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Originally posted by Spidergirl~RiCkChiCk
what is the point of saying how r u to someone who u dont even give a **** about? We are supposed to say it at work but i never do unless they ask me as its fake and salesman like!

Okay, then what's the point in saying hello, to someone you don't even like?

Besides, if I say 'How are you?" to someone I don't really like, I expect an answer. Maybe, just maybe they will say "I feel like ****" "My life is crap" and I can think smugly to myself, Yes! Suffer you bastard.:D

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My pet hate is that alleged language - US English.

There is no such thing. There is English, then there is English for American people who can't spell, commonly known as US English.

Recognize? I don't recognise that spelling as being correct.
Color? Spelt colour last time I checked.
Speaking of which, last time I checked, you couldn't cash a check, but you could cash a cheque.
Originally posted by Bee

Besides, if I say 'How are you?" to someone I don't really like, I expect an answer. Maybe, just maybe they will say "I feel like ****" "My life is crap" and I can think smugly to myself, Yes! Suffer you bastard.:D

Hey! Look at that I can say "Bastard". Didn't that used to be in the swear filter?
Four pages in and the most asinine Americanism hasn't surface.

My ass!..or My butt.

LOATHE them both.

We have two wonderful words to describe the derriere none more perfect than 'arse'.

It simply rolls of the tongue, arse... Kiss my a.. my fat a...pure a... scratching me ARSE!!

Failing that bum. A bum is a backside... not a dero What a bum she has.. look at that bum.. Ive got a sore b.... :p

Strangely while arse is more predominant a male expression in that connotation to it are usually in the negative.

Bum can be used 'in the female' form (as it were) to illustrate a thing of beauty or something to be admired.

Or really you can just sit around on yer big fat bum and type dribble on the internet. ;)

God I hate hearing that. it's used by uneducated rude teenagers a lot. Especially girls.

Really makes my blood boil when I hear it.
Agree Grendel. I hate the word butt too. One of the best sayings has to be "kiss my arse". It doesn't sound quite right with "kiss my butt". Or, how about "you don't know your arse from your elbow". That doesn't sound as good with "you don't know your butt from your elbow". :D
Originally posted by Frosties_Flank

God I hate hearing that. it's used by uneducated rude teenagers a lot. Especially girls.

Really makes my blood boil when I hear it.

I hate the term 'whatever' with a passion, in the past I've had a couple of girlfriends just fire off a 'whatever' when they can't be bothered listening/talking/arguing their position on something. It's the height of rudeness responding with a 'whatever', shows that they can't even be bothered thinking of something to say or put forward and think that a lame 'whatever' can cover for that...

That's one word that drives me up the wall!
Originally posted by Frosties_Flank

God I hate hearing that. it's used by uneducated rude teenagers a lot. Especially girls.

Really makes my blood boil when I hear it.

Yes, that truely is the one of the worst things you'll ever hear and you tend to hear it alot around here. I think must live near a SMG fan club or something dagnabit. :mad:
Originally posted by Sydneyfan
I hate the term 'whatever' with a passion, in the past I've had a couple of girlfriends just fire off a 'whatever' when they can't be bothered listening/talking/arguing their position on something. It's the height of rudeness responding with a 'whatever', shows that they can't even be bothered thinking of something to say or put forward and think that a lame 'whatever' can cover for that...

That's one word that drives me up the wall!

You cant fight a "whatever". I have tried and it's a waste of time.

I just nod my head and walk away these days.
Originally posted by Grendel
Four pages in and the most asinine Americanism hasn't surface.

My ass!..or My butt.

LOATHE them both.

We have two wonderful words to describe the derriere none more perfect than 'arse'.

It simply rolls of the tongue, arse... Kiss my a.. my fat a...pure a... scratching me ARSE!!

Failing that bum. A bum is a backside... not a dero What a bum she has.. look at that bum.. Ive got a sore b.... :p

Strangely while arse is more predominant a male expression in that connotation to it are usually in the negative.

Bum can be used 'in the female' form (as it were) to illustrate a thing of beauty or something to be admired.

Or really you can just sit around on yer big fat bum and type dribble on the internet. ;)

I'm quite fond of butt and ass

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I have to agree with whoever it was who get's annoyed with the Australian "How are you" that doesn't expect an answer. I notice it happening, but I'm still not used to ignoring the question like I'm apparently supposed to. It drives me insane when someone asks "How are you?" and I answer "Good thankyou, how are you?" and they start talking about something else without bothering to answer. It happens all too often, and makes me feel like an idiot for answering as if the question was actually enquiring about something. Also those who ask you "how are you" while they're walking past, and the avert their eyes, so that if you answer, they don't hear you anyway.

What about the presentation of the American language, particularly young girls that has best been described as a faux croak. Particularly towards the end of the sentence the voice becomes a croak.

Think of 90210 Kelly, the youngest one in that show of the 5 orphans????

It annoys the crap out of me.
Originally posted by Frosties_Flank
You cant fight a "whatever". I have tried and it's a waste of time.

I just nod my head and walk away these days.

Saying whatever is like putting your hand up into someone's face while they are talking. It almost make me want to go the knuckle.
You CAN fight 'whatever' if the person (and yea it is generally a younger female) that uses the term towards you is reasonably well known by you. It doesnt work on strangers though.

Simply when the term is used say 'Fine, you are obviously not interested in anything I have to say to you so I wont say anything'. Then dont ever speak to that person again (or at least until they apologise a week or so later when they have completly forgotten the reason why you are refusing to even acknowledge their exsistance).

Well it worked for me on my God-daughter at least! :)
The non-response 'howareya?' is deifnitely a guy thing. I reckon 90% of all times I serve a male under the age of 30, the conversation goes like this:


And that's it.
Originally posted by Stealth bomber
You know the whole reason why we bastardized the English language was to annoy the Poms.

Which makes it rather surprising that you haven't done it yet.

Yes it really upset us as well, but as far as you're concerned I'm not a pom but a limey.

But are you a sherman or a septic that's the question.
Originally posted by Squeak
The non-response 'howareya?' is deifnitely a guy thing. I reckon 90% of all times I serve a male under the age of 30, the conversation goes like this:


And that's it.

Yep. With this thread in mind I tried it a few times at work yesterday.

Four howareyas from me (initiating the greeting).

Four howareyas in reply.
Originally posted by Bee
Well I don't know who you've been talking to. But when someone asks me "how are you" I usually respond will "well, thanks. How are you?" See, I 've answered their question and returned the courtesy. Just good manners.
Whereas "have a nice day" is programmed bull**** from robots who work behind a shop counter. Not their fault, obviously told to do it by their employee. Doesn't make it any more tolerable though.

Based on you way of thinking we should address people with exactly what's on our mind, so the next time I say goodbye to someone like you I'll just say "**** off you awnry bitch"....."have a nice day"
Originally posted by Bee
Whereas "have a nice day" is programmed bull**** from robots who work behind a shop counter. Not their fault, obviously told to do it by their employee. Doesn't make it any more tolerable though.

Most of the time I would agree but when serving a customer who has an angry irate attitude there is nothing better than looking at them with a smile and saying 'Have a Nice Day' and knowing that it just ****es them off even more or makes them realise what an idiot they've been with the attitude they had.......;)
Originally posted by USFootyFan
Based on you way of thinking we should address people with exactly what's on our mind, so the next time I say goodbye to someone like you I'll just say "**** off you awnry bitch"....."have a nice day"

Oh for ****'s sake! What's wrong, have I insulted your fragile American ego?
Have a nice day is banal, insincere and total crap. It's what I think and you won't change my mind on it.
Call me what you want. I don't give a flying ****. But please tell me what 'awnry' mean. I mean if you are going to call me names at least use real words. Or is that another 'Americanism' that means bugger all?:rolleyes:

Now you have a nice day. And I mean that sincerely, really I do!

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