Modern TV commentators are briefed on entertainment and to keep it interesting even if the game is a blowout. So, we get a lot of unnecessary waffle. The world of footy commentary is littered with horrible cliches that do nothing but serve as bait for remote controls to get thrown through your brand-new 65-inch Samsung smart TV screen. I grew up in era where the radio call was the most important for me...they made the most of the excitement a champion full forward would bring to the game. Somehow they brought the atmosphere of the game into your living room. These days on TV it's all about analysis overload and technicalities the average footy fan doesn't really care about. They hire special comments people who have the time to think up something insightful, and then say something dumb anyway. The only thing Footy fans care about is, who on their team has the ball and how many times they kick it or handball it to a teammate and will that result in a goal?