Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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What's he lied about now?

I thought the mode might have launched given there was a few replies but nope
Their whole approach to drawing interest in Pro Team has been laughable at best. I honestly think they’ve given up promoting this game and winning peoples respect back after the shit show its been for over a year. Best part is how they ignore 99% of their own board and selectively choose to reiterate how they wont even break news on their own platform. Whats the purpose of having a forum then? 🤣
It also goes to show, for those who may originally have been hopeful that future iterations would get the improvements we want, the glacial pace of development we've seen for things that are meant to be in the original version is what we can expect for future versions.

They now have rugby, cricket, tennis & AFL games to iterate on/maintain, no different to their current situation. And we've seen their business model on cricket, get a decent product out (I'd argue AFL 23 core gameplay is decent, despite opinions on here. Not great, but good baseline), then barely update it over the next 10 years.

If we could expect regular and proper development, I'd still have some hope. But I think the gameplay we have now is all we're going to have for the next 10 years, with some new facescans and hairstyles to look forward to every 2 years, woo!

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Their whole approach to drawing interest in Pro Team has been laughable at best. I honestly think they’ve given up promoting this game and winning peoples respect back after the shit show its been for over a year. Best part is how they ignore 99% of their own board and selectively choose to reiterate how they wont even break news on their own platform. Whats the purpose of having a forum then? 🤣
I'm going to be super shocked if there's going to be an AFL 25 or another BA AFL game.
Happy 6 weeks everyone !
6 weeks since submission… Surely has to be some sort of world record.

Then again, I’m sure I’ll get reminded about how Sony and Microsoft probably have it on their last to do list because it’s AFL and it’s the only game in the world that gets zero attention and it’s not BigAnts fault because they’re 100% reputable and have never lied before.

At this rate, Essendon are gonna win a final before ProTeam drops and that may not even be this year 🥱
I don't follow this thread, and haven't played the game in a looong time, but I feel that those who have access to BigAnt and build up their status based on this access should/could probably be asking questions on behalf of everyone else.

I get they don't want to rock the boat, especially with a highly emotional guy like Ross, but if you're going to "profit" off fortunate inside access, it would be nice for the wider community (ie their followers) if these people could then use their contacts to ask legitimate questions that get the rest of us blocked..

Edit: don't get me wrong, I'm not telling them they must, it's their prerogative as to whether they are impartial or otherwise.
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I don't follow this thread, and haven't played the game in a looong time, but I feel that those who have access to BigAnt and build up their status based on this access should/could probably be asking questions on behalf of everyone else.

I get they don't want to rock the boat, especially with a highly emotional guy like Ross, but if you're going to "profit" off fortunate inside access, it would be nice for the wider community (ie their followers) if these people could then use their contacts to ask legitimate questions that get the rest of us blocked..
Didn't the guy that got asked to go to Big Ant recently arrogantly state the block feature was great. Sounded like Ross himself haha.

But he can only really show/tell what he had been told himself and the videos I've watched seemed pretty honest. Also can really talk them down as he would never get invited back.
Specky should never be a button. It should be a contextual thing that just happens if the situation is right.
Jumping into a pack should be a button. Whether or not that input turns into a speccy should be contextual.

It wasn’t perfect but I liked the speccy button back in 2004. Often times they just looked like regular pack marking situations.
Hopefully this means players won’t run away from the contest anymore but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Hopefully they submit the update this week so we can get it by Christmas !


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Hopefully this means players won’t run away from the contest anymore but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Hopefully they submit the update this week so we can get it by Christmas !

Hopefully the stat tracking means the season stats carry over during the finals. Always thought it was weird that they reset and started on 0.
Jumping into a pack should be a button. Whether or not that input turns into a speccy should be contextual.

It wasn’t perfect but I liked the speccy button back in 2004. Often times they just looked like regular pack marking situations.
It should just be very hard to do and can only be pulled off in certain situations, and should be very consequential if it's not done right. But it should be all visual based, the vibrating controller in marking is just a terrible idea.

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I think they posted on Twitter about changing the rugby game name to rugby25 because they won’t have it ready but are doing an early release today or something. I think even for that game they tried doing too much like capturing 150 teams or something.

I don’t know how they genuinely believed that they could get 4 sports games good and release on time
I think they posted on Twitter about changing the rugby game name to rugby25 because they won’t have it ready but are doing an early release today or something. I think even for that game they tried doing too much like capturing 150 teams or something.

I don’t know how they genuinely believed that they could get 4 sports games good and release on time

Hope those early access codes got approved by platforms holders, otherwise I think we know how that story goes lol………

On iPhone using mobile app
I think they posted on Twitter about changing the rugby game name to rugby25 because they won’t have it ready but are doing an early release today or something. I think even for that game they tried doing too much like capturing 150 teams or something.

I don’t know how they genuinely believed that they could get 4 sports games good and release on time
Holy shit. They actually apologised for the delay.
Didn't the guy that got asked to go to Big Ant recently arrogantly state the block feature was great. Sounded like Ross himself haha.

But he can only really show/tell what he had been told himself and the videos I've watched seemed pretty honest. Also can really talk them down as he would never get invited back.
at least tag me.

I used the ignore feature here on 1 poster cause they are insufferable and it was doing my head in. Wasn't arrogant, just stating its a breath of fresh air.

As for the second part, I have only ever given honest feedback based on my own experiences.
That includes positive and negative.

For anyone who watches the stream I have told countless people it's not worth spending $99 on

I have no obligation to say or do anything.

I call it how I see it, and I've been critical of a lot of things along the way, largely communication.

Whatever happens from there happens.
HI Michaels, I assign you are one of the streamers that people were discussing, so my question to you is why not use your fortunate position and contacts to help the community work out why there is an extraordinary delay, and why communication is failing to occur from BA?

If you are one of the lucky streamers to previously tour BA HQ and go "behind the scenes", surely you are on good enough terms to ask these legitimate questions without risk of pissing off anyone there?

I think the AFL23 community would be highly thankful if you could shed some light on this indefinite delay :)
If you are one of the lucky streamers to previously tour BA HQ and go "behind the scenes", surely you are on good enough terms to ask these legitimate questions without risk of pissing off anyone there?

We are talking about a company helmed by one of the most thin-skinned individuals on the planet. Anything but glowing praise is considered an attack.
HI Michaels, I assign you are one of the streamers that people were discussing, so my question to you is why not use your fortunate position and contacts to help the community work out why there is an extraordinary delay, and why communication is failing to occur from BA?

If you are one of the lucky streamers to previously tour BA HQ and go "behind the scenes", surely you are on good enough terms to ask these legitimate questions without risk of pissing off anyone there?

I think the AFL23 community would be highly thankful if you could shed some light on this indefinite delay :)
Sorry to speak on your behalf Michaels (and please correct me if I’m wrong), but I would say that the information he got from the office visit 2 weeks ago would be the latest he knows, OR is officially allowed to share. (Otherwise, surely we would’ve heard more?!?!?!)

And at that time, I saw him say on here and the BA forum, that it was definitely with the platform holders (much to people’s objection of that notion when it came from Big Ant themselves).

I would love to hear more… but my guess is, both Michaels and JNT are telling us as much as they know or are allowed to share. I don’t think either of them would hold back information if they could freely tell us.
I saw they have delayed rugby too. Can someone tell them no one gives a shit about face scans if the game play is terrible.

They’ve probably created so many headaches themselves due to licensing .
HI Michaels, I assign you are one of the streamers that people were discussing, so my question to you is why not use your fortunate position and contacts to help the community work out why there is an extraordinary delay, and why communication is failing to occur from BA?

If you are one of the lucky streamers to previously tour BA HQ and go "behind the scenes", surely you are on good enough terms to ask these legitimate questions without risk of pissing off anyone there?

I think the AFL23 community would be highly thankful if you could shed some light on this indefinite delay :)
Hi PT,

those discussions were definitely had when I was there, I put out a post or two outlining some reasons as to why the delay occurred, where it sat currently etc. Majority didn't want a bar of it, but for those who opted to listen, consider yourself better informed!

In short:
-They posted the road map with those key dates including the 28th of May for pro team.
-Between that being posted and May 28th they had implemented some improvements to the mode which triggered a new set of approvals to be done by platform holders.
-This approval is a lot more lengthy as it is micro transaction based and not just a run of the mill update
-I think we will see it soon (personal view)

Again, a handful will scoff at it, but for anyone open to context and wishing to understand why, there it is.

In terms of the communication part, this was something I flagged while there in terms of the frustration amongst the community, we all feel it.

I was strongly urging they consider releasing videos / footage in the build up to the release, if it's something they don't want to post themselves I have said I'm happy to post blind reaction videos to pack openings etc, but nothing has come from that yet, fingers crossed we see something soon.

The other part of the communication piece which I know we have gone over before in here, that when it comes to BA commenting on the hold ups of the platform holders, they simply aren't allowed to do it due to NDA.

Again there will be a party of people who will scoff at that, but for those who wish to be better informed, that's why.

I don't have much else that can be said currently, but I still stand by the offline modes in particular that I saw I think will be well received and the sooner we get a crack at this the better!

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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