Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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I can’t believe he is only 48
His fake doctor selling quack supplements must be supplying Jones with the same stuff
Bloke is just a televangelist now, with every ounce of his being devoted to wringing every last cent out of his adoring rubes. Lots of talk about god, how aligned he is with god etc.

Had this podcast on in the background the last few weeks at work

The hosts are pretty cringe but it's worth it just for the clips from Jones' program highlighting whatever utter insanity he's currently banging on about, genuinely hilarious. Latest shtick is he spent a few days losing the plot on air, saying we're all gonna die (from the vax), the world is cooked, whats the point etc. and threatening to leave broadcasting. Luckily (lol), he eventually pulled himself together and declared he will keep fighting, selflessly devoting himself to battling the evil deepstate globalists - and would even have to disappoint his daughter who he promised he would take to an amusement park, but can't now coz he's too busy battling the forces of evil (I am not making this up :tearsofjoy:)

Of course, this was all hastily followed by a solid few days of plugging his products and requesting people just flat out donate to the cause. Fighting the deepstate globalists is expensive :tearsofjoy:

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Bloke is just a televangelist now, with every ounce of his being devoted to wringing every last cent out of his adoring rubes. Lots of talk about god, how aligned he is with god etc.

Had this podcast on in the background the last few weeks at work

The hosts are pretty cringe but it's worth it just for the clips from Jones' program highlighting whatever utter insanity he's currently banging on about, genuinely hilarious. Latest shtick is he spent a few days losing the plot on air, saying we're all gonna die (from the vax), the world is cooked, whats the point etc. and threatening to leave broadcasting. Luckily (lol), he eventually pulled himself together and declared he will keep fighting, selflessly devoting himself to battling the evil deepstate globalists - and would even have to disappoint his daughter who he promised he would take to an amusement park, but can't now coz he's too busy battling the forces of evil (I am not making this up :tearsofjoy:)

Of course, this was all hastily followed by a solid few days of plugging his products and requesting people just flat out donate to the cause. Fighting the deepstate globalists is expensive :tearsofjoy:

I remember Alex also saying that "they" were going to kill us all with the swine flu vaccine. He didn't bang on about God back then. I hate to think what his show is like now.
I haven't listened to this guy for a while, he went off the deep(er) end around the time Trump was running/elected President. Plus the whole school shooting is a hoax/crisis actors thing.

But I did watch/listen to one of his appearances on the Joe Rogan show and I thought it was a far better example of him than he presents on his own show. The problem with him is left unmoderated he goes off on ridiculous tangents and works himself into a frenzy which I guess his audience loves but doesn't provide much room for info or discussion. But having someone like Rogan able to stop and say, "hang on, go back, stay on that track, explain what you mean" makes him much more palatable.

Doesn't seem like he ended up being controlled opposition either considering he's been blackballed by the social media giants.
One of the guys on the Knowledge Fight podcast was in the latest deposition in December with Jones and his producer Daria Karpova. Jones starts around 34 mins.

Its incredible stuff. Obviously Jones very rarely finds himself in a spot where he's not controlling the conversation, has to stick only to facts and answer straight questions - its the complete and utter trainwreck you'd expect. Highlights include Jones dropping into his ranty show mode when attempting to answer a question then not being able to identify the question he was just asked, being reminded that the jury will be shown videos of him unequivocally saying Sandy Hook was fake when he states he's never said that, and Karpova never having watched the videos they're being sued about producing (the lawsuits were lodged in 2018 :tearsofjoy:)

Just an absolute garbage human running an absolute garbage operation.

The additional sanctions came after parents complained that a deposition that took place in December involving “InfoWars” producer Daria Karpova amounted to a “farce” after Karpova failed to adequately prepare for and answer questions, the American-Statesman reported.
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Man, his site has some great comedy sometimes:

Venom Theory: Is Covid-19 Being Spread Via Drinking Water?

Summarizing his theory, Dr. Ardis said, “They are using Krait venom and Cobra venom, calling it Covid-19, you’re drinking it, it’s getting into your brainstem and it’s paralyzing your diaphragm’s ability to breathe.”

Cobra venom in the water is causing Covid-19? I've been laughing ever since I read it.
Man, his site has some great comedy sometimes:

Venom Theory: Is Covid-19 Being Spread Via Drinking Water?

Cobra venom in the water is causing Covid-19? I've been laughing ever since I read it.
Sometimes? Its non-stop, wall to wall comedy 24/7.

Been enjoying Alex's coverage of Putin's war over the last few months. Some highlights;
  • Putin most honest world leader in history
  • Russia will meet virtually no resistance and the war will be over in 48 hours
  • Key elements of Ukraine's military and government have been bought off and Zelensky is a double agent for Putin

Jones is one of the greatest clowns in world history, has luminaries like Bozo and Bip well covered :tearsofjoy:

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That means the COVID vaccines failed to kill us. The ones he claimed Gates designed to depopulate the world. 🤣
Bit disappointing, $4M doesn't even touch the sides. Was gifted $8M in bitcoin by an anonymous benefactor a few months back.

But watch him grift like a mother****er off this, he'll be back on his show pleading with his rube audience to buy his vitamins or flat out donate to keep the operation afloat. This will actually be a net positive for him I reckon :rolleyes:

Hopefully he gets a proper hiding in the Connecticut case still to come, although you'd assume it might be around the same.
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Bit disappointing, $4M doesn't even touch the sides. Was gifted $8M in bitcoin by an anonymous benefactor a few months back.

But watch him grift like a mother****er off this, he'll be back on his show pleading with his rube audience to buy his vitamins or flat out donate to keep the operation afloat. This will actually be a net positive for him I reckon :rolleyes:

Hopefully he gets a proper hiding in the Connecticut case still to come, although you'd assume it might be around the same.

IRS better be assessing that as income and sending him a bill for 2m tax.
Wonder who's stupid enough to pay top dollar for his supplements. They've been independently tested and found to be no different to any other supplements around on the market.
A lot of stupid people around.
But I never knew there was this many of them until the last two years.

I reckon I come across this nutjob around 20 years ago.
I'd work at night for a number of hours back then and had some spare time and would either listen to music or simply download interviews, audio files of many topics off the internet and put mp3 and wma files etc. on my mp3 player before I went to work so I had 3 to 4 hours of music or anything audio to entertain myself whilst working, mostly by myself. Must have been not long after September 11, 2001 as at one point I was listening to various audio files off internet of some of the weird circumstances of that period and in related topic I remember the name Alex Jones was on some interview. I must have downloaded it but doubt I got through more than 15 minutes of it before listening to the sheer manic lunacy of way he talked and did not bother with the rest as was instant nutjob for me.

It crazy to think that nutjob had millions follow him and buy stuff from whatever radio shows he ran in last two decades. I mean there plenty of weird people in world that into various nutty religions, flat earthers, doomsdayers , satan worshippers etc etc but I tend to always think of them as small groups of people that do their bible study nights and whatever else these types fill in their time with on these hobbies.
FMD, 2020's has really been the decade of nutjobs in large numbers everywhere.

If I thought things like the KKK and Hitler's followers could happen again in the 2000's with people I would have been shocked.
But in 2022 I no longer shocked. The Nutjob decade we are in.

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Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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