AFL wanting fan feedback on rule changes

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all this fuss about interchange!

i think a long time ago there wasnt even an interchange bench in australian rules football... because of americanisation with american rules they allowed as many rotations as possible

imagine if all those whiney little brats played without substitutes on the weekend?

ps - for those who dont know: i played without subs for a game of touch rugby once, i was puking my guts out. all this goddamn rotation bs is a luxury

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Something needs to be done about us - the Fans and members having a say of what happens in our game.

AFL consults clubs and makes a decision

When do we get our chance?

The AFL commission needs to have a member that liases with the clubs members or something like this.

I think I will start a thread and see if we can start something like this.

AFL are very sneaky, and have $$$$ when making decisions.
Sack whoever is pushing these rule changes!!!
We will never have a perfect game and we like it that way!!
Create a Poll someone!!

This is from wikipedia about who is on the rules committee

"The AFL rules committee or "Laws of the Game" committee currently manage the Laws of the Game. Current members of the committee include former VFL/AFL players Kevin Bartlett, Brendon Gale, Andrew McKay and Michael Sexton.[2]
Matthew Pavlich is the only current player on the committee.[3] Nathan Buckley controversially resigned in 2007 due to apparent disagreement with the frequent changes made by the committee, citing that he did not want his name to be associated with the changes.[4] Since Buckley's retirement and resignation, Luke Darcy has joined the committee in 2008. Leigh Matthews joined the committee in 2009.[5] Adrian Anderson is chair of the committee and other members include Rowan Sawers.
The committee has managed to make large changes to the game in recent years through the introduction of "interpretations", unofficial rules which are enforced by AFL umpires manager Jeff Gieschen, however the AFL Umpires Association is not represented on the committee"
The best solution for the post issue would be to get a 2nd umpire or some sort of video technology assistance.

A goal is when the ball cleanly passes between the two sticks and it should stay that way - it's already a big target with an unlimited height. No comparison to soccer where the ball just needs to cross the line even if it's off a post, or result of a defender or goalie error etc.

Allowing a goal off the post would dramatically cheapen the skill level required to kick a goal. We already have enough cheap goals as it is, courtesy of endless 50 metre penalties and easy coast to coast goals from the quick kick in.

Imagine a shanked Travis Cloke kick, which wobbles through off the woodwork, deciding a game but is accepted because of that rubbish rule? No thanks.

Also I agree with the above post. The fans should get a say in rule changes but they won't. The AFL will say they did with the poll on AFL site but that's just political bullshit. The results won't affect their decision one bit.

The fans, the coaches, the players, etc have no say in the what our game is becoming and changes regarding rules. The AFL wouldn't exist without these major stakeholders.
Absolute tosh, the lot of it.

That proposed idea of allowing a goal even if it hits the posts is a abject disgrace.
What's next? You'll be allowed to handball it through for a goal? FFS! :rolleyes:
Maybe we can even just use a round ball instead! :eek:

This is the problem when you have egotistical journos and overpaid hacks sitting in offices coming up with hare-brained ideas to justify their pay packets in order to remain on the AFL 'industry' gravy train and carry on this idea that they are bigger than the game itself.
It's been increasingly giving me the shits for years and I'm starting to find my interest in the sport is getting less and less by the year.

The game has been evolving for over 150 years, lets just keep it that way.
It's not supposed to be all neat and perfect.
I wish they would just leave the game alone

The amount of rule changes over the past few years has been ridiculous as it is.

Name one other sport that has had 7 rule changes over its most recent off season!

If you didn't know any better, you'd think this game was only 10 years old instead of well over 100.

LEAVE THE GAME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
look, the afl has gone stale, its the same old boring comp its been for a while, if you didnt live in melbourne, adelaide or perth you would know that

there is some serious need of reinvigoration of the sport or even diehards will find it the most boring sport to watch

even i find it embarrassing to encourage sydneysiders or friends from overseas to watch the sport because its embarrassing to know what the hell is so great; even this "game of the season" between geelong vs collingwood, and if you turned off the volume for the game on saturday it was a pretty bland experience.

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AFL wanting fan feedback on rule changes

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