Competition Australian Basketball Association - Draft Thread - Commences 9am 6/1/21

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Aug 21, 2007
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
Aston Villa, San Antonio Spurs
Welcome to the ABA Draft!

Good luck to all participants. I've run a few similar drafts before but this is the first time i've run multiple rounds with all options in play each round, so it promises to be a lot of fun.

You'll be designing a basketball team including a white based home uniform, colour based away uniform and a logo you've designed yourself. All will be included in 1 image, as per last season. The only design guidelines are that you must put the ABA logo on the left shoulder and right hip. Manufacturer logos can go wherever you want.

I'm going to give people a lot of freedom in terms of display. The only thing you're required to display is the front view of the each jersey, but you can display back views, shorts, socks and accessories as you please.


The colour you choose will be your team's primary colour. It will need to be the base of your away uniform and the most prominent colour apart from white on your home uniform. Secondary colours are totally up to you. I'm not going to specify shades, but please try to stick to your selected colour, I don't want to see metallic gold if you pick yellow, for example, and I don't want your purple to be too blue.


Your team is to be located within the boundaries of your selected location, however it doesn't have to be named exactly what is listed on the board. It could be named after the city itself, the state, the region, or even a prominent suburb. For example, the Hobart side could be "Hobart" or "Tasmania". Both Melbourne sides could be called "Melbourne", with different nicknames. Similarly, both Sydney sides could be called "Sydney", but the Western Sydney side can't be called "Sydney City", or "Bondi". If you're unsure, send me a message to ask.


The nickname you select is your nickname. No variations on it. You must base the theme of your identity around your selected nickname. I don't want to see people pick Echidnas then have no reference to Echidnas in their logo/wordmark/uniform etc.

The Draft:

We have 12 participants, starting with Moosen . The draft does not snake, the order will remain the same over the 3 rounds.

Over the 3 rounds of the draft, you are required to pick 1 colour, 1 location and 1 nickname. Nobody pick 2 colours please, just one of each. What round you pick each option is totally up to you.

You have a maximum of 24 hours to make your pick from the time you are tagged, after which it goes to the next person on the list. If you don't pick within that timeframe and people after you on the list start making selections, you can select whenever you get to the thread.

If you mess up a selection ie pick something that has already been selected, your pick is invalid and you'll be required to pick again from whatever is remaining when you realised you've messed up.

When you have drafted, can you please tag the next person on the list so they are aware it's their pick. I'll periodically repost the list of what is remaining in each category, but the onus is on you to ensure that what you're selecting is still available and your pick is valid.

I'll adjudicate on any disputes, but it's pretty straightforward.

The Draft Order:
  1. Moosen - Seahorses - Red - Brisbane
  2. TheDoctor11 - Cobras - Green - Adelaide
  3. Rioli8217 - Spider Crabs - Orange - Melbourne South/East
  4. BringBackTheAnchor - Platypuses - Aqua - Sydney City/Beaches
  5. just_kick_it - Yetis - Maroon - Hobart
  6. Muggsy26 - Cassowaries - Royal - Perth
  7. magpienato - Echidnas - Navy - Canberra
  8. Barrybran - Frillnecks - North QLD - Sky Blue
  9. caloschwaby -Pangolins - Yellow - Melbourne North/West
  10. craegus - Axolotl - Gold Coast - Punk, Pink, Pink
  11. fancyscum - Black - Regional NSW - Donkeys
  12. El_Scorcho - Purple - Shoebills - Western Sydney

The available options:

Remember after 3 rounds you need to select 1 option from each column. I'll try to cross off the options as they are selected, but it's your responsibility to make sure what you're selecting is still available.


Gold Coast
Melbourne North/West
Melbourne South/East
North QLD
Regional NSW
Sydney City/Beaches
Western Sydney

Spider Crabs

The draft commences on Wednesday morning 6/1/21 at 9.00am. Moosen can make his selection and tag the next drafter at that time.

Good luck!
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Oh yay, just as I predicted.

In the one competition where the sport is of no real interest to me, and the only reason I entered was to help with numbers, I get a horrible draft position.


So unless trades for position are possible (I guess they are not) or I get really lucky (which is not going to happen) I am not foreseeing a strong entry on my end, so expect an easy win against me folks.
Oh yay, just as I predicted.

In the one competition where the sport is of no real interest to me, and the only reason I entered was to help with numbers, I get a horrible draft position.


So unless trades for position are possible (I guess they are not) or I get really lucky (which is not going to happen) I am not foreseeing a strong entry on my end, so expect an easy win against me folks.

I see you're busy preparing your designs already...


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I see you're busy preparing your designs already...


Nope, I have not started working on anything, there is no point until you know at least some of the branding, I just have done some pre draft research into potential logo designs for trying to get some inspiration.

From that, lets just say it wasn't a long list of ideas.
Oh yay, just as I predicted.

In the one competition where the sport is of no real interest to me, and the only reason I entered was to help with numbers, I get a horrible draft position.


So unless trades for position are possible (I guess they are not) or I get really lucky (which is not going to happen) I am not foreseeing a strong entry on my end, so expect an easy win against me folks.

I'll allow post draft trades if anyone can get anything done.

In any case, I'm certain one of the board's top designers will be able to make whatever they select work 😉
In any case, I'm certain one of the board's top designers will be able to make whatever they select work 😉

You know how much I hate doing logos as it is, and I can guarantee that even with having to design the logo for this that it will 100% not be all my own work (some percentage will be modified from something that already exists in some form (as do the majority of the logos I use on here are).

So with that some of these nicknames are 100% impossible for me to create or even source properly, so, no this person will not be able to work with whatever they select, or more accurately, will be left with.
The weight of #1 pick is starting to dawn on me.
Colours and place names are easy. I'd suggest looking at the list of nicknames and seeing which one you might suit your level of experience best.

Or ask Craegus which combination he wants and choose your favourite.
Colours and place names are easy. I'd suggest looking at the list of nicknames and seeing which one you might suit your level of experience best.

But is it more important to get your colour or city first over a nickname. Sometimes the brand is dependent on those factors more.

Or ask Craegus which combination he wants and choose your favourite.

Who is to say I have a single combination that I want. I certainly am concerned that certain things may get taken, but I am also not closed off to just one of each category.
But is it more important to get your colour or city first over a nickname. Sometimes the brand is dependent on those factors more.
I'll give you that. I had a fantastic idea lined up until I realised that my animal was not on the list. Probably for the best really.

Who is to say I have a single combination that I want. I certainly am concerned that certain things may get taken, but I am also not closed off to just one of each category.
I imagine you have more combinations lined up than a box trifecta for the Melbourne Cup

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Lets just say that certain categories are less important to my ideas than others. But some are very important.
So you're not up for some Hobart Frillneck action?
Who knows. You will have to wait and see.

I will say though that the first round is probably the most critical to my plans. If draft position trades were possible I would have given up a second round pick for 2 firsts without any worry, and if I had a higher position I would have even added a swap of positions to something later on in round 3 to that as well.
Anyone want to make predictions of the rest of this round while we wait for just_kick_it

Will we see everyone selecting nicknames, or are people going to take a punt and go for cities or colours? What are going to be the likely choices from what remains?

If nicknames get taken with the first 11 picks, I'll take a location or colour to go with the nickname that is left for me given that nobody else can take the last nickname. The one advantage of last pick.

I've (somehow) ended up with the last pick in the last few comps I've run with a draft and I've always had a workable concept.

I specifically tried to pick animals that weren't closely tied to a colour scheme but I guess you could end up with the Gold Coast Yetis wearing Orange or something like that which would be more difficult to work.

It might be worth taking a more versatile colour (like black) in the first round so whatever nickname you end up with, you can make it work.

I'd expect most people to be planning to go nickname > colour > location but I don't think it will be uniformly split like that across the rounds.

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Competition Australian Basketball Association - Draft Thread - Commences 9am 6/1/21

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