Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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3 Gig patch recently released on Steam says we are obviously continuing to support the game.
A 3GB patch made up mostly of content that should have already been created and in the game from day one. The rest of the patch would be a few hundred MBā€™s, at most.

The Steam patches will come to Console as soon as they are able, that is always an estimate as to timing.
Given the Tweet was put out June 9th saying Steam patches would continue ā€œmost daysā€ and there has been patches on June 10th, 16th and 21st, Iā€™d saying youā€™ve fallen substantially shy of your estimates.

For many on here "estimate" is quickly replaced with "promise", and any estimate that is incorrect will have us labelled liars by the conspiracy crew, so not going to do it.
If you as the CEO want to put yourself in the public forum and make comments, give timelines and just comment on anything in general why would you not expect people to hold you to those comments?

Do you think because ā€œno other developers do thisā€ (which plenty do btw if you check out Reddit, thereā€™s a stack of devs and community managers that respectfully interact with their communities), that gives you an extra buffer or leeway to get things wrong, not deliver on things youā€™ve said and then flip that on the community for being too demanding?

If you would rather not be held accountable for your comments, simply donā€™t post.
But stuck in mud still an issue? Ai not defending the goal line? Ai teams all playing with default tactics? Poorly rated ruckmen unable to win centre bounce hitouts?

Iv had plenty of Ai defending the goal line. The amount of times Iā€™ve bombed a kick into the goal for it to be spoiled on the line. Iā€™ve had to refer to the replay tool as I didnā€™t think it was touched. But sure enough right on the line

Iā€™m on ps4 btw.
If you would rather not be held accountable for your comments, simply donā€™t post.
Because he gave estimates on timelines, and there was (in my opinion) an over-the-top reaction when those werenā€™t always metā€¦ this is what weā€™re getting nowā€¦..
No posts with timelines.

But the same over-the-top reaction posters are now screaming for timelinesā€¦ and wondering why their questions are not being answered.


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no blinkers on here!

Bolded word is where it's at.

Doesn't matter what people think of the game or the communication around the game, the patches or anything like that, there will never, ever be any reason to post some of the things that were posted (and since deleted)

No arguments here. But nor does receiving abuse absolve BA from misleading consumers about the state of the game and delivering a shonky product
I think where we differ is the perspective. There are so many variables at play here and I think the situation is a lot more fragile than we would like to think.

BA wanted better funding for Live 2 and the result was TB hiring WW for peanuts. And we got exactly that. Seven years and two more attempts later we got the semi decent Evo 2. Seven years. In this context AFL 23 is still in the crib.

The other one is that game studios go out of business all the time. Nacon could be pressuring BA as we speak to focus on My Favourite Pony 2000 and this time next year ask them to focus on revenue and drop a less popular title. Their fates are now intertwined - no idea how much - but Ross has probably got major skin in the game and it will be important that the rocky launch doesn't impact the schedule of other titles.

I'm not saying 'be happy', but I am saying that we can safely assume that BA is acting to the best of it's ability to make AFL 23 a great game, and almost certainly juggling a lot more than a list of defects and features on a whiteboard.

Sure and this is all understandable. But when you promise the world and deliver a lemon you have to expect some push back. We've been promised a lot of things along the way and as it stands two months post release we have a very bare bones game with a critical lack of features + existence of many bugs.

I'm still glad BA have the license and mostly trust them to deliver an outstanding product over time. If we go back to AFL Live, it was received so well because expectations were managed and they delivered what they said they would. Afl 23 has been the opposite. BA set expectations sky high and delivered a game worse than AFL Live.

Anyway all my point was meant to be last night was that it seems like the focus on improving gameplay elements has shifted. I hope I'm wrong because things like being unable to properly aim handballs and getting stuck on the spot when receiving them are game breakers
Play now seems to work fine on ps5 aside from the interchange and sub which is horrendous. The sub rule is non existent they come on in the first quarter and everyone else on the bench does rotate.

In a game as the Tigers with the interchanges some weird positions ended up being Soldo in the back pocket, Nathan Broad at FF, Jack Riewoldt on the wing and Maurice Rioli in the centre.

My cousin was playing as Carlton and no matter what he did Pittonet went down to FF, McKay would go to the half back flank and Kennedy was in the ruck.

It really spoilt the fun we were having as the game play was overall pretty smooth.

We tried out management mode and season mode and again major issues with the bench but anytime we would manually try and make a change to tactics or interchange the game would crash every time so we turned it off out of frustration.

I see that cricket has been delayed until October, clearly AFL needs a ton of work so the delay was expected but whether itā€™s a mistake or not but Pro Team has been removed from any promotion blurbs for it now also. As I said it could be just a mistake but does leave you thinking perhaps itā€™s very complex and may have been scrapped for that reason? Hopefully it has no effect on the AFL pro team for those that really want that mode.

Itā€™s a shame as the game play was quite fun at times last night and again graphically with the stadiums and all that itā€™s spot on but itā€™s so hard to look past the major negatives and bare bones that this is currently so far out after launch.
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Because he gave estimates on timelines, and there was (in my opinion) an over-the-top reaction when those werenā€™t always metā€¦ this is what weā€™re getting nowā€¦..
No posts with timelines.

But the same over-the-top reaction posters are now screaming for timelinesā€¦ and wondering why their questions are not being answered.
But theyā€™ve failed to meet nearly every single timeline theyā€™ve given and at some point the leniency and forgiveness has to stop and they have to start being held to their word. Weā€™re not talking about a few hours or days over here, itā€™s literally weeks and months on some things.

No one is wondering why their questions arenā€™t being answered anymore, itā€™s pretty clear why there is no communication on some of the most asked questionsā€¦ā€¦

Someone chooses to only answer ad-hoc, which for me is an easy way out of addressing questions that a) you simply donā€™t have an answer to, b) the answer wonā€™t be received well or c) it contradicts a previous answer youā€™ve given.

Online barring maybe one patch has been neglected since release, gameplay bugs and glitches from release still remain, no answers to questions about more depth being added to the ā€œdeepest AFL game of all timeā€, no communication on why Steam patches that were meant to be ā€œmostly dailyā€ lasted one day and then thereā€™s 2 patches in two weeks, still no explanation on what went wrong that we were meant to be getting.

As I said, if youā€™re the CEO of a company and you come out and give timeframes, make comments and for some reason those things donā€™t come to fruition, you better believe people will remember, especially with that persons track record in the past of talking down on other developers and people that donā€™t agree with them.

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I think a lot of what bothers me is people are quick to jump on ross for things said but then those same people do the same thing or have said similar things prior. I just live by the idea of, you treat the people how you would like to be treated and if youā€™re not willing todo that yourself then donā€™t sit back complain about others.

Anyways letā€™s get back to talking about the game. Hopefully a new patch soon šŸ™šŸ™‚
We're also really disappointed with the time it's taking to get the Steam updates onto console.

In order to make sure we have a really good base before XBox comes out and we have cross-play, the game is being externally tested by multiple external companies to make sure it's rock-solid.

With over twenty patches, there's bound to be issues introduced, we need to clean them up.
Can someone explain to me the purpose of player contracts in the game?
I can't seem to find the salary cap, or how much I have spent anywhere?

Really hoping management mode gets some loving soon!

On SM-S901E using mobile app
I'll get JNT BA to get an explanation on Monday, will be one of the first things that gets answered on our new service.
But theyā€™ve failed to meet nearly every single timeline theyā€™ve given
Iā€™ve said all along I wish timelines werenā€™t givenā€¦
So we agree that it sets them up for failure, and weā€™ve seen it happen before, so hopefully wonā€™t happen again if theyā€™re not given.

From now, Iā€™d like to see a ā€˜weā€™re working on it/looking into itā€™ā€¦ and all timeframe questions are ignored (no more ā€˜when is tactics coming?ā€™ questions)
We're also really disappointed with the time it's taking to get the Steam updates onto console.

In order to make sure we have a really good base before XBox comes out and we have cross-play, the game is being externally tested by multiple external companies to make sure it's rock-solid.

With over twenty patches, there's bound to be issues introduced, we need to clean them up.
Yeah I can appreciate that šŸ‘šŸ»
We're also really disappointed with the time it's taking to get the Steam updates onto console.

In order to make sure we have a really good base before XBox comes out and we have cross-play, the game is being externally tested by multiple external companies to make sure it's rock-solid.

With over twenty patches, there's bound to be issues introduced, we need to clean them up.

Iā€™ll gladly raise my hand and say watching Michaels play the more updated game on Steam is making me wish us on consoles had it sooner but at least it should be worth the wait.

Is there any light you can shed on players possibly being given a secondary position for interchange reasons? This is something I submitted a ticket for a while back and was told it was a great idea but havenā€™t since seen or heard anything and fair enough, youā€™re hard at work!
Got to say the set shot goal kicking especially on angles is very fun.

Have seen some really nice marks back with the flight etc so there are some really good positives just right now still to many negatives/ bugs to make it enjoyable without getting frustrated.
We're also really disappointed with the time it's taking to get the Steam updates onto console.

In order to make sure we have a really good base before XBox comes out and we have cross-play, the game is being externally tested by multiple external companies to make sure it's rock-solid.

With over twenty patches, there's bound to be issues introduced, we need to clean them up.

Great to see an update on this, thanks again!

Big Me GIF by Foo Fighters
How am I validating or justifying abuse? You brought the concept of abuse into this conversation, I was simply referring to the game not being up to scratch. So if they're two separate topics why bring up the abuse in the first place?
Because when you respond to someone, then follow with a but.. Everything you said previously means nothing.

On VOG-L09 using mobile app
Awesome, yes. Realistic, no. Why wouldn't your team have a player or two back there on the line? Also, shots after the siren have no one back on the line.

Because I had the tactics set for the forward to push high. I unleashed the barrel and you can see them briefly run back towards goal but the AI beat me there. So yes. I would say realistic as they were playing to my tactics I had set. I could have passed to my players which were just inside 50 but as I set my tactics to play high I went for the barrel

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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