AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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Is there anyway for us to prove glenno has the game so we can break the street date?

He's just said that he got it from his shopping centre which is Midland.

Their website will give an indication of stores in that area.

Safe to say it isn't his store. He's mentioned his negative attitude towards GAME and other large retailers such as Big W and Kmart.

I'd start there.

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We haven't sold out, just the pre order bonus has

Also, to all those whinging, i say me getting the game (by chance) is just reward for me helping push the **** off this game

I normally have to sell massive titles all day before going home to play them. This time, i get it before, so everyone can get stuffed :p

Thats pretty rich coming from the guy who has been bagging people out for wanting it early.
As for no-one has stock I know for a FACT that is BS.
Poor Glenno, why would he tell you which of his competitors are selling the game if he doesn't even have any copies to sell yet? If any one of you had your own EB you would do the EXACT same thing as him.

He is trying to make sure his business doesn't suffer, you can't blame a guy for that.

Enjoy the game Glenno, I imagine I'll be seeing you online in the next couple of days mate. :thumbsu:
Glenno, if this other game store in your complex were aware of all the effort you put in and that you freo players coming for launch etc do you think it is a deliberate ploy to disrupt you by this other store?

Pretty funny if it turns out they have broken the release date because of you when you are likely one of the only people who didn't want it broken.
So he could tell EB head office and possibly cause the store that sold it to be fined.


I just want them to stop selling so it doesn't affct my stores sales next week. Onyl Microsoft really fine people

Thats pretty rich coming from the guy who has been bagging people out for wanting it early.
As for no-one has stock I know for a FACT that is BS.

The ironing is delicious ;)
Glenno, if this other game store in your complex were aware of all the effort you put in and that you freo players coming for launch etc do you think it is a deliberate ploy to disrupt you by this other store?

Pretty funny if it turns out they have broken the release date because of you when you are likely one of the only people who didn't want it broken.

Nah. I rekcon they just have NFI

One of the guys who works there has ordered 2 copies through me, and cancelled one copy today

Thats how i found out

And Lyncha, i know some places have stock (obviously) but they aren't selling it

I can confirm that no EB has stock, except for our PS3 bundle copies (which can't be sold, as they are under a special sku to be scanned through with a PS3)

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To all about the pre order bonus, its only sold out for orders between now and release. Anyone that has ordered up until now will get it

I didn't take a copy home, i boughht it off the shelf. I paid my own money for it. But it is very ironic after what i posted last night, don't worry, thats not lost on me!

Its also funny that there has been no other reports of a break anywhere but the centre where i work.

If i had stock to sell, i would tell you where i got it from. But we don't, so why would i give another retailer an advantage?

To those calling me arrogant, get over yourselves. I always have to wait until after everyone else has a game to play it. Ive worked my butt off (as has my team) to get so many orders, i;m just being rewarded for once
So you are saying you bought this game from somewhere in Perth?
he deserves to have the game, and he is a highly respected member on here, and seems older then 15 so he isnt lieing.....

Ok when i first posted the info of the game being in stock. I knew i was going to get smashed. When i rang EB the guy said they have the copy, after all the hate posts i rang again and asked the same questions. The new guy answerd not in stock! I then said but my mate rang and a guy said they have it:eek:
lol this is all really gay, I'm going to get drunk and watch the footy, I'll check back tomorrow sometime for more of the insult replies, and the funny as **** comments been happening tonight!

Congrats on getting it early Glenno, You deserve it completely, But I'd rather you have kept it too yourself about getting it from another store, I do now hope street date gets broken tomorrow as I'm sure people will be asking around all over there.

For your stores best interest, and to not break street date, Don't you think it'd have been a much smarter decision to just NOT go online with the game and hope it doesn't get broken? You've pretty much just broken it for us.

Not a very wise move from a Manager, But I still thank you for what you've done to help Ross and his team out with sales.

Bring on tomorrow street date breaking! :heart:
Assume Glenno got it from his centre in W.A , wouldn't have thought it was too hard for people to work out the stores in that centre and put the pressure on.
From Whirlpool:

Ok so finally you guys can stop the speculating. There is no strict date. Shops in WA got it today and sold it today. I asked about the date restriction and none of the places said it had a note/embargo.

Thing is the stores are target and kmart and they got little stock. I am assuming other states should have it tomorrow.

Did you pick it up then?


edit: just to add, I could not buy this from my regular supplier. So I had to go to the shop like a normal person.
lol this is all really gay, I'm going to get drunk and watch the footy, I'll check back tomorrow sometime for more of the insult replies, and the funny as **** comments been happening tonight!

Congrats on getting it early Glenno, You deserve it completely, But I'd rather you have kept it too yourself about getting it from another store, I do now hope street date gets broken tomorrow as I'm sure people will be asking around all over there.

For your stores best interest, and to not break street date, Don't you think it'd have been a much smarter decision to just NOT go online with the game and hope it doesn't get broken? You've pretty much just broken it for us.

Not a very wise move from a Manager, But I still thank you for what you've done to help Ross and his team out with sales.

Bring on tomorrow street date breaking! :heart:

don't wanna sound like smartarse but how many times do people need to be told. Glenno has said he can confirm that EB have not recieved stock. so assuming most of us have ordered thru EB, even if the date is broken we wont be getting it tomorrow anyway
lol this is all really gay, I'm going to get drunk and watch the footy, I'll check back tomorrow sometime for more of the insult replies, and the funny as **** comments been happening tonight!

Congrats on getting it early Glenno, You deserve it completely, But I'd rather you have kept it too yourself about getting it from another store, I do now hope street date gets broken tomorrow as I'm sure people will be asking around all over there.

For your stores best interest, and to not break street date, Don't you think it'd have been a much smarter decision to just NOT go online with the game and hope it doesn't get broken? You've pretty much just broken it for us.

Not a very wise move from a Manager, But I still thank you for what you've done to help Ross and his team out with sales.

Bring on tomorrow street date breaking! :heart:

yeah, maybe i should, but i thought some people would be happy that a copy is out there, it means a street date break is highly likely and again i see the irony that i ended up with a copy after what i posted last night.

It was meant to be :)

I also like to be honest and not keep it to myself

It won't be broken tomorrow, I think Tuesday is likely pending stock deliveries
Again more BS I know for a fact of 2 EB's here in Vic that have stock.
Sorry but you only have yourself to blame for this backlash.
If you had of just kept it to yourself people wouldn't be so pissed off.

Whatever my good man. The stock those EB stores is not the sale stock for next week

Whether you want to believe me or not is of little importance. I know after 4 years of how our system works in regards to stock shipping out at it dissapears from our coming soon esection and into our stock receiving section

Fact is, i did more orders today through the CS section and it was still there, so as a chain, it is yet to ship

Yes, it looks as though i shoulda kept it to myself, but hindsight is a wonderful thing
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