Competitions Anonymous Lock Competition

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Round 12 Results

arrowman - Brisbane (St K, Ess, Geel, GWS, Syd, Frem, WCE, Adel, WB, Port, Rich)

jenny61_99 - Adelaide (Bris, Carl, Ess, GWS, Melb, Port, Geel, Syd, WB, Rich, GC)

MatthewB - Sydney (GC, Carl, Ess, Bris, Melb, Frem, Geel, Adel, WB, Rich, Port)

We have a winner!

Congratulations to MatthewB on stringing together 12 consecutive correct selections and taking out the prize.

MatthewB joins the luminaries below:

Hall of Fame
16 correct selections - dude316
13 - skam85
12* - MatthewB
10 - fabs33
6 - GreyCrow

*Our new competition will start in another thread but for shits and giggles, I'll leave this thread unlocked and MatthewB you can keep selecting to see how many correct picks in a row you can make. No one has made it to the magical Perfect 18 though The Dude came close.
Congrats MatthewB welcome to the hall of fame.

Us hall of famers have a big event coming up in a couple of weeks. You can come instead of Greycrow. He usually falls asleep during my speech.
That's because you schedule it at 4pm

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