small forward is one of the toughest positions to be consistantly scoring goals. Phil Matera has done a great job this season, and Jeff Farmer's season a few years ago was probably the best of them all.

Does Leigh Harding fit this role? He seems to take more marks on a lead, rather than from loose ball gathers. We really need Sav to play four quarters and force more contests. Otherwise we may as well have Digby and Petrie as our two key forwards.

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Originally posted by fusion
Was he really that good?

Yep..he was THAT good and produced these results on skill alone. But in McAdam's own words - he was lazy and didn't to the hard work. If had made the occasional visit to the gym and put in an effort at training who knows what he could've become.

Personally - I'll never forget that DAY at Victoria Park.
Here's a story from one of the year in review tapes, think it was Longmire who said it. Supposedly on the 1st night Adrian turned upto training. At the end they said ok lets pack up, put the balls away. Adrian who was a good 20-25 meters away from the Otto bin for the balls, doe's a short pass, and dobs the ball into the bin. The crowed was stunned, hey that was just luck do it again. Bang 2nd, 3rd and 4th time in the bin from 20-25 metres away. Come's out Adrians training trick all his life, was to kick the ball from the 1/2 way point on a basket ball court, and put the ball through the ring on the back board. Used to do it all the time, and used to get it through the ring 9 out of 10 times. That was how remarkable/ skilled our Adrian was.
1993, what a year. We should have won the Premiership that year, and I reckon we would have if we didn't have such a bad run with injuries at the end of the season.
The game against Collingwood was one of the our great moments, but the final quarter against Essendon was also a highlight for me. Carey, Longmire and McAdam ran riot in that quarter and Roberts made two or three telling runs from the backline.
There haven't been too many teams that have three players score over 60 goals in the same season. It was a great season... until the end.
Originally posted by DEVO
1993, what a year. We should have won the Premiership that year, and I reckon we would have if we didn't have such a bad run with injuries at the end of the season.
The game against Collingwood was one of the our great moments, but the final quarter against Essendon was also a highlight for me. Carey, Longmire and McAdam ran riot in that quarter and Roberts made two or three telling runs from the backline.
There haven't been too many teams that have three players score over 60 goals in the same season. It was a great season... until the end.

What a year it was, I remember rocking up to the Tigers game (round 7) waiting to get a look at McAdam and I was disapointed, he kicked 7 that night and 10 against Sydeny the week after.:)

I remember someone told him could you hit a three pointer (in basketball) while making it spin a few times on the rim and he didn't disapoint.:)

Does anyone have a pic of McAdam, I've been trying to find one for a while now to have in my avatar. I would prefer just a pic of his face like my Deuce Mcallister avatar.

I almost had the number 41 on the back of my jumper.
In light of threads on disappointing players, I was somewhat heartened to read this article... what could have been, both McAdam and the '93 flag. His first game against Richmond I didn't get in until quarter time because the AFL didn't have enough gates open... by the end of the night he was the buzz. The next week he comes out and bags 10 (Longmire 9) in our record ever score, and then six against the Dogs at the Western Oval... great game too. The Collingwood game and Essendon 4th quarter are probably my favourite respective games and quarters of all time.

I kept a scrap book of the '93 season... the front cover is a pic of the players coming off the ground against Collingwood with the headline 'The Good News Roos'... such a treasure to relive the memories from the preseason shambles (Adelaide,Schimma) to the heights (McAdam/Carey/Longmire,Collingwood,Essendon) to the lows (end of season)... probably along with '96 my favourite ever season. It's my favourite footy book. :D

Morpheus, PM me in Feb when I'm back in Melbourne and I'll scan some McAdam pics if you still want some... I have heaps from the papers.

For some of the new posters the
enigma that was A.McADAM was amazing!!

He depicted our 93 year!!!

Denis took over after a 20 goal hiding
to Adelaide in the pre season cup!

Out of the wilderness we came to lead the
home + away 2 games clear at the half way mark!!!

The VIC PARK massacre as i call it was
Mcadam + our greatest hour!!!

We totally destroyed them all over the ground

took Tony Sham-Mcguane/P.Williams
to the cleaners in the middle!

With this great supply the 4 AMIGOS
kicked a lazy 16 between them the pies
to a poultry 5 for the game!!!

This was where we NTH MELB showed the football
world we were Back!!!

We also put an end to 2 careers that day!!
Gayfer + Daicos-the later finally had injuries
get the better of him!!
{i believe he still has a grudge against us to this day
with his bias against us in his commentary}

As for Gayfer his hold on tactics were displayed
with free kick after free kick against him!!!

Never had i felt invinsible at the footy
we were that good to this point!!!

Unfortunately as quick as it came it was virtually
all over by round 16 with injuries to Carey/Rock/Romero
we were shown up for lack of depth!!
They all kept playing but were never the same
as earlier in the year!!!

We stumbled into a knockout final vs W.Coast
at Waverley and to be honest were like
rabbits in the head-lights!!!
The DUCK finally wobbled off during the 3 quarter
as dids our chances!!

It was a strange feeling leaving Waverley that
day!It was similar to watching the horse
spray them everywhere to throw away a 100 goals
a few seasons later!!
{close but no cigar!!}

But it was also a year i will never forget
and it laid the platform for the years of 96-99 to come!!
We wont mention 98 it still hurts!!!

Some of the background info thanks to the {footy bible}
thats for Carlos he will know what i mean!!!!

Over + out
Adrian McAdam, what a player in such a SHORT career, all those games you people mentioned brings back great memories. It is a great shame McAdam didn't kick on because he would have had I feel to bring many people through the gates, he was that good in 1993 as were we if it wasn't for injuries late in the year.

I like some of you people have newspaper clippings too from 1993, Pretenders no more North is pumped up and on top, Roos full of fire and brimstone, with a picture of McAdam & Gayfer together & Good News Roos with Carey, Rock, Allison, Longmire & McAdam coming off the ground after the flogging of Collingwood at Victoria Park 1993.
I have followed the Roos since 1963 and the end to our 93 season was the most devastating of them all. Losing Grand finals was obviously bad, but it took months for me to get over 93. I thought about it every day for months. We had the team to win, at our best there was daylight second. The loss to Footscray was terrible. I believe a young team just ran out of steam. Can you believe that Essendon and Carlton made the Grand Final. More than any other year, it was an opportunity lost forever.

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morpheus said:
What a year it was, I remember rocking up to the Tigers game (round 7) waiting to get a look at McAdam and I was disapointed, he kicked 7 that night and 10 against Sydeny the week after.:)

I remember someone told him could you hit a three pointer (in basketball) while making it spin a few times on the rim and he didn't disapoint.:)

Does anyone have a pic of McAdam, I've been trying to find one for a while now to have in my avatar. I would prefer just a pic of his face like my Deuce Mcallister avatar.

I almost had the number 41 on the back of my jumper.

Thats so true, I remember getting there with a Richmond supporter and having to wait for ages to get in. I remember hearing the roars whilst outside. McAdam had already kicked one when we got in. It was a fantastic season. Stangely probably the best season i remember, even though we didnt win anything, I think it was just that sense of inevitablity that you just knew that group of players would achieve something special.

a real shame that mcAdam didnt put more of an effort in.

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Adrian McAdam article - McAdam still the magician

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