Hi friends,
I know the season is over for a lot of you this weekend, so I thought I should provide some more distractions.
After the release of the 40 'man' extended squad, the 22under22 has had the chaff sorted from the wheat leaving us with the best 22 players under 22 years of age in the league, as voted by the public.
You'd be pretty worried if you were a rebuilding club and didn't have at least two players on this list.
Our own Might Geelong Cats feature Oliver Dempsey and Max Holmes, with Lawson Humphries cruelly denied on a technicality and Tanner Bruhn cruelly denied by injury (and form)
Read more about how exciting (or not) your youf is here.
I know the season is over for a lot of you this weekend, so I thought I should provide some more distractions.
After the release of the 40 'man' extended squad, the 22under22 has had the chaff sorted from the wheat leaving us with the best 22 players under 22 years of age in the league, as voted by the public.
You'd be pretty worried if you were a rebuilding club and didn't have at least two players on this list.
Our own Might Geelong Cats feature Oliver Dempsey and Max Holmes, with Lawson Humphries cruelly denied on a technicality and Tanner Bruhn cruelly denied by injury (and form)
Read more about how exciting (or not) your youf is here.