AFL - Double Standards

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I obviosuly didn't make myself clear enough.
Cousins knew a camera was there. He shouldn't have done it. If there was even the remote possibility of it going to air (which there obviously was) he would have known. Either that or he is just plain stupid.
With regards to throwing the towel over the camera, it was a thinly veiled swipe at the fact that I protest there is a camera in the room in the first place. Surely the players are entitled to some sort of privacy when dressing/undressing?
The fact is Iddy, that it was Ben Cousins. Of course they are going to find any excsuse to show him a bad light.
Channel 10 was wrong to show the footage. But no more wrong than Cousins was in the first place.
FFS, he's on his last chance. Keep your head down Ben!
we will agree to disagree

I totally believe and go with his explanantion that he was merely skylarking ... if the wads @ the AFL want to hang him then they are , as Froars said , merely displaying thier usual contradictory double standards .

It is such over-kill/over hype BS , started by the goon squad @ Channel ten who clearly have nothing better to do than take very lame pot shots @ the RFC and all who reside within it ..

I mean seriously .. i can put foxtel on and hear F-bombs at any given time of day . That gesture is so common within society today its not funny ... and 90% of the time it is merely high jinks and light hearted ...

I understand that more than any other footballer in league Ben has to mind his P`s and Q`s ... but FFS , give the guy a break , he has enough to worry about
we will agree to disagree

I totally believe and go with his explanantion that he was merely skylarking ... if the wads @ the AFL want to hang him then they are , as Froars said , merely displaying thier usual contradictory double standards .

It is such over-kill/over hype BS , started by the goon squad @ Channel ten who clearly have nothing better to do than take very lame pot shots @ the RFC and all who reside within it ..

I mean seriously .. i can put foxtel on and hear F-bombs at any given time of day . That gesture is so common within society today its not funny ... and 90% of the time it is merely high jinks and light hearted ...

I understand that more than any other footballer in league Ben has to mind his P`s and Q`s ... but FFS , give the guy a break , he has enough to worry about
And I agree with you. Chasers War on Everything dropped the F bomb five minutes into their first show last week and it was only 8.30pm.
My 8-year-old saw Cousins do what he did and she is a normal primary school kid who will laugh at fart jokes and giggle at any reference made of male or female genitalia, but she barely even shrugged her shoulders when she saw that.
But Ben was dumb. He just shouldn't have done it. Not because it was outlandishly wrong, but because he should have known that someone, somewhere, there are plenty of people who can't wait until he screws up. That was why he was silly.
You don't go leaving your mobile on the kitchen bench when you're having an affair (not that i would know:D) do you?

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in yrs gone by it would have made the goof tape for the ch 10 xmas party - end of story - drink up

a sad reflection on the nanny state we have become
If we are going to slag off the AFL for giving him a suspended fine, then we need to be mindful that the club itself imposed an even harsher penalty.

The only reason the club fined him is the big bad AFL are looking down saying "if you don't do the right thing (in our eyes) we will do it for you."

They then have clubs shitting themselves for some reason and so they clubs end up giving out penalties they believe will appease the AFL.

I'm 99% sure behind close doors they would have been "Sorry Ben but Vlad's got a bee in his bonnet and if we don't fine you they are going to make more of a big deal out of this so ya going to have to cop the fine" or similar.
Greg Baum | June 3, 2009"Actually, it is not Cousins' gesture that ought to be at issue here, but the airing of it. If it was immediately before a game, or immediately afterwards, Cousins could reasonably expect the camera to be operating, perhaps live. But this was nearly two hours before the game. It was not live, and would not have come to light at all except that someone at Channel Ten spotted it, and someone else thought to telecast it, after the game and out of context, gratuitously.This, far more calculated and devious than Cousins' own action, was the real mischief. You only had to see the demeanour of the on-air presenters to know it; they were embarrassed.So should Channel Ten be. A lifetime spent in press boxes tells me that Channel Ten would not have to search too far through its own archives to find examples of its own people in unguarded moments in front of non-live cameras, picking their noses, scratching their backsides or preening themselves narcissistically in the reflection from the lens. Other than at Christmas parties, they are excused their distractedness and vanities. But they did not spare Cousins.Underlying, there is another issue. A footballer's world is privileged, but also exposed, on the field and off. The one sanctuary, apart from home, is the changeroom. Almost certainly, a scan of the unedited footage from Saturday night would show some players wearing nothing more than ankle bandages and an air of insouciance, but these were not telecast, of course.Television cameras provide a fascinating insight into the mien and mood in this sanctuary, but it is only fair that they are used discreetly. On Saturday night, Cousins was indiscreet, but Channel Ten was brazen.It says something of the balance of power in modern football that the AFL took the player to task, not the broadcaster."

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AFL - Double Standards

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