Another US mass shooting

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The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.
That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.
“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

Did the school stuff up?

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From memory aren’t ‘most’ Americans in favour of better gun control? Just between the NRA’s outsized influence and their shitty electoral system it doesn’t actually matter what the majority want?
The yanks I talk to and work with are almost all in favour of some forms of gun controls eg. licenses, training, minimum ages, checks, storage, maximum quantities no mods but at the same time they want access to guns as in their mind - the crims won't hand theirs back. A couple we know who would be Sanders voters have loaded M4s in a safe in their bed room (finger print and code) as there have been violent crimes in their area and they won't wait for police. (They are both Marines) Their kids have been trained to never go near guns and to report anyone who talks about wanting them.

However some are just nutters like one guy who showed off the hidden pistol holsters in his car for driver and all passengers including kids (all with loaded Glocks) - he said it was to deal with car jackers but you could tell from his attitude it was pride and ego. Kids are at least trained and only mum and dad could enter code to release the guns.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.
That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.
“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

Did the school stuff up?
guessing they stuffed around working out what to do...

On SM-A136B using mobile app
Their kids have been trained to never go near guns

Hilarious people think this has any deterrent factor at all.

Remember when you were a kid? Do you think you would have listened to 'don't play with daddy's guns?"

The instant Dads out of the house, I'm mucking around with them.

Maybe that's just me though, but I reckon most kids (boys especially) would be in the same boat.
We lived in the bush and us 3 boys were all trained on how to use Dad's .22 that was stashed in Mum's dress cupboard
Ammo was below in the pantyhose drawer - was always empty

Never used it as Pa had a pellet gun we could use at his farm whenever we liked as long as he was supervising which we'd use to learn on with cans or milk cartons on the fence post (and putting the odd hole in Grandma's camellias or daffodils)
Hilarious people think this has any deterrent factor at all.

Remember when you were a kid? Do you think you would have listened to 'don't play with daddy's guns?"

The instant Dads out of the house, I'm mucking around with them.

Maybe that's just me though, but I reckon most kids (boys especially) would be in the same boat.

All guns should be in a locked gun safe, which is bolted to floor imo.
Mental Health mandatory reporting to a weapons licensing Federal Department.
What's your problem? They have to show ID man. And no cash is a pretty strong safeguard too. What more do you want?

In before someone buys bullets from the vending machine to load their gun and rob the store the machine is in.
Shoot machine to open it up to get more ammo
Sadly nothing will alter.
The NRA would rathers innocent children and adults get killed than give up their guns.
The Republican party will continue to except blood money from the NRA
Thought both parties get nra blood money (republicans just get more or more as a proportion of their total donations)

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The surviving school kids want more than 2 school days off to recover from the shooting tragedy

Im surprised jd vance hasnt tried to get this petition cancelled after his comments
I’d support one of the kids revenge killing the head of the nra. Yes I ****ing went there’s kill the ****ers in that terrorist organisation.
The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.
That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.
“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

Did the school stuff up?
If I remember correctly, two of the people shot and killed were teachers.

Why blame the school or the teachers.

Maybe if the mother had taken responsibily of her child and the family's guns and rung the police to get a 'proper' response with people trained to deal with armed offenders with access to negotiators and bullet proof jackets

But it's always the school's or teacher's fault
If I remember correctly, two of the people shot and killed were teachers.

Why blame the school or the teachers.

Maybe if the mother had taken responsibily of her child and the family's guns and rung the police to get a 'proper' response with people trained to deal with armed offenders with access to negotiators and bullet proof jackets

But it's always the school's or teacher's fault
Father and mother separated
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The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.
That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.
“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

Did the school stuff up?

Everyone f**ked up.

1. School ignores the warnings
2. The School and Cops did pretty much nothing after investigating threats the year before. Despite huge red flags.
3. Dad buys his son a gun, after he was investigated for threats.
4. The state of Georgia has one of the weakest gun laws in the country, so the Government can also be counted as a F up.

Just on 3. This is why the Dad has been charged. No slippery slope here like some think. If your son threatens to shoot up a school, and you buy him a gun anyway as a gift for xmas. Then stiff s**t, you're as culpable.
The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.
That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.
“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

Did the school stuff up?
Apparently The school acted on it, tried to find him but were too late.

Not really much they could probably do until he starts actually firing.
Apparently The school acted on it, tried to find him but were too late.

Not really much they could probably do until he starts actually firing.
30 minutes between the call and shooting though. Plenty of time to notify law enforcement. But I guess it depends how specific she was in reference to "extreme emergency"? The school can only do so much if she said simple mental health issue, thus we not aware he was armed and dangerous. Just simply needed a welfare check.
30 minutes between the call and shooting though. Plenty of time to notify law enforcement. But I guess it depends how specific she was in reference to "extreme emergency"? The school can only do so much if she said simple mental health issue, thus we not aware he was armed and dangerous. Just simply needed a welfare check.
Notify law enforcement? They had armed guards on-site already. It's 'Merica, they have armed guards in many schools.

So even with people with guns on-site and a mother giving them a 30 minute warning. They were still useless.

And instead of any of the root causes at all, they'll spend thousands of hours trawling over these aspects as if they could prevent it next time and in every other school.
Notify law enforcement? They had armed guards on-site already. It's 'Merica, they have armed guards in many schools.

So even with people with guns on-site and a mother giving them a 30 minute warning. They were still useless.

And instead of any of the root causes at all, they'll spend thousands of hours trawling over these aspects as if they could prevent it next time and in every other school.
There was no mention of that school having armed guards though. Whilst they may be common, there is still a high percentile with out them.

That school in Georgia did equip teachers with a panic button though, which places the school automatically in lock down, and notifies cops. So that likely saved a few lives. Obviously you want to prevent the shooting even happening at all ideally.

Anyway you missed the point of my post. I was highlighting what the definition of "extreme emergency" was exactly? The school can only go by with what the Mum told them exactly. All media outlets being very vague and not sharing much details about the so called text exchange. If the Mum knew he was armed and headed to a school, she should have flat out said they have a potential shooter on the way, not be fk'n cryptic with her choice of words. "extreme emergency" could mean countless things.
A couple we know who would be Sanders voters have loaded M4s in a safe in their bed room (finger print and code) as there have been violent crimes in their area and they won't wait for police. (They are both Marines)

On this, from memory aren't you more likely to be shot if you own a gun? Usually by your own?

In this specific situation I'd assume that the couple actually has suitable training to respond in an emergency situation involving a firearm, for most people you're better off not drawing your gun and just handing over the valuables rather than escalating the situation.

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Another US mass shooting

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