Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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It's a bit too scripted at times.

I'm getting sick of getting possession, being able to move freely... chain a few possessions together with passes.... on the last or second last pass before moving it into the goal... THAT player happens to get the "stuck in mud" feeling (while the others moved freely after getting the ball) thus ruining your momentum and then risking being tackled and losing the ball.

It's the pits.

I think thatā€™s at the moment part of what I mentioned before. Being ā€œgoodā€ in part is knowing when the players are in a position where they are going to get the stuck in mud animation, not be able to turn around etc.

The defensive aspect is far worse though and you are in much less control compared to offensively. Iā€™m not sure why there is so many imaginary force fields and things blocking you from getting near the ball carrier at times.

Spoiling also seems pretty underpowered too. If you come up against someone who has you covered for mark timing you might as well just leave. Seriously I play against people and get an outmark in a position I know I shouldnā€™t and I know itā€™s game over. I feel like you should be able to bring the ball to ground far easier and marking should only really be reward for exceptional play and kicking
The game was competitive a week or two ago, now it's far too easy on hardest difficulty. Win by 100 or so points each game. Why are people complaining it was too hard on the hardest difficulty, why aren't you playing on an easier difficulty ? People complaining they can't take marks or win ruck contests. The match ups were the biggest factor, which was good. Now I'm going through a game on hardest with the AI not winning a single ruck contest.

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Current thoughts 5/6/23 edition -

Best Camera Angle (imo)
  • end camera set to close is the most immersive way to play this game by an order of magnitude. When you are one point up, 30 seconds on the clock looking for a lead, this sort of angle is the only way to play this game. Passes which you can do in your sleep are not so easy all of a sudden.
  • This angle allows you to appreciate how much work BA have (presumably) put into player movement - it feels like AFL. This is a first imo.

A Couple of Issues Though
  • It swivels a little too slowly, meaning mid swivel it is very easy to fire off a handball in the wrong direction
  • The play can also move off camera occasionally
  • You have to be a bit of a jedi and use the force to mark pretty much. It's not as hard as it sounds, especially with vibrate, but it's a jarring change at first. You learn you who has a good pair of hands real fast.
  • Raising the camera height and increase the FOV is highly recommended. You're still playing close, but it's a lot easier for passing etc. Shifting the camera to 'MED' is not the same as changing these settings.
  • the overall feeling is that while this camera angle isn't fully optimised, for the extra immersion, it's easily the best view.

Two Niggles / Observations
  • fully manual player select is not a viable option, it is a long way off and reflective of just how sluggish controls can be. Avoid.
  • I am all but convinced that the differing game play experiences may have to do with the dynamic nature of the game. By that I mean for a good part of my games this weekend, there were times when the players would get very hard to control and the opposition became a lot more efficient, in some cases literally moving faster all over the ground. A couple of goals later user controlled players were back to feeling responsive again. Clutching at straws perhaps but I wonder if momentum swings against you currently have a bit of a bug where when you're own players become 'worse' when the AI has momentum.

Goal Kicking

I think I've figured out the new goal kicking, apologies if well covered:-
  • you now have to kick from deeper inside the blue for it to go straight
  • orange kicks are a lot more viable, in fact it gets arguably easier on the second swing because the blue zone is much smaller.
  • the bar for goals on the run is relative to position. Cool system! If you're straight in front, let go when it's in the middle. If kicking from a pocket, let it go when it's closer to the post the ball will swing away from. I like it because it's hard to calculate in the heat of the action and I would suggest to hold off adding a coloured zone that tells you when to release as it will make it too easy. Having said that, I'm not sure the white lines are clear enough to see given you only have half a second to perform the kick. Maybe have the line colour user configurable like a cross hair in an FPS game as everyone will have their own preferred colour. Or perhaps make the goal lines yellow or a tiny bit bigger, something that's a fraction easier to see.

Online aside - I feel for the online guys that are having issues but it's not a big pull for me right now - I think the biggest bang for the buck will be finally putting to rest the sluggish feel of the players. The game just needs to feel smoother, like you're 100% in control of what's happening onfield. When that is in place I think anyone arguing that older games did it better is dead set wearing clown shoes.
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It's seems to be very quiet in here today, or are posts just not loading?? LOL
Usually goes quiet when there hasnā€™t been a patch for a few days. Will see how it goes in here once the constant patches are finished
Have only played one game since the last patch and kicked 10.14 to 2.0 on medium difficulty. Bit of re-learning for me but liking it much more than kicking 10 straight
Played my first game in probably a fortnight, what is up with marking?

Everything was just spoiling?

I timed and pressed triangle with the vibration and my player spoils. Haven't touched the R stick.

Even when the player is solo and open on his own?
BigAntStudios can we please just have a managment mode update. Many of us are waiting for a better management mode before we start.

Will there be state league integration?
Will we have weekly training?
Will we have injuries and suspensions?
Editable u18s in the academy?

Can you just give us an idea of whether things like this will be implemented? Or are we staying with whats currently on offer? Don't want to keep waiitng for a mangement mode update if its never actually gonna come. Woud like to start playing a worthwhile mode sooner rather than later, but happy to wait if we get guarantees that certain features will be implemented.
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Player selecting is probably the worst itā€™s ever been tbh
Have to switch 7 times before getting the correct player and by then itā€™s too late
Also why are players still running past the man with the ball ?
Itā€™s seriously no better than players running past the ball on Evo 2 which everyone complained about
Why is this any more acceptable ? Smh
Itā€™s seriously no better than players running past the ball on Evo 2 which everyone complained about
Why is this any more acceptable ? Smh

It's not, but if you've been banging on for 12 years for Big Ant to come back, it must be hard to admit even to yourself that they've stumbled rather badly (to put it mildly).
Player selecting is probably the worst itā€™s ever been tbh
Have to switch 7 times before getting the correct player and by then itā€™s too late
Also why are players still running past the man with the ball ?
Itā€™s seriously no better than players running past the ball on Evo 2 which everyone complained about
Why is this any more acceptable ? Smh
The inability to tackle when sprinting in opposite direction to the player with the ball frustrates me. I mean it's mostly realistic, but there's no animation triggered and it just feels unresponsive. I do think there are probably other things like this, what we think is a 'bug' is actually a design decision but doesn't have the supporting animations or structure to make it feel like this when you're playing.

I could be completely wrong but does feel that way. I do wish player vs defender was done better - I've said before but Fifa style, you see the defender, can choose to try get past them but risk HTB or else they corral you. If either player goes for broke it's high risk high reward, ie lunge for the tackle or try to sprint past.
The inability to tackle when sprinting in opposite direction to the player with the ball frustrates me. I mean it's mostly realistic, but there's no animation triggered and it just feels unresponsive. I do think there are probably other things like this, what we think is a 'bug' is actually a design decision but doesn't have the supporting animations or structure to make it feel like this when you're playing.

I could be completely wrong but does feel that way. I do wish player vs defender was done better - I've said before but Fifa style, you see the defender, can choose to try get past them but risk HTB or else they corral you. If either player goes for broke it's high risk high reward, ie lunge for the tackle or try to sprint past.
This is exactly how it should be
In Evo 2, if you pressed tackle too early, the player lunges and misses the tackle completely. The recovery time was rather shit but it worked much better than what weā€™ve currently got.
Really hope this isnā€™t by design otherwise Iā€™d probably just about be done with the game. Way too frustrating
I canā€™t speak for everyone but Iā€™m at the point where I play 1 game per week now after letting a few patches go through but unfortunately the issue there is ā€˜2 issues solved, 3 more discoveredā€™. It gets disheartening to have to wait for the game to have to be patched to even a playable standard and then theres some other mishap. Not blaming BA or anyone for it, I commend all their hard work post-launch, but at this stage it just seems like it wonā€™t get to the level we all hoped it would.

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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