AFL Evolution - Launch thread

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still need to play with these as well, have just been playing on default since the patch on a premiership season.

I went through the thread since the PC version dropped and basically took all ptrg's slider tips on board and the game is so fun. The ball goes to ground more so it's not just a kick to kick, I've had open space to get some run in, it feels much better

One thing I gotta keep messing with is probably the ruck sliders, I gotta find a happy medium, too high on user and I just dominate any ruckmen, they got 0 hitouts, but too low and I get killed in the ruck. Also the fatigue rate, I like that the bench is used more, but some of the players in positions is strange

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The only slider that seems to make any difference for me (at the moment) is the sprint speed and endurance. Pre-patch i'd play on medium and win most games by about 30-40 points. Now on medium (with default sliders), i played my first 2 JLT matches (against Geelong and NM) and won 193-6 and 148-13. Changed the sliders for the final match against Port to 45 sprint speed and 45 endurance (me) and 55 sprint speed and endurance (them) and i lost 75-52. They killed me in disposals (had about 100 more) and had 8 times more marks than me, purely because they were first to the ball each time. I was just hacking the ball long and hoping for the best in contested marking situations.

I still have a while to go until i get the sliders to the point where im comfortable and not shitty because they are just chipping it around the half forward for 5 minutes. But happy that there's actually a way to change the game up
Started playing with the camera zoom slider. I can see all of the ground that I need to see if I zoom out to around 20. The only issue is that I need to sit close to the TV or I can't actually tell what's going on.
It would be nice if there were options to make players glow or something so you can tell teams apart from afar more easily while zoomed out.
I'm using these sliders at the moment, playing on legendary with the speed set at slow.

Seems to have opened the game up a bit, there's definitely a lot more space to move when you get the ball. Setting fatigue levels high and endurance low tends to help as well.

I'd be keen to see what someone else thinks, if they can be bothered trying it.

Attribute |User |CPU
User CPU
\Goal Kicking | | |
\Close range accuracy | 50 | 35 |
\ Mid range accuracy | 50 | 30 |
\ Long range accuracy | 59 | 30 |
\ Set shot accuracy | N/A | 30 |
\ On the run accuracy | 66 | 30 |
\ Marks | | |
\ Timing | 45 | 30 |
\ Position | 60 | 60 |
\ Attribute | 30 | 30 |
\ Marking | 50 | 40 |
\ Attributes | | |
\ Rucking | 50 | 50 |
\ Run Speed | 35 | 35 |
\ Handball Distance | 50 | 50 |
\ Spoiling | 50 | 65 |
\ Smothering | 50 | 50 |
\ Specky rate | 50 | 40 |
\ Endurance | 35 | 35 |
\ Fending | 50 | 45 |
\ Tackle effectiveness | 50 | 30 |
\ Kick Power | 50 | 50 |
\ Tagging | 15 | 15 |
\ General | | |
\ Tackle distance | 50 | 30 |
\ hip and shoulder distance | 50 | 50 |
\ mark fumbles | 50 | 50 |
\ fatigue rate | 50 | 90 |
\ injury freq | 50 | 50 |
\ injury severity | 50 | 50 |
\ AI Tendencies | | |
\ Ball Tapping | 35 | N/A |
\ Stay on man | 0 | 0 |
\ Play on | N/A | 80 |

I wish the 'Mark fumble' slider was actually 'Mark fumble in contest'.
I don't want them to drop a lot of sitters while in space, but want it to spill off hands in contests more (when two guys go for the mark, not just when one spoils).

The sliders have definitely opened up the game for me. Very interesting to see what others have gone with.
I keep both User and CPU pretty similar, making it more fair. Upped Run Speed, Endurance, and Mark position. Lowered fatigue, all umpiring decisions, and the tagging.
They also need a slider for set shot timing. The nanosecond difference between a perfect kick and a completely shanked kick is harsh.
Another nice idea would be putting markers (possibly a ruler) on the kick metre to show how far the kick will be as it depends on the player.
The sliders have definitely opened up the game for me. Very interesting to see what others have gone with.
I keep both User and CPU pretty similar, making it more fair. Upped Run Speed, Endurance, and Mark position. Lowered fatigue, all umpiring decisions, and the tagging.
What's it like having speed/endurance up on high?

I've ended up shifting game speed down to the slowest, and have kept endurance/run speed at around 40 for both CPU and user. Also turned down tackle effectiveness/distance to around 20 for both CPU and User.

I find with those settings I have so much more time to make decisions now - you can get the ball in a pack and have a split second where you can actually think about where you want to move or who you want to handball to. Makes a huge difference imo.
They also need a slider for set shot timing. The nanosecond difference between a perfect kick and a completely shanked kick is harsh.
Another nice idea would be putting markers (possibly a ruler) on the kick metre to show how far the kick will be as it depends on the player.

it's just a matter of practice until you can kick for goal with fast reflexes like it's riding a bike, it's a bit more sensitive than AFL Live 1.
I was just playing a season game between Melbourne and Collingwood and noticed that there was a national anthem animation before the game and the crowd was entirely full. I then realised that it would've been the Queens birthday game, first time that I've noticed the game highlight particular matches over others as special matches.
Has anyone dabbled into ratings deeply, wondering if it's possible to get the actually better teams constantly in the upper region of the ladder whilst the bad teams finish down bottom. Granted this season has been pretty even, maybe more of a disparity in ratings and therefore team ratings would improve it

Also so random players don't get the awards over players who realistically could win it, had JJ coming in 2nd in the Coleman, can't even remember who won it either wasn't a big name forward, I suppose that would be a thing that tendencies would be good for
Does anyone know how to initiate a speccy?? Is it just by random chance now or does R2 + triangle have to be combined with enough run up behind the player in front of you with release right when the blue disappears..

Ugh, not that I care that much, but sometimes you do want to take a big grab.

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Finally got the game update on the Xbox last night took it's sweet time in popping up... it hadn't come up automatically like most other game updates do. Nor did it show up in the game files when selecting "manage game" through the Xbox menu like how I've had to update the DLC characters in Injustice 2. As said the Xbox version will still get a run when I can't be bothered playing it on pc (re: when I'm too lazy to sit up properly haha).

I've not really moved on from it yet, I will probably get tired of it at some stage (more than likely once the real AFL season is concluded ?). While I've had Injustice 2 and Rocket League as part of the rotation (as well as a few other games that I'd play for a few hours to have a beak from AFL/Injustice). Fifa's out soon, I still am on the fence in buying it..... I'd like to get NBA 2K when that comes out.... the trouble is finding the time to play!

I'm still yet to play with the sliders, I adjusted a few things on the pc version (repeating old stories here lol), where it came to the kicking power, but I've had things reset to the default values for a while. I changed the game speed to slow, that's given me a better experience. I tried slower/slowest but found it was too different (hard to explain but on pc it was like the game play was one "slow" speed, while set shots and default animations like goal kicking celebrations were a different speed - it was annoying to look at).
Love the update to pack marking. So much better saying the ball spilled when three or four players go up for it rather than all of them ending in a Leo Barry you star.

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Only minor I know - but you can't type in the new coaches name in career mode. As soon as you press X to put a letter in it goes to the next page.
I've come to the conclusion that the game is definitely a solid blueprint for (hopefully) future release but even with the new sliders, I can only play in small increments (2 games tops per sitting)

Definitely a huge fan of all the sliders/customisation options though!
New patch has totally ruined the player positions. Played the Bulldogs round one as the pies and tom Boyd was on the wing, Redpath back pocket, Dahlhaus CHF and Bont in the ruck. Prettt gross!! Should easily be able to fix that crap.
New patch has totally ruined the player positions. Played the Bulldogs round one as the pies and tom Boyd was on the wing, Redpath back pocket, Dahlhaus CHF and Bont in the ruck. Prettt gross!! Should easily be able to fix that crap.

Just change them back, it will save the positions.
New patch has totally ruined the player positions. Played the Bulldogs round one as the pies and tom Boyd was on the wing, Redpath back pocket, Dahlhaus CHF and Bont in the ruck. Prettt gross!! Should easily be able to fix that crap.

One thing I'd like to see in the future is advanced options to say where players can and cannot play when automatically selected/interchanged.

Simulating matches is just as much fun for me as it is to play the game myself :D. Thought I'd see how the AI played itself on the Xbox. I've noticed on pc that one team usually gets on a run in the first quarter, then it either ends up a goal for goal shoot out, or sometimes one team kicks two goals then the other team kicks two goals. Also wanted to run a few finals matches.

The Hawthorn game was a blow out. But I was surprised that the Adelaide and Swans matches were low scorers (despite the 5 minute quarters!!)
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